Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pan's labyrinth!! super nice movie :D
No i did not watch it in the cinema, it was opened last year and NC16...

and im gonna spoil it!

so dont read if you dont wanna get spoilt.


dun read! dun read!

dun read!!!

ok, if you're still here it should not be a problem. And its rather long...

The movie starts with a little girl who has blood flowing backwards from her nose, like in a reverse. Then an intro about a princess who ran away from her kingdom, and she went into the mortal world and forgot her identity because the sun erased her memories or something like that.

Then they show a girl who is following her pregnant mother to see her 'father' who is known as Captain. On the way there the girl, Ofelia sees an insect-like thing that buzzes and she asks it if its a fairy cuz its long and thin and looks like a praying mantis. Then her mother calls her and says that she wants Ofelia to call the captain her father.

When they meet the father Ofelia doesnt call the captain father, she stretches out her left hand for a handshake instead, and the captain grabs it and says its the other hand. Ofelia sees the insect-like thing again and she tries to catch it, and drops her books. She follows it into the forest and to the labyrinth. A maid Mercedes brings the books to Ofelia and tells her that the place is a labyrinth and not to go in because she might get lost.

There is a war going on and there are people hiding in the forest and the captain wants to capture them of course.

Ofelia is with her mother in bed and her mother is sick with the baby. The doctor prescribes some medicine and Ofelia takes it and puts it on the table beside the bed. In the middle of the night, Ofelia sees the insect-like thing cuz it comes into the room where Ofelia and her mother are sleeping, and it crawls onto the blanket. Ofelia asks again if it was a fairy and shows it a picture of a fairy. The insect-like creature morphs itself into a fairy, green with a human body. It itself looks surprised at its little hands. It then asks Ofelia to follow it by making movements. Ofelia follows it into the labyrinth.

There, she meets the faun, Pan and he tells her that she is a princess Moanna i think. And that she must complete three tasks before the moon is full to ensure that she has not become a mortal. He also tells her that she has a marking on her left shoulder to prove she's the princess. He gives her a book and a pouch and tells her that the book will tell her what to do and she must read it when she is alone. She flips the book but its empty.

So the Captain is holding a party and Ofelia's mother has prepared a dress for her. Ofelia goes into the bathroom for her bath. She sees her left shoulder in the mirror and sees the moon mark. She opens the book and pictures and words start forming. The first task is to throw three stones from the pouch into a giant toad's mouth, and retrieve the key from its belly.

So while the other people were occupied, she goes into the forest in her nice little dark emerald green dress. As she reads from the book, she walks to a tree that the book is talking about, which is dying because the toad is living off it. She takes off the dress and hangs it on a tree [yes she was still wearing stuff underneath] and crawls into the tree. It's like shyt inside, all muddy, with squigly squirmy bugs that squirm up her arm. Then she sees the frog. Its huge and fat. It shoots its tongue at her and licks her on the face. She speaks to it, telling it that it should be ashamed, living off the tree while it dies and blah. The frog rooars at her. She drops the stones, but as she picks them up, she picks a bug up as well. The frog makes a movement. She decides to use the bug to lure the frog, so she pretends she is throwing the bug into the frog's mouth but instead she throws the stones together with the bug. The frog's tongue suddenly grows bigger and bigger and bigger and erupts from its mouth until there is nothing but a blob of tongue left on the mud and a frog skin. its just sick la. Then she retrieves the key from among the grime of the tongue and goes out. She finds that her dress has been blown by the wind onto the ground and is covered with dirt.

Meanwhile, the grownups are looking for her. Mercedes sees her return and her mother tells her that she is disappointed with her and the captain would be even more disappointed. Ofelia smiles behind her mother's back. The next day Ofelia goes into the bathroom again to open the book. But the pages start filling up with blood. She hears her mother moaning outside and slams the book shut because its getting more bloody by the second. She goes out the bathroom and sees her mother trying to walk, but she's bleeding and there's blood on her hands and all over her dress, its everywhere. Ofelia goes and calls the captain.

