Monday, December 24, 2007

Sometimes people will ask what are you laughing at? And think, its not even funny, what they think you're laughing at. But maybe cuz they really dont know what you're laughing at. Anyway laughing doesnt have to mean something is funny... right?

Sometimes i just laugh for no reason. Somehow. I'm certainly not crazy. Like seeing someone, then you just feel like laughing.. ok, not laughing out loud, that really seems mad.. just smiling maybe. well, sometimes its becuz im glad to see the person, or just happy that the person exists, because it makes the world a happier place, or at least, my world. There are lots of nice people in the world who's existence should be celebrated [hence the celebration of birthdays] unlike me [i think my birthday should not be celebrated after thinking on the possible purpose of birthday celebrations]. We should celebrate the birthdays of people who make the world a happier, and more worthwhile place to live in. The receivers celebrate. The worthwhile people, celebrated.

ok, that was really random. Anyway, below i shall be thanking people im pretty sure i didnt thank, but i should have and so now i am doing it.

My mom: for tolerating my unceasing annoying behaviour

My dad: for blasting me into reality every now and then

My piano teacher: for being tolerant towards my not practising properly.. and constantly changing and cancelling lessons :/

My brother: for ignoring most of the stuff that's happening all around [which is quite good. easy to just sneak his giant stufftoy present right past him.]

My oldest sister: for being herself

My second sister: for creating imaginations with me

Huiwei the great: for being so great! at comforting people, and talking crap [and acting normal] that makes people laugh XD and being a real like taiwan drama for us to watch C:

XR: for telling stories that make us wait tentatively for the climax that never comes! So exciting! And being a very tolerant person too

Kristy: for being very hyper all the time! And talking rubbish in class when its dam boring :D

Minlu: for being so tolerant towards our evilness.

Chiansai: for the happy christmas eve message [first time got this kind man]

Chaoxiang: for coming down and teaching us everything at shooting clinic and for countless buenos and for bordem curing stuff :O

Joannah: for being very crappy and funny C: and for mental training -_-

Chienwei and slau: for talking to me when nobody else is [ahaha.] for breaking unwanted silences


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