Monday, March 31, 2008

scared. it seems scary, what little practice there will be. Why didnt i stay i dont understand myself, i must be mad. But at that moment i just didnt wanna continue. What regret there is. Anyway there was listlessness since morning. Kept thinking and thinking about irrelevant stuff. Trying to concentrate but those stuff just keep prying their way in. Thinking about the hours, the minutes, wonder if things will be complete.

Stupid brain. I cant control it. reminds me of this song:

Cuz its all in my head..
I think about it over and over again
And I can’t keep picturing you with him

And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cuz it’s all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can’t take it yeah
I can’t shake it

Ah, yea. strikeout cuz that line is irrelevant.

weird feeling inside my head
is it something i ate,
or something you said?
honestly its make believe
lies slipping out right through my teeth.

why should people have to respond to me?
in this world im just nobody
why should i feel responsiblity towards you
you life is not my problem too..

wonder how much could be represented through these lines
these lines long or short, are just slaves of this mind
this mind cant think straight
choices cant be made
confusion strikes the mind in this head
this head that believes it is better to be dead.
its quite painful.

you don't say.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bonding camp

since i ended school at 1230, i went home first cuz i hadnt packed. i meant to come back and train but i took too long to pack -_- but i dont know if it was opened at all, cuz it was closed at around 5+ when xr and i got there.

There was the usual briefing and stuff, and there was macs ordering, where xr and i had a mcflurry. And blah blah blah, name intro-ing thing. The lame one where you have to add an adjective to your name. [And the ones for mine are mostly bad/ make no sense.] xiu rong said mine and i said hers.

Then after that we went to linkway and played the drop the cloth and guess the name of the person on the other side game. We were split into two groups, one with groups 1-5 and the other with groups 6-10. The winner got to hit the pinata. This game was pretty lame, not because it was a bad game, but becuz the moment when the pinata was hit down [like, after 3 or 4 people or so] the game ended. Like. wow. In the end they combined everyone and played it again, but mostly half the people were just watching so yea.

After that was movie. We just watched the movie then went to sleep. Cool right. So it was like, just watch the movie cuz theres movie to watch instead of cuz theres a point to watch the movie. But the movie was quite nice, though watched before in previous camps already.

i didnt have anything to do after that, everyone was playing bridge in our room, me and xr watched something quite horrible then went to sleep.

Wake at 7. Go play capts ball. Oh, i mean, watch. Oh actually i was captain at first but zhirong deemed me unfit to catch the ball so he made me go away. And he couldnt catch any of the balls either. Joannah took over him and was way way way way better. So me and xiu rong and many others were watching the game [since most of the guys just look through you/ past you/over you and just pass to each other.]. It's like having front row seats cuz you get to be in the game and watching it. it was groups 1-5 and 6-10 playing together, and in the groups 1-5 game, they actually had the rule where only girls could score which was kinda more usefull i think. So it was really. really. boring.

Then breakfast. Ok, the next game was probably the most fun one, it required two people to lean inwards toward each other and rely on the other person to prevent yourself from falling off the chair. It was fun because everyone was playing. And even when not everyone was playing, you could actively be suggesting stuff to the people trying to get across.

THEN. benchball. have one person on the bench to start, then the person who score, gets on the bench. Group with most people wins. It was EVERYONE playing together in the linkway. groups 1-5 against group 6-10. You know what the first thing was told to the girls in my group? That we were to just stand there in front of the bench and make a wall. Wow, thats gonna be so fun. Of cuz since it was such a stupid idea, we girls could not possibly block that 1.8 plus plus guy though he was just one person, he caught the ball instantly when it came. So we broke up and tried playing, but of course, pointless right. Theres like 30 people playing. Then we got scolded for playing near sci labs and making noise cuz there was spa, and we were supposed to move. Somehow i have no idea why, it moved but the game never continued [a good thing maybe, oh did i mention only about 3 people got onto the bench for both groups so far?] So most of us sat around while the guys went to play their own games like soccer and bball. Where were the organizers at this time? I dont know either.

Anyway next was this game. Where only 4 teams could play at a time. Maybe cuz im group 10, so the wait was, unbearably long. Like loooooong. like half an hour. And the game was just to go across half the bball court blindfolded, using sth other than walking and running. So fun right.

