Monday, December 31, 2007

oh look, its the last day of 2007 already. How cool is that. Last year didnt seem all that far away even, yet we're already gonna get into the next. Anyway, this year was bad and good i guess, bad because lots of people got into accidents that had to do with HOSPITALS... and many many deaths, animals and people both. I mean, there are many many deaths always, but many many deaths of people i actually know, is what i mean. What an unlucky-ucky year.

But there were still nice stuff that happened, like making friends with my enemy in primary school, doing a lot of crappy stuff with the back row people [Huiwei! Kristy! Jiasheng!] That's what i'll really miss... since we're not gonna be having the same combi anymore, none of us together [except huiwei and jiasheng] its gonna be so sad!! and lonely... And our nice orange tables no longer greeting us in the mornings. Where are the bright starts gonna come from?

At least even if we wont be studying together, we'll still be together as a class :D thats a good thing. At the very last minute we managed to forge closer bonds with each other.
Just at the very last minute.

At least we made it there.

So although we'll be alone, we'll be alone together.

Do i have any resolutions to make? Well, i dont usually make resolutions, or even think about them, but i have something to fulfill for the year ahead. It's a chance hanging on the edge though, but worth a try.

One more day to going back to school again, and then it starts all over. In a slightly different way. Wonder what it'll be like this time? Last year's orientation was quite horrible, since i didnt know anyone, i didnt speak to anyone and watched the performances by not watching the performances. Watching but not really watching. What i was really thinking about was my previous school... giving up on something that cost me my life. In a way. And when fuddy suggested that we go back to Dunman High, i really wanted to.. but we already bought all our uniforms and stuff and it would be disappointing to our parents wont it? So we had to continue walking the path we were already on.

Dont know about fuddy, but i am pretty glad i decided to stay. It's good and bad in different ways but if i stayed in Dunman maybe i would have learnt a lot less about life, and wont know all the great people that i have met by being in NJ.

I first spoke to xiu rong, since i knew her already. And then we got to knowing Huiwei, the girl we thought was malay, because she shared how i felt about not actually wanting to join IP. And then kristy, the extremely tall person. And somehow, we stuck together. I didnt try making friends with anyone else.

But now, we're all happy with each other in the class. [urm, mostly.] Finally, we're pretty much all friends. That's a nice ending for a story. Yay.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

cuz its like, gonna be the last day of the year tmr, so i shall post about 04!!

Jiasheng is a patriot.

Jiasheng's heartshaped scar, and the impersonations

funtasia! our urm.. phoenix XD yea. its a phoenix okk!!!

happy zuiqiu's birthday

my shoes, huiwei's shoes. opposite shoes C:

Ct rep xiu hui! doing long distance hi-5 with fuddy

kukuklan [where huiwei and i are quite clone-like. xiu rong and kristy look guai1 and minlu looks se]

when daniel was still chummy with fuddy

when all was bright and happy and joyful

when we spent our time playing games on the scholar's dictionaries

when we didnt know lynna was so crappy

and charlyn looked like a small version of jing min

scholars having evil intentions towards qingyun

our nice noticeboard

doing some dunno what quiz in the lab

zui qiu looks shuang behind

tying fuddy's hair

huiwei's waterbottle, my waterbottle

eating my sushi

kristy eating my sushi too

mr khoo and chiansiang [who looks happy]

jiasheng and zuiqiu joined for life

saw this in the LT

someone typed on my GC

sleeping ball

gosh, mr khoo!

national day

mr khoo squatting outside staffroom...

mr low! gonna be my shooting teacher next year!

lao sheng

mr low! again.
Whee! went to jam in chem today, with huiwei. Wa, it all rhymes...

huiwei's notes compared to mine! [mine is the thin file on top, huiwei's the blue file] cuz i didnt bring last year's stuff...

our mess...

my stationary

huiwei's stationary

the rest of our stationary! yellow stuff is mine, and 4 of the blue stuff are mine.

Ahhh we sat there for 4 hours and did everything else but got stuck on mole concept -_- have to wait for XIU RONG to come back and save us!! yay.
yay, new layout C: this is after i made huiwei's quite strikingly pink layout [which you can see below] :C anyway, yay! got music too. Redemption. By.. Gackt. Whee. My sister just came back from scheveningen. And its a beach.
Sch - evening - en

Whatever that means.

Anyway, today i was changing my nick colour, cuz my nick used to be coloured last time, and then it stopped working. So i tried it again today, and it worked! Yay. So i told huiwei to change hers too [although she cant see it]Here is my convo with her. The convo is so Huiwei man... and that is huiwei's msn thingy, which is all pink and we all know why. Her nick is in pink and mine is grey whee. But above you can only see the nice hamster background. as for the nicks. here it is:

Yay! whee. ok, so random. It's bigger here. Bigger, and BETTER! yea man. gonna do chem with huiwei tmr YAY SO FUN!! We will be at bugis macs, if you want to spy on us C: [yea right -_-]

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sometimes people will ask what are you laughing at? And think, its not even funny, what they think you're laughing at. But maybe cuz they really dont know what you're laughing at. Anyway laughing doesnt have to mean something is funny... right?

