Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bonding camp

since i ended school at 1230, i went home first cuz i hadnt packed. i meant to come back and train but i took too long to pack -_- but i dont know if it was opened at all, cuz it was closed at around 5+ when xr and i got there.

There was the usual briefing and stuff, and there was macs ordering, where xr and i had a mcflurry. And blah blah blah, name intro-ing thing. The lame one where you have to add an adjective to your name. [And the ones for mine are mostly bad/ make no sense.] xiu rong said mine and i said hers.

Then after that we went to linkway and played the drop the cloth and guess the name of the person on the other side game. We were split into two groups, one with groups 1-5 and the other with groups 6-10. The winner got to hit the pinata. This game was pretty lame, not because it was a bad game, but becuz the moment when the pinata was hit down [like, after 3 or 4 people or so] the game ended. Like. wow. In the end they combined everyone and played it again, but mostly half the people were just watching so yea.

After that was movie. We just watched the movie then went to sleep. Cool right. So it was like, just watch the movie cuz theres movie to watch instead of cuz theres a point to watch the movie. But the movie was quite nice, though watched before in previous camps already.

i didnt have anything to do after that, everyone was playing bridge in our room, me and xr watched something quite horrible then went to sleep.

Wake at 7. Go play capts ball. Oh, i mean, watch. Oh actually i was captain at first but zhirong deemed me unfit to catch the ball so he made me go away. And he couldnt catch any of the balls either. Joannah took over him and was way way way way better. So me and xiu rong and many others were watching the game [since most of the guys just look through you/ past you/over you and just pass to each other.]. It's like having front row seats cuz you get to be in the game and watching it. it was groups 1-5 and 6-10 playing together, and in the groups 1-5 game, they actually had the rule where only girls could score which was kinda more usefull i think. So it was really. really. boring.

Then breakfast. Ok, the next game was probably the most fun one, it required two people to lean inwards toward each other and rely on the other person to prevent yourself from falling off the chair. It was fun because everyone was playing. And even when not everyone was playing, you could actively be suggesting stuff to the people trying to get across.

THEN. benchball. have one person on the bench to start, then the person who score, gets on the bench. Group with most people wins. It was EVERYONE playing together in the linkway. groups 1-5 against group 6-10. You know what the first thing was told to the girls in my group? That we were to just stand there in front of the bench and make a wall. Wow, thats gonna be so fun. Of cuz since it was such a stupid idea, we girls could not possibly block that 1.8 plus plus guy though he was just one person, he caught the ball instantly when it came. So we broke up and tried playing, but of course, pointless right. Theres like 30 people playing. Then we got scolded for playing near sci labs and making noise cuz there was spa, and we were supposed to move. Somehow i have no idea why, it moved but the game never continued [a good thing maybe, oh did i mention only about 3 people got onto the bench for both groups so far?] So most of us sat around while the guys went to play their own games like soccer and bball. Where were the organizers at this time? I dont know either.

Anyway next was this game. Where only 4 teams could play at a time. Maybe cuz im group 10, so the wait was, unbearably long. Like loooooong. like half an hour. And the game was just to go across half the bball court blindfolded, using sth other than walking and running. So fun right.

Already no mood to play le.. Then we planned for the skit. And our team was like, quite sad cuz ppl kept disappearing cuz they were in the organizing committee. And there was like bu shuang tones here and there. Zzz.. no mood to do also..

Then after that lunch. Then, supposed to have this game that can only be played team by team. Archery, pistol then rifle. Maybe cuz rifle was last. I dont know. Archery was supposed to play at 130. So me and XR went back to the room cuz she wanted to get her phone in case her chem group called. I fell in and out of sleep, and xr fell asleep too. Andy called and i picked up. It was 3. We were supposed to go down. I told the rest but it turned out xr was sick already so i stayed back with her. She continued sleeping after eating panadol. Went to get cold water bottle for xr. And i slacked in the room. Watched the rain start, get heavy, stop. Watched the clouds moving. Tried sleeping. Felt like smsing but decided not to. Mopped around. At 340 or so, lynna called, so i went down to the range to help xr pass stuff to them, and went back up. At 4:44 shermain came back to change and said war games were starting. No mood to do anything really much cuz xr will be alone in the room so continued to stay. At 5 or so the war game hadnt even started still. Cuz jo came in and said it hadnt, but was going to. watched the clock. ticking.. time passing.. waiting..

Then at around 5+++ xiu rong got up and said she was feeling better, so we went down. The war games just ended. Then xr and i sat around with Yan Hui and Shermain, and there was a much better discussion on the skit. Jo joined in later and we finally got everything out, sort of. We went back to do props and stuff, and went down for bbq at 620 or so. I ate one sausage, one satay, one wing [haha shermain served me]. And shared a chicken wing with Yan hui. We[me yan hui shermain] ran around the track after that. Which was fun, and then walked another round. After that was the skit. We were quite sad. Cuz almost everyone wasnt around. Yea, organizing. And then there was some break down also.. And ppl disappeared. Just frustrating. We had one messy run-through. I dunno how we managed it in the end. Im really glad it turned out fine in the end, i think it was mostly impromptu stuff. xr went home after teh skit.

After the skit was.. night walk. I think this was the best thing in the whole camp. It was quite nicely drawn out. Or maybe there are other reasons. And even the solo parts wasnt that scary cuz you know there is someone right behind you. Cept the gravestone one, was a little creepy. I didnt wanna go in to see at first but forced myself to. just stick to the wall... then i ran up the stairs. oh, one very anti-climatic thing was when my grp of 3 went into the toilet.. William was like, hey its a note, and shined the torch at it, and it said PLEASE KEEP THE TOILET CLEAN. loll, omg so hilarious. We just burst out laughing, and i think it was dam loud. lol. oh yea, there was a dying mouse. That shocked me cuz it was so pitiful and sad.. :C curled into a ball..

We had to bathe after nightwalk, but many people were bathing so Yan hui shermain and i waited until 330 then went. We came back around 4.04 and decided to just sleep. I think yan hui and shermain stayed up a while.

next day was just clean up. Had a sort of half-the-team outing lunch. Oh, there was something that px said about discussing with jun yang bout why the chicken crossed the road. aha, joannah dared me to post here that i said becuz joannah was on the same side... went home after that.

That was it. Sounds exciting? Everyone will give the good good comments and stuff. But mostly i have only not so good ones.. unfortunately. im so cynical.

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