Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shooting Chalet!!

Let's begin with the story of KaiSheng...
They approach...
He runs!
He hides!

But there is no way out....

Nooo.. Nooo!! dont...

But he can never escape from the Hentai!!

We were supposed to meet at 1315h cuz the shuttle bus was gonna arrive at 1330h so i woke up at around 0930h to go buy chicken to marinate[rifle girl's job] and rations for just in case [kinder chocolate! dark chocolate! and chewy sweets]. Then i packed. And then i left the house at 1300h. I got to the bus stop at 1305h and started waiting for 14. Waiting. and waiting. 1307. 1311. 1314. 1319. 1320. and Finally!! at 1323!!! it CAME. ARG. I met kelly on the bus and she'd left the house at 1315 -_-. We got to tanah merah mrt at 1329!!! But we had to cross over to the other side to get to the shuttle bus so we missed it!!! Cuz the horrible uncle doesn't wait for people... XR, yuyan, jiapei, ailin and andy caught it before us so they were off already. The next bus was at 1430h and no way were we gonna wait there for it... so when cheryl and qiaowei appeared, we all cabbed there together.

When we got there we met the rest of them but we couldnt check in yet cuz Mr Lee hadnt arrived and was only gonna come at 1500h. So we went to the bowling alley and arcade. The arcade had this super lame game where there is this bar that pushes tokens towards a cliff, so you have to insert more tokens to try to push the rest off and get more. It was kinda fun so Kelly and Ailin were trying but the lame thing was that you would just get back the same number in the end plus in the end they didnt get any profit. But it was just fun to watch.
So we rotted away and some people ate bowling alley food while waiting. When Mr Lee finally came, we could check in! Cheryl wanted to go to the beach, so Ailin said she was gonna catch crabs! But Jeremy thought we would never be able to do that so he posed us a challenge. We were determined to get those crabs. So off we went to the beach. [We climbed over the gate cuz it was locked] The sand was nice and soft and the beach was pretty clean, which was a good thing of course. Then we saw our first crab, which was pretty big! But we didnt manage to catch it cuz it ran too fast. So we went to the other side of the rocks and started pulling out the smaller rocks and we saw dozens and dozens of little crabs! They were so small and cute, but also hard to catch cuz they all scuttled away the moment we lifted up the rocks. We moved from rock to rock constantly trying our best to catch the crabs... super tiring. Finally, we came to a hole also with a whole nation of crabs. XR bravely pinched up a little one and threw it into the plastic bag we had brought along. And that started off our crab spree. We caught many many little tiny crabs and one medium sized one! Just to prove to Jeremy. Then we put them all in a styrofoam container with water and brought it back to the chalet. [We even got a hermit crab :D]

stairs to upstairs

xr being amazed at big toilet

Jeremy wasnt impressed of course, he seriously thought we would catch the kind that could be eaten -_- After that, we slacked.. watched people play Wii. Then chalky suggested renting bikes to go for ulu-time cycling. I wanted to go but XR didnt know how to cycle, so we decided to teach her! But before that was the bbq-ing of course. me and xr helped to skewer chickens and sausages at first. Junyang and chalky were having an interesting conversation that ended with chalky throwing a piece of charcoal at Junyang. Then later i was in charge of a few sticks of satay at one corner of the pit but it was getting dark and we could hardly see if the food was cooked. Thank goodness for the little lamp at the top corner of the bungalow.

The bike people left to get bikes before the rest of the food was cooked. Those with slippers, cheryl, qiaowei, xr, i and chalky went in prem's car and the rest ran/walked to east coast. We taught XR for a while before the running people came, and then Yuyan took over and we were forced to cycle quickly by chalky who wanted us all to return in time for senior's farewell video, although i dont understand why we cant cycle slowly with xr if we wanted cuz i had no intention of cycling quickly at all and anyway we still have to wait for xr and yuyan to return before the video right? -_- so lame. And then at the place where we cycled into the chalet chalky was dunno telling me to do what stop suddenly and my hands werent in convenient reach of the brakes so i used my feet to stop myself and i almost crashed into a car!! I had to touch it to stop myself from crashing into it.. and my toe got ripped when i put my feet on the ground as brakes since i was wearing slippers.. so there was this blob of blood that was kinda half dried becuz i didnt know it was bleeding until we made it back to the chalet and i looked cuz it was painful. Now there is this random stray flap of skin and under it is whatever remains of bloody flesh. sounds gory huh. And it is bleeding under my nail as well. how nice.
And we hadnt even begun our long journey into the morning. Some seniors wanted to go drinking so they took our bikes and went off. The rest of us stayed and played some mahjong, i paired with xr at first but then they had not enough players so i had to play alone but i won! yay. But that was like once. I wanted to go sit on the roof of the house but XR said i would die :C
There were a lot of stars... but of course you cant see them here
Chienwei super funny playing wii
huo huo huo
Hanson even more funny XD
When the drinking people returned, we prepared to set off for our long journey to changi village. Or somewhere near there. So off we went, me, xr, yuyan, chalky, jeremy, andy, cheryl, qiaowei, shujen, ailin and jiapei. We cycled and cycled, at first through this desert-like place, then on a path beside this creepy foresty place, then through a park or something and on and on we went from around 0230h to 0500h and finally stopped at a coffee shop place to eat some food. That was 17km! Then it started raining while we were eating.. So we had to cycle back in the rain! It was freezing cold when i first entered the rain on the bike my jaw was locking and i was seriously gonna choke on the cold, but it got better after my body adjusted. XR got a ride from chalky cuz she didnt want to risk cycling in the rain since she wasnt confident yet. Jiapei cycled with two bikes! How cool is that man. I couldnt see anything from the rain so i had to cycle without specs, which wasnt that bad i could still see. So on and on back we cycled, through the park-like place, some path along this river or random water body that had a railing like labrador park, back along the creepy forest place [which didnt look so creepy this time somehow], past the control tower of changi airport and through the desert-like place and finally, back at the gate of the chalet so suddenly! It was around 6+ or 7 i think. Andy Cheryl and I watched planes fly towards us through the clouds [They light up the sky like a torch, very nice] while Jeremy emoed further down and the rest waited for Yuyan to fetch someone else to ride XR's bike and dunno who else's bike to east coast. And then we set off for east coast. Whee. Through the rain again. Lalalla. we reached the bike shop at 8 but it only opens at 9.... so Andy went to sleep on a bench at first so Ailin and I decided to follow, but it was in the rain, so raindrops were dripping on our faces while we slept. Or tried to. The Jeremy poked me and told me not to sleep in the rain so i moved zombie-ly to under the bike shop. We just waited around for the bike shop to open and finally we could go back. We cycled for like aropund 48km[17+17+7+7]? Jiapei let me hold a cup of macs tea cuz it was warm, and then yuyan said i looked like the little matchgirl -_- waify. When walking glaciers in NZ my sis also said i looked like a waif. Looks like the cold is really not my thing.
We then cabbed back!! FINALLY! BACK! finally could go bathe.. and be warm-ish. it was around 10 or 11 i think. Then i sat around for a while before deciding to go sleep at 12+ and although i woke up everytime someone entered the room [and Weilin talk so loudly somemore-_-] i only moved from the bed at around 7 i think so it was quite a good rest.
Then watched the last part of troy cuz the rest were watching and played a bit of mahjong. Then nothing to do. XR had to go home!!! So go home also lor :/ Lalala.

The End!!

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