Sunday, March 09, 2008

I shall write about the dream i had because it was such a perculiar dream. It makes me wonder if dreams are ever not perculiar because all the dreams i have are always so strange.

I only remember bits and pieces of it but i think it is enough to tell the gist of it.

There was a bunch of people, including me, and our purpose on this earth was to be sent to various places and eliminate unwanted creatures that were wrecking havoc. So we were sent to this particular island, which had a certain kind of monster that killed other animals [not for food, there was no mention of why the animals were killed]. So we looked about for the dead animals to gauge where the monsters were. There were pools of blood here and there, and most of the animals were dead crows. I remember staring at one of the bloodied lumps, and it became clear to me that it was a crow that was dead, bloodied, but standing upright. I got a little shock from that, in my dream and announced that the creatures were near because the blood was fresh.

I had this animal with me, it was my pet or something. I reckon it was a spirit because it flickered between being translucent and being opaque. It was a weasel-like sort of creature, but in my dream it was known as a Butam. And though that was not its name i started calling it that in my dream. It's ears were like a rabbit's but stuck together, so it was like fused into one ear, but you can still tell its 2 long rabbit ears, fused in the middle. It was white, with a long body, and a fox's tail. Small, and i could cuddle it, as i did in my dream.

Anyway, the group of us, yielding guns and revolvers went into this room, which had blue light and blue celophane windows, searching for the creatures. Dead animal bodies were littered around the room and there was blood here and there. It was dark-ish. The only thing i remember from here is examining dead animals.

I dont remember if we actually did catch the creatures, but when we left the room, we went out into the open to this desert-like place. And there was this stumpy tree, with no leaves, but it had many nests on it. The nests were like the size of plates and Butam ran towards the nests and looked in. In the nests there were more animals like Butam, but their ears were not fused, and they look like rabbits, but with fox-tails. There was also a nest with a cat and her babies in it. I touched one, and the mother cat ate it. It wasnt gross, the baby just disappeared. Then there was a narrative talking about how some were born with one eye, some were born with fused ears....

I remember that we all went back to the base and then there was announcement of another assignment...

yea. That was my dream. It felt like a movie. Could have been inspired by The Mist.

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