Friday, December 14, 2007

Death is stepping on my trail. I just went to the third funeral within the span of six months and the time had come that it would be a relative. Not a close one, but still not a distant one either. To know the face and the voice and the history behind the person and having held her hand before makes it not distant at all.

Anyway i had a dream this morning.

The lot of OBS people were on this ship, made of wooden boards, the very large kind of ship of the olden days with the paper thin sails that could rupture any moment. I remember at first we were all walking around normally on the inside and there was a captain sailing the ship. The inside was clean and white, just like a modern ship, with a blue strip running along the horizon of the wall. The floor was white with sparse black speckles, like marble but not that smooth.

We were watching people from a two-way mirror and they didnt know they were being watched until they were told about it and they rushed out of the room. The rest of us dispersed and went our own ways and then suddenly we all went onto the deck. The sky was overcast and a dark dark grey, it was stormy. The waves were crashing but there was no sound. No thunder, no lightning. Just clouds that were getting mixed up with the waves because everything was thrashing and everything was grey. We were all searching for the last scraps of food rations lying around, but we needed the stuff that could be eaten right away. There were many bags of potatoes confused among the ropes, but we couldnt take them cuz they had to be cooked. I found a bag of pistachio nuts and made off with it, and other people found other stuff. We had to load all the food onto our rubber life boats cuz the ship was sinking. We had no instructors or anything, it was just us. The rain was falling down on us and we hurried to pull down the sails, the ship was beginning to tilt. The waves were catching up on us.

One by one we jumped off the ship into the life boats. Then another ship approached. it was the instructors' ship, theirs wasnt sinking they were just watching us and clapping at our escapade attempt.

Yea, then i think i woke up. I think this dream must be linked to cycling in the rain + seeing uncooked potatoes on the chalet table + OBS memories. somehow. Although i'm not sure where the pistachios came from.

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