Monday, December 31, 2007

oh look, its the last day of 2007 already. How cool is that. Last year didnt seem all that far away even, yet we're already gonna get into the next. Anyway, this year was bad and good i guess, bad because lots of people got into accidents that had to do with HOSPITALS... and many many deaths, animals and people both. I mean, there are many many deaths always, but many many deaths of people i actually know, is what i mean. What an unlucky-ucky year.

But there were still nice stuff that happened, like making friends with my enemy in primary school, doing a lot of crappy stuff with the back row people [Huiwei! Kristy! Jiasheng!] That's what i'll really miss... since we're not gonna be having the same combi anymore, none of us together [except huiwei and jiasheng] its gonna be so sad!! and lonely... And our nice orange tables no longer greeting us in the mornings. Where are the bright starts gonna come from?

At least even if we wont be studying together, we'll still be together as a class :D thats a good thing. At the very last minute we managed to forge closer bonds with each other.
Just at the very last minute.

At least we made it there.

So although we'll be alone, we'll be alone together.

Do i have any resolutions to make? Well, i dont usually make resolutions, or even think about them, but i have something to fulfill for the year ahead. It's a chance hanging on the edge though, but worth a try.

One more day to going back to school again, and then it starts all over. In a slightly different way. Wonder what it'll be like this time? Last year's orientation was quite horrible, since i didnt know anyone, i didnt speak to anyone and watched the performances by not watching the performances. Watching but not really watching. What i was really thinking about was my previous school... giving up on something that cost me my life. In a way. And when fuddy suggested that we go back to Dunman High, i really wanted to.. but we already bought all our uniforms and stuff and it would be disappointing to our parents wont it? So we had to continue walking the path we were already on.

Dont know about fuddy, but i am pretty glad i decided to stay. It's good and bad in different ways but if i stayed in Dunman maybe i would have learnt a lot less about life, and wont know all the great people that i have met by being in NJ.

I first spoke to xiu rong, since i knew her already. And then we got to knowing Huiwei, the girl we thought was malay, because she shared how i felt about not actually wanting to join IP. And then kristy, the extremely tall person. And somehow, we stuck together. I didnt try making friends with anyone else.

But now, we're all happy with each other in the class. [urm, mostly.] Finally, we're pretty much all friends. That's a nice ending for a story. Yay.

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