The captain tells the doctor who checks on her that if he has to choose, save the baby, cuz its supposedly a boy. The doctor says that Ofelia musnt sleep with her mother anymore and her mother must have rest. So Ofelia has her own room now.

The faun appears to her at night and says that she hasnt completed the next task. But Ofelia says that her mother is sick so she cant. The faun says thats no excuse and gives her a Mandrake root and tells her to put it in fresh milk and drip two drops of blood on it then put it under her mother's bed and her mom will get well. Then he tells Ofelia what she must do for the task.

She's given a piece of chalk and an hourglass. She has to draw a door on any wall of her room then set the hour glass and she has to return by the end of the hourglass. She has to go retrieve a dagger but there will be a sumptious feast before her that she cannot eat or the buttugly guy will wake up and eat her. She is given fairies to guide her. So she draws the door and enters. She sees the feast and she sees the buttugly guy who has eyeballs on the plate in front of him. He just looks like a super undernourished person with no gender indicator.

She unlocks one of the three locks on the wall and gets the dagger. But on the way she is tempted by the grapes and eats two of them. The fairies keep flying in her face to warn her but she swipes them away. The buttugly guy awakens and picks the eyeballs from the plate and stuffs it into the eyesockets on his palms. He puts his hands to his face to see. Ofelia turns around to see that he has awakened. He eats two fairies. She runs. But the door that she drew earlier is already closing because the sand in the hourglass is running out. It closes. She put a chair earlier to get down from the door so this time she uses it to draw a door in the ceiling and climbs up. The buttugly guy cant catch her of course. He's too ugly.

So she escapes but she tells the faun that there was an accident and the faun says she cant be the princess anymore.

And i cant remember when but she puts the root under her mother's bed and her mother gets better. The root is like a baby, it squeals and curls up like one. But later on the Captain discovers it and wants her to stop her nonsense. Her mother throws the root into the fire and it screeches and burns. Her mother then suffers constrictions and dies after giving birth to the baby boy.

Meanwhile, the Captain discovers that Mercedes is a helper of the people in the woods. He tries to interrogate her in the storeroom but she slashes him while he turns his back. She slits his back all the way down and when he turns around, she stabs his left shoulder. Then she sticks the knife in his mouth and slits it towards the left so he looks like he has an extra big smile now. And there is blood everywhere of course. She runs. The guards outside notice and wonder why the captain let her go. The captain comes out of the storeroom and tells the men to chase her.

They do but they get shot by the people in the forest. They then set fire to the place where the Captain is staying.

The faun returns and tells Ofelia that she'l get one more chance. She has to bring the baby to the labyrinth. So she does but the Captain [who was earlier sewing up his face in the mirror] sees her and chases her into the labyrinth. At this time, the place is being burnt down. The faun says that she has to prick the baby to get a drop of the blood of an innocent to open the portal. But Ofelia refuses. Then the captain appears behind her. He takes the baby from her. She says NO! But he shoots her. She falls, but lets herself fall near the portal so that her blood will fall in.

The Captain runs out of the labyrinth, but he is met by the people in the forest, who shoot him and tell him that his baby will not even know his name. Mercedes goes into the labyrinth and sees Ofelia on the ground. Her blood drips and trickles and flows into the portal. The scene then becomes this royal place, and Ofelia is wearing a satin metallic dress that looks royal. The king says that she made a good choice by letting her own blood flow instead of her baby brother's. The faun appears and applauds and says it is a good choice as well. The scene then goes back to the labyrinth. Ofelia is smiling, then she dies.

The end! Its NC16 for all the gory bits... they didnt censor them so you get to see his face sliced apart too. It's a really nice movie! Hope my memory was sufficient for the whole story.. I left out most of the war conflict bits though, cuz they arent so interesting :/ I have selective memory. Those parts dont come back so clearly.

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