Sometimes i just laugh for no reason. Somehow. I'm certainly not crazy. Like seeing someone, then you just feel like laughing.. ok, not laughing out loud, that really seems mad.. just smiling maybe. well, sometimes its becuz im glad to see the person, or just happy that the person exists, because it makes the world a happier place, or at least, my world. There are lots of nice people in the world who's existence should be celebrated [hence the celebration of birthdays] unlike me [i think my birthday should not be celebrated after thinking on the possible purpose of birthday celebrations]. We should celebrate the birthdays of people who make the world a happier, and more worthwhile place to live in. The receivers celebrate. The worthwhile people, celebrated.

ok, that was really random. Anyway, below i shall be thanking people im pretty sure i didnt thank, but i should have and so now i am doing it.

My mom: for tolerating my unceasing annoying behaviour

My dad: for blasting me into reality every now and then

My piano teacher: for being tolerant towards my not practising properly.. and constantly changing and cancelling lessons :/

My brother: for ignoring most of the stuff that's happening all around [which is quite good. easy to just sneak his giant stufftoy present right past him.]

My oldest sister: for being herself

My second sister: for creating imaginations with me

Huiwei the great: for being so great! at comforting people, and talking crap [and acting normal] that makes people laugh XD and being a real like taiwan drama for us to watch C:

XR: for telling stories that make us wait tentatively for the climax that never comes! So exciting! And being a very tolerant person too

Kristy: for being very hyper all the time! And talking rubbish in class when its dam boring :D

Minlu: for being so tolerant towards our evilness.

Chiansai: for the happy christmas eve message [first time got this kind man]

Chaoxiang: for coming down and teaching us everything at shooting clinic and for countless buenos and for bordem curing stuff :O

Joannah: for being very crappy and funny C: and for mental training -_-

Chienwei and slau: for talking to me when nobody else is [ahaha.] for breaking unwanted silences


Sunday, December 23, 2007

War of hearts

It stings to be trapped
In a circle, vicious as that
Makes you unable to forget
What’s constantly in your head.

The image of someone
So naturally, it does come
Makes you stop and think and wonder
Where these thoughts are coming from?

You can try to fight these feelings
But the heart than the mind, is stronger
You can try to deny and hide, don’t confide
But the war will just drag longer

She said
I don’t believe in it
Her mind rules otherwise
Despite her saying
I’ll give up on it
It can see through her disguise

These thoughts are uncontrollable
You can see it in those eyes
That burn with crimson passion
Beneath the eyes that cry

When only one side is aware
It makes things even harder to bear
How would you know if the person cares?
How would you know if the feeling is shared?

This was a wrong choice all along
Trying to be involved where you don’t belong
But it was a choice not made by me
It was made by my heart,
said she.
wa. had to clean my sister's mousie's cage today.. > <>

Reminds me of my hamster that tried to run away :/ it fell into a plastic bag below it though, and i was using the com near it so i heard the weird noise.. and found it in the plastic bag.

yea, hamsters can actually open those grill doors by themselves.

My sis saw snow!!! Nooooh!!! And wild rabbits! GRAH. All im seeing this christmas are.. ants!!! why!! why!! ... and now she's talking about seeing wild seals jumping around.

:C this is utter sadness.

Huiwei has gone off to taiwan :C and XR is leaving on sunday!! No!!!! Noooo!!! Meanwhile i will stay at home and watch tv...

"... and there was this bird, that was flying straight, and then it smacked into a wall" says my sis.

see all the exciting stuff that's happening to everyone else!!

:C woe is me. can you feel it?

"Sometimes we dont do things we want to do so that others wont know we want to do them" - The Village[the movie not the eating place -_-] and yes, that is so very true...

Friday, December 21, 2007

huiwei: taiwanese drama
desiree: central after midnight
kristy: world news
XR: kids central


Today's pt was slack. BUT THEN. I HATE LEONARD!! He's so evil man!!! He kept blocking me and snatching the ball from me!! We played captain's ball. And leonard kept shadowing me -_- until nobody wanted to pass me the ball anymore. stupid leonard!!! RAWRR.. Just because his arms and legs are long and he looks like a fisherman doesnt give him that right!!! W a l a u. But finally i decided not to let him have his way anymore and fought with him for the ball until his specs landed up in my hands somehow :X ops. I think i whacked his face but i didnt realise it. Oh well who ask him... Anyway i decided to go be captain since leonard wasnt gonna let me have the ball. Yay, at least managed to catch some, without leonard around C:
Down with leonard!
can you call this a coincidence? or something that was meant to happen?

dont know.

just wanted to know.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Huiwei wanted her fingers to be shared with the world, so here they are.

cant take close up though. So just see the blur looking thing..
Isnt it scary to have a condition like Trichotillomania. Didnt know there were actually people who are addicted to pulling out eyelashes or hairs on their head or just pulling out hairs. And its not like they dont wanna stop but they just cant? There are so many sad things about this world.