Thursday, March 13, 2008

i had a dream again. It was another strange one, stranger than ever. This time it was of funerals.

It wasnt really mentioned explicitly that it was about funerals, but you could tell that it was, by the way everything was happening.

The first one, i entered a room. It was a huge room with high ceilings and wooden frames around the windows. The room had an orangey light to it. There were round wooden tables placed in regular arrangement and there were people sitting at it. The people weren't quite like people. There were some that looked like werewolves, and others like vampires. There were creatures, with sharp drippy teeth, and eyes that stalked you as you walked. Suddenly, something happened. Something happened that sparked a huge uproar in the room. The creatures started pouncing on each other, and ripping at each other's throats. They were overturning the tables and pulling off table cloths. And a man entered, supposedly a Grandfather, and he was got at at the throat, and he fell writhing to the ground. Someone was crying for him. I left the room.

I entered the next room. This one was small, and white, and it had curtains at the windows. It had many many pianos in it, arranged in rows, close together, with a narrow aisle between. The people sat at the pianos, as they would at tables. They sat at the pianos and watched the ceremony. Someone was at the front of the room, and he was being made to say that he would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the soul would earn its way into the grave. He was wearing this white gown, with a golden collar and a strip all the way down. He was wearing fake wings too. So he said he would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the procession took place. The coffin was carried along the aisle and turned right out of the room and out of the door.

That is all i remember. I do not understand the point of this dream.

Anyhows. I shall write about the movie we watched on Tuesday.

We, meaning JiaSheng, ZhuoChun, Zheyu, Huiwei, XR and Me met at cine on that fine little March showers afternoon at 12 to watch a movie that we hadnt decided was what. For one thing, we had to wait till everyone had arrived to decide. And for one thing, XR was more interested in fixing her com than coming to meet us!! So she arrived a full 20 minutes or so, late [probably forced out of the door by our relentless phone calls.]. The guys came really early, for some reason, and disappeared to fill their stomachs while i met huiwei at the mrt. And then we went to eat. And then xr came and she ate too. Then we went to decide on what movie to watch. I thought we were going to watch The Leap Years [since the whole point of going out to watch the movie that day was because they werent able to watch one on 29th feb thanks to me and xr], but it turned out that the guys had other ideas. So we were considering what movie to watch. Huiwei wanted to watch Sky of Love or something like that, but Jiasheng insisted that it wasnt nice since he watched it before. I wanted to watch water-horse, but Huiwei refused to watch it cuz she said it probably wasnt going to be nice [though she had no solid proof!]. And then, someone said Rule No. #1. It was a horror movie, so i was definitely for it, and so were all the guys, and so, we won by the majority vote! Yeaahh...

But we had to wait like 2 hours for the movie to start, so we split ways and met back again at 2.50pm. The Jia Sheng and Zheyu were playing a basketball game on an Xbox, while zhuochun went on his photographic ways exploring the streets.

Anyway the time came for the movie! Huiwei and Xiu Rong were totally regretting the choice [and also mentioning the fact that not like they even had much of a choice]. Ahaha. It was so exciting. So we went in and the guys filled up the seats inside and huiwei sat beside JiaSheng so she could torture him by pinching, and i sat beside her and xr beside me [though i was quite afraid she was going to be quite scary also]. Xr wanted the aisle so that she could be the first to run away. The seats were like so big, i think i could have slept in them.

So the movie started. Started off quite gory i think. The main character, a police guy, stopped this man for not buckling his seatbelt. The policeman discovered that the man had a dead girl in his boot at the same time, and that man came out of the car and shot him 5 times, with a maniacal grin. At the same time, again, the girl in the boot sat up, blood-covered and all, freaked the man out, and saved the policeman.

The policeman awakes at a hospital, and in his report he wrote that he saw the girl sitting up, though the girl had already been dead 3 hours. He gets sent to a different department, called miscellaneous affairs.

This miscellaneous affairs department is the one who goes after evil ghosts, and shoots possessed people to prevent the ghosts from being passed to more bodies. They cover up for all strange things that happen, to maintain the Rule no#1, which is that there is no such thing as ghosts. Rule no 2 and 3 go something like, dont let them touch you and i dont know what because i forgot. But supposedly with one touch, the ghost can spread to the next body like a virus, and what remains is just the empty shell of the person it was in before.

So the story is basically the policeman guy and his superior go chasing after this mad ghost, who keeps possessing girl after girl. Then there is a saddistic part where the ghost goes to a girls' school, and possesses many girls, then there are like 5 girls standing in a row, on the roof. They have their hair tied together in ponytails, and they are holding hands. And the one at the edge steps off, and whoosh! Down they go, like a broken kite, they fall to the floor and land in a clump of broken bones and bodies. A policewoman touches one of the girls, and wala. Possessed is she now. The policeman actually closes up upon the policewoman that got possessed, and he realises that the ghost is that of the man he stopped in the carpark, back for revenge. He almost got to shoot the policewoman and end the story when some other policeman came and stopped him cuz they didnt believe he was a policeman since he was in plain clothes. So the possessed policewoman got away and the story continues.

The ghost said that it was going after his wife, so he rushed home but he didnt find anything [or so we thought at first].

In the end, he and his superior go to this abandoned house to meet the ghost, who made an appointment with them. They say they will shoot anyone who comes in. But its the superior's wife that comes in first, and the superior wants to prove that she's not possessed so he dances with her. But at the end of the dance, she sticks her nails into his back and the ghost is passed onto him like a virus, and the policeman has no choice but to shoot his superior.

Ah hah! Then suddenly! They jump back to the scene where he rushed home to check on his wife. He actually sees the dead policewoman in the bathtub, and then his possessed wife possesses him! Then he goes to the office and makes the appointment by wiping his bloodied fingers on the picture of the abandoned house. Then he meets his superior there and shoots him.

The last part is quite saddistic. He goes home to his wife[or rather, the ghost goes home to the policeman's wife in the policeman's body] and does the couple-ly thing [while they continue flashing back], except that the wife is just an empty shell. When he's done, he's smoking and he puts out his cigarette on her back. And a tear falls from her eye. Ew.

The most scary thing about the show is actually that the music gets too loud sometimes, freaks people out. And the suspenseful moments come one after another, so Huiwei is like, what!! not again??! And XiuRong is hiding behind her bag most of the time. Other scary scenes are like, the hallucinations he has of the ghost popping out from the washing machine, which has a really awful messed up face, and his wife holding out the foetus all bloody and crap covered, and saying its a boy! in a creepy to the highest degree kind of voice, like she had too many biscuits and no water.

But hey! It was pretty nice actually. ahahaa. Except it doesnt quite make much sense! If ghosts passed through bodies so easily they would have taken over the world by now! [have they already?] But it was a rainy rainy day...

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