Already no mood to play le.. Then we planned for the skit. And our team was like, quite sad cuz ppl kept disappearing cuz they were in the organizing committee. And there was like bu shuang tones here and there. Zzz.. no mood to do also..

Then after that lunch. Then, supposed to have this game that can only be played team by team. Archery, pistol then rifle. Maybe cuz rifle was last. I dont know. Archery was supposed to play at 130. So me and XR went back to the room cuz she wanted to get her phone in case her chem group called. I fell in and out of sleep, and xr fell asleep too. Andy called and i picked up. It was 3. We were supposed to go down. I told the rest but it turned out xr was sick already so i stayed back with her. She continued sleeping after eating panadol. Went to get cold water bottle for xr. And i slacked in the room. Watched the rain start, get heavy, stop. Watched the clouds moving. Tried sleeping. Felt like smsing but decided not to. Mopped around. At 340 or so, lynna called, so i went down to the range to help xr pass stuff to them, and went back up. At 4:44 shermain came back to change and said war games were starting. No mood to do anything really much cuz xr will be alone in the room so continued to stay. At 5 or so the war game hadnt even started still. Cuz jo came in and said it hadnt, but was going to. watched the clock. ticking.. time passing.. waiting..

Then at around 5+++ xiu rong got up and said she was feeling better, so we went down. The war games just ended. Then xr and i sat around with Yan Hui and Shermain, and there was a much better discussion on the skit. Jo joined in later and we finally got everything out, sort of. We went back to do props and stuff, and went down for bbq at 620 or so. I ate one sausage, one satay, one wing [haha shermain served me]. And shared a chicken wing with Yan hui. We[me yan hui shermain] ran around the track after that. Which was fun, and then walked another round. After that was the skit. We were quite sad. Cuz almost everyone wasnt around. Yea, organizing. And then there was some break down also.. And ppl disappeared. Just frustrating. We had one messy run-through. I dunno how we managed it in the end. Im really glad it turned out fine in the end, i think it was mostly impromptu stuff. xr went home after teh skit.

After the skit was.. night walk. I think this was the best thing in the whole camp. It was quite nicely drawn out. Or maybe there are other reasons. And even the solo parts wasnt that scary cuz you know there is someone right behind you. Cept the gravestone one, was a little creepy. I didnt wanna go in to see at first but forced myself to. just stick to the wall... then i ran up the stairs. oh, one very anti-climatic thing was when my grp of 3 went into the toilet.. William was like, hey its a note, and shined the torch at it, and it said PLEASE KEEP THE TOILET CLEAN. loll, omg so hilarious. We just burst out laughing, and i think it was dam loud. lol. oh yea, there was a dying mouse. That shocked me cuz it was so pitiful and sad.. :C curled into a ball..

We had to bathe after nightwalk, but many people were bathing so Yan hui shermain and i waited until 330 then went. We came back around 4.04 and decided to just sleep. I think yan hui and shermain stayed up a while.

next day was just clean up. Had a sort of half-the-team outing lunch. Oh, there was something that px said about discussing with jun yang bout why the chicken crossed the road. aha, joannah dared me to post here that i said becuz joannah was on the same side... went home after that.

That was it. Sounds exciting? Everyone will give the good good comments and stuff. But mostly i have only not so good ones.. unfortunately. im so cynical.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

sorry is all you can say.

what a dam shytty day.
just having conflict after conflict after conflict.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

die die die die die die die die!!!! go die!!!!!ksh flakflakjsfhkjashfdkjah skfhahewio coiw4nofihjksldcx m,vs;AIFsj;kl

Monday, March 24, 2008

today was really an armgaging day... my wrists are so suan...

there was rock climbing enrichment today! [i feel it even as i type] we went to yishun safra rock walls to climb. Immediately getting there, we went straight to climbing. The whole wall had 7 panels and it was like a reverse staircase going up for some parts...

so at first, everyone tried one time, and we all died at around the 4-5 panel, cuz that's where the first hump was. Then random people went to try again and again. And then davina went. She managed to get to the top! But there were people jumping on her rope to pull her up lol.

And then after that xr tried but she got to the 5th level again! and fell off. Then i wanted to go again after her, cuz i wanted to reach the top! It was soooo tiring!!! my arms were like.. almost paralyzed. Couldnt move them sometimes. And the belayer at the bottom was shouting directions but i didnt really have much strength to follow what she was saying. Every now and then i had to stop and hang there for a while to rest my breaking arm. Somehow i cant seem to harness the energy in my legs much. Though everytime i figure it out, going up seems so much easier! But most of the time, your legs go weak when your hands are holding on to the knobbly things and using all the strength in your life to hold yourself there... I tried hooking my forearm behind some of the knobs instead cuz my wrists were almost strengthless. much easier that way. But i still managed to get to the top eventually!! yay yay yay. and i didnt forget to look at the scenery this time!!

i went up that thing!
couldnt clench my fists anymore after that! but only for a short while. And i got two blisters -_- though one of them has disappeared.
and then i went back to school and stapled 600 cards!!!! raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

And just sent my bro off at the air port! and my left arm suddenly went all weird and crampy! And now i cant clench my left fist cuz when i do, i cant open it back cuz when i do, something feels like its gonna pop out from my arm. And the veins in my wrist feel like popping. My sis slathered tiggy balm all over my arm and now it burns... my eeyes...

And my ribcage hurts, like a bruise, below the collarbone... ow. ow. think its cuz i kept knocking into the rope thing.. or the knobbles...

alright, goodnight.
Click to view my Personality Profile page

INFP - The "Dreamer"INFPs are introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic individuals that have a constant desire to be on a meaningful path. They are driven by their values and seek peace. Empathetic and compassionate, they want to help others and humanity as a whole. INFPs are imaginitive, artistic and often have a talent for language and writing. They can also be described as easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal.

Hey what's cool is i have the same personality as E.T. [he has a personality!!??] and A. A. Milne [you know, winnie-the-pooh] and Tolkien! Ahahahaa.. and Tommy pickles?? [yea that one from rugrats]And george orwell. And shakespeare. And Mary [yea. the mother of jesus. how'd they get her personality anyway?]

Sunday, March 23, 2008

appreciate what you have for once.

dont act like a tragedy.

realise who you love and tell them...
anata wa subarashi...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Yay, stolen from xiu rong.

How to Play

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense. No cheating.
4. With the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.
5. Name 5 people you've interacted with before this quiz

how are you feeling today?
alien ant farm: CALICO.
- Calico cats and calico dreams
That aint too real
Just make it real -

i suppose i am thinking bout how something aint real, and wanna make it real?

will you get far in life?
Fall out boy: THNKS FR TH MMRS
- Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It's always cloudy except for
When you look into the past-

Gosh! Really sounds like i wont get far huh.

How will your friends see you?
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus: FACE DOWN
-Face down in the dirt she says,
this doesn't hurt she says
I finally had enough.. -

face down??? my friends will see me face down???

Will you get married?

3 doors down: KRYPTONITE
-If I'm alive and well, will you be
There holding my hand
I'll keep you by my side with
My superhuman might

If i have superhuman might! But more like:
-I watched the world float to the dark
Side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do, yeah-

which means i probably wont get married.

what is your best friend's theme song?
sun yan zi: NI GUANG

i have no idea what the song means.

what is the story of your life?

indeed my life has a lot of bu neng shuo de mi mis...

what was high school like?

kevin caldwell: PHANTOM OF THE OPERA
-In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again?
For now I find
The phantom of the opera is there,
Inside my mind-

Wow. must be funky. The only thing i can think of is prob in sch i spend more time daydreaming about certain someone instead of listening.

how can you get ahead in life?

Caedmons call: MOTHER INDIA
-There's a land where our shackles turn to diamonds
Where we trade in our rags for a royal crown
In that place, our oppressors hold no power
And the doors of the King are thrown wide-

By letting my shackles turn to diamonds.

whats the best thing bout your friends?
-Hold me now
I'm 6 feet from the edge
And I'm thinkin
Maybe 6 feet ain't so far down-

With them around, i wont be afraid of falling.

whats in store for this weekend?
Dashboard Confessional: VINDICATED
-Slight hope
dangles on a string
Like slow spinning redemption...-

Saying something about my monthly shoot clashing with chem project meeting?? There is hope for salvation!

Describe your grandparents
linkin park: WHAT IVE DONE
-I'll face myself
To cross out what i’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what i’ve done-

Urmm.. they have erased themselves alright...

hows your life going?
savage garden: CRASH AND BURN
-And there has always been heartache and pain
And when its over you'll breathe again
You'll breath again-

Certainly is quite that way. My blog song!

what song will they play at your funeral
savage garden: TEARS OF PEARLS
-Is love really the tragedy the way you might describe?
Or would a thousand lovers still leave you cold inside?
Make you cry...
These tears of pearls

All these mixed emotions we keep
locked away like stolen pearls
Stolen pearl devotions we keep
locked away from all the world -

Well, there's a bit about crying... surely it would be nice to play this tragic song.

how does the world see you?
-Your form which returns gently to heaven
What else can I do, besides avenge you?
I watched it for the longest time, until my tears dried up.-

They sees me as dead.

Will you have a happy life?
sean kingston: BEAUTIFUL GIRLS
-That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal?
When you say it's over-

Gosh. That doesnt sound like too much of a happy life does it..

Do people secretly lust after you?
def leppard: SLANG
-Sittin' dark getting taken 'cause I said
Something lewd in a low down accent
Yeah yeah yeah Kinda love those eyes
I wanna get down honey
But I ain't your guy-

Okkk!!?? What does that sound like to you....

How can you make yourself happy?
Energy: 爱失控

By doing the above.

What should you do with your life?
jack ingram: LIPS OF AN ANGEL
-I never want to say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel-

Never say goodbye!

Will you ever have children?
james blunt: WISE MEN
-Look who's alone now,
It's not me. It's not me.
Those three Wise Men,
They've got a semi by the sea.
Got to ask yourself the question,
Where are you now?-

Hmm! I dont think i will have children, though it says its not me who will be lonely? Must be my future pet dog.

What song would you strip to?
-When your only friends are hotel rooms
Hands are distant lullabies
If I could turn around I would tonight-

If my only friends were hotel rooms?!!?! I would be a SAD SAD kid.

What does your mum think of you?
-I picture your face in the back of my eyes,
A fire in the attic a proof of the prize,
anna molly, anna molly, anna molly-

I'm certain she does think i am an anomaly.

What is your deep, dark secret?
-In the misty morning fog with
Our hearts a thumpin' and you
My brown eyed girl,
You my brown eyed girl.-

I have brown eyes. Oooh. what a secret.

What is your mortal enemy’s theme song?
Breaking benjamin: UNTIL THE END
-I've lost my way
I've lost my way
But I will go on until the end
Living is, hard enough, without you ****ing up-

O: the person must really be my mortal enemy...

What’s your personality like?
-These are my words
That I’ve never said before
"I think I’m doing ok"
And this is the smile
That I’ve never shown before
Somebody shake me Cause I,
I must be sleeping -

Yah. Im full of pretence.

What song will be played at your wedding?
breaking benjamin: BREATH
-So sacrifice yourself
And let me have what's left
I know that I can find
The fire in your eyes
I'm going all the way
Get away please-

WA! not a very good wedding song huh! esp this part:

-I'm waiting
I'm praying
Start hating-

Okkkk.... 5 people i interacted with before this quiz: Huiwei, Xiu Rong, Kaiting, Ama and random friend

Thursday, March 20, 2008


life is fullof endings.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown Walking Hood was told by her mother, one fine evening, to go visit her sick grandmother, gudzilla [who was norwegian] and take the obvious path in the woods to her house. Her mother warned her not to stop to pick any wild flowers[or tame flowers for that matter because flowers in the forest were always dangerous] lest she upset any forest spirits which were known to be quite vicious. But Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown Walking Hood was an adolescent approaching the age-of-not-believing, thus it was natural she rebelled against her mother's wishes. As such, she bent down and plucked herself [and her grandmother] a sweet smelling blossom of the brightly-coloured kind that screamed touch me not. And Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown Walking Hood was quite quite sure she did hear a scream.

The forest spirits, oh how mad they were. How very mad that they sent their Punisher, the werewolf on her tracks. It was evening, and approaching dark, and it would only take a moment and a while for the fullmoon to rise into the sky. The werewolf, in its human form, approached Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown Walking Hood, who was now Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood, and striked up a conversation with her.

"Where be you heading this fine evening with twelve, or was it thirteen stars in the sky?"

"I am to visit my dear grandmother who is so very old and so very all-knowing. Are you stalking me?"

The werewolf said he wasnt, and said he was just a very sociable fellow. Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood nodded and said there were a tad many sociable fellows around now-a-days. The werewolf nodded and smiled, and said he was sure there were and by the way would she like to count the very many stars in the sky with him just for a moment and a while? Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood thought that it would be okay, and so she sat on the fallen leaves and gazed through the canopy of the forest trees and counted stars with the werewolf. And the fullmoon came up.

The werewolf transformed, but Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood was too busy counting stars to notice his spasmic movements in the transformation. She fell prey to his unforgiving jaws, and his mighty tongue lapped her up in one swift motion. And so she was not to be.

The werewolf now leapt away to the house of the grandmother, for under the orders of the forest spirits, he was to gobble up the youngest and the oldest in her family line, and cause the rest great grief. Little did he know that the old and all-knowing grandmother, was truely all-knowing, for she knew before it happened, that Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood was going to be eaten by a werewolf. She couldnt stop the event from happening though, for there were no handphones at that time, and she was sick in bed. But when the werewolf arrived at her door, she was well prepared and ready in wait for vengence.

The werewolf leapt into the house through the window, but the grandmother, being Gudzilla, had her mouth opened far and wide to catch the wolf in his air-time. She crunched his bones in fury, mourning for the loss of her granddaughter, whos essence had been absorbed by the werewolf already and was unsavable.

Meanwhile, a hungry woodcutter was cutting wood nearby, when he heard the sounds of the crunches. He was reminded of a certain treat his mother used to reward him with, going by the name of Ringles. Or was it Tingles? It could even have been Pringles. He headed towards the direction of the crunches, and saw the grandmother crunching away, ferociously.He approached her, and as his stomach grumbled, he promptly swallowed her up. You see, he had been cutting wood all day long and was tired, hungry and couldnt care less. He went away, having eaten his fill, and whistled a tune that went something like:

Walking Hood spoiled the forest's mood
She had been pretty bad
By pulling out the plant's life roots
She made the forest mad

They sent the werewolf down on her
He tricked her with a lie
She counted stars that surrounded her
And he ate her, eye by eye

Her grandmother full of anger
Prepared a trap full-blown
The werewolf jumped through the window
And we know that he got owned

So the woodcutter, being hungry and all
Stopped by the house that was standing tall
Drawn by his stomach's hunger call
He ate the grandmother, werewolf, Walking Hood and all.

And that, my friends, is the story of Little Rusty-Rustic-Reddish-Brown With-A-Few-Leaves-At-the-Bottom Walking Hood.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i met with a squirrel today, it said howdy how's the weather. i said it was cold. it said i have a tail, you want one? I said i didnt and it went on its way, onto the road and into a tree.

ok. So that didnt happen. But i did indeed meet with a squirrel, in the morning, just outside the bookshop. it was coming my way, chubby cheeks and all. It was really close to me, and i wanted to catch it but i didnt want the squirrel to have death by human, so i decided to let it be. It skipped away, rather haltingly, onto the road and disappeared into the morning darkness.

And then, going home, when i was exiting the lift, a little dog of yorky kind poked its head into the opening doors and scared the daylights out of me [for i thought it was a giant rat]. It's owner had let it off the leash for a while and it decided to make a grand entrance into the lift, right into my path.

and those were the highlights of today.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cosfest thing at Vivo.

Near and L. There were four Ls, this is the nicest most L-like L! He's small btw. And his shirt has a ralph lauren brand on it!

they decided to pose mourning for stitch.

Only the sword is nice.

Construction worker cosplayers.

Sora! with a funny face.

The genshiken guy from NJ. He ran to pose at the wall! Then everyone started taking pictures of him.

Nicest pair there.
95 words


this thing is fun.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

it has been decided.
i will run away to new zealand and live with my pet hedgehog and go whitewater rafting everyday.

yes. that will be it.

the smell of toast is intoxicating. it overwhelms me.

Friday, March 14, 2008

flickering colours,
click and buzz
all is fun but
all it does
is steal away your time till dawn
wont stop till the battle's won

goin at it
till its late
its more appealing
than the bed
virtual wars spark real life wars
on and on, slamming the doors

easing bordem
taking breaks
cant differentiate
what's real what's fake
Protect me from these dangers please
So i can live my life with ease

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i had a dream again. It was another strange one, stranger than ever. This time it was of funerals.

It wasnt really mentioned explicitly that it was about funerals, but you could tell that it was, by the way everything was happening.

The first one, i entered a room. It was a huge room with high ceilings and wooden frames around the windows. The room had an orangey light to it. There were round wooden tables placed in regular arrangement and there were people sitting at it. The people weren't quite like people. There were some that looked like werewolves, and others like vampires. There were creatures, with sharp drippy teeth, and eyes that stalked you as you walked. Suddenly, something happened. Something happened that sparked a huge uproar in the room. The creatures started pouncing on each other, and ripping at each other's throats. They were overturning the tables and pulling off table cloths. And a man entered, supposedly a Grandfather, and he was got at at the throat, and he fell writhing to the ground. Someone was crying for him. I left the room.

I entered the next room. This one was small, and white, and it had curtains at the windows. It had many many pianos in it, arranged in rows, close together, with a narrow aisle between. The people sat at the pianos, as they would at tables. They sat at the pianos and watched the ceremony. Someone was at the front of the room, and he was being made to say that he would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the soul would earn its way into the grave. He was wearing this white gown, with a golden collar and a strip all the way down. He was wearing fake wings too. So he said he would tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and the procession took place. The coffin was carried along the aisle and turned right out of the room and out of the door.

That is all i remember. I do not understand the point of this dream.

Anyhows. I shall write about the movie we watched on Tuesday.

We, meaning JiaSheng, ZhuoChun, Zheyu, Huiwei, XR and Me met at cine on that fine little March showers afternoon at 12 to watch a movie that we hadnt decided was what. For one thing, we had to wait till everyone had arrived to decide. And for one thing, XR was more interested in fixing her com than coming to meet us!! So she arrived a full 20 minutes or so, late [probably forced out of the door by our relentless phone calls.]. The guys came really early, for some reason, and disappeared to fill their stomachs while i met huiwei at the mrt. And then we went to eat. And then xr came and she ate too. Then we went to decide on what movie to watch. I thought we were going to watch The Leap Years [since the whole point of going out to watch the movie that day was because they werent able to watch one on 29th feb thanks to me and xr], but it turned out that the guys had other ideas. So we were considering what movie to watch. Huiwei wanted to watch Sky of Love or something like that, but Jiasheng insisted that it wasnt nice since he watched it before. I wanted to watch water-horse, but Huiwei refused to watch it cuz she said it probably wasnt going to be nice [though she had no solid proof!]. And then, someone said Rule No. #1. It was a horror movie, so i was definitely for it, and so were all the guys, and so, we won by the majority vote! Yeaahh...

But we had to wait like 2 hours for the movie to start, so we split ways and met back again at 2.50pm. The Jia Sheng and Zheyu were playing a basketball game on an Xbox, while zhuochun went on his photographic ways exploring the streets.

Anyway the time came for the movie! Huiwei and Xiu Rong were totally regretting the choice [and also mentioning the fact that not like they even had much of a choice]. Ahaha. It was so exciting. So we went in and the guys filled up the seats inside and huiwei sat beside JiaSheng so she could torture him by pinching, and i sat beside her and xr beside me [though i was quite afraid she was going to be quite scary also]. Xr wanted the aisle so that she could be the first to run away. The seats were like so big, i think i could have slept in them.

So the movie started. Started off quite gory i think. The main character, a police guy, stopped this man for not buckling his seatbelt. The