Friday, February 27, 2009

HEYYY the overall results werent so bad afterall.. though individually we may not have done so great, with the exception of carol... eventually we only lost to tertiary institutes and shooting clubs! Whoo. We got 5th! Below safra's 1st and 2nd team, NUS and Home team NS. We beat raffles! i find it quite amazing considering the score i shot.

Oh yes, i faced up to the truth and looked at my score. I counted wrongly, thought i shot a lot worse than i did. My middle 2 series were toot all because i thought my first series made me a gonner. I REALLY gotta stop counting. it demoralises me and i dont know it. i shot 95 91 92 96 i really counted my first series as 92 actually. But it felt so bad anyway i wouldnt have shot well.

ok, i wouldnt know that. but nvm.

Pistol girls won a prize and so did carol, as expected haha.


My mom discovered squall but didnt say anything about him, and Actually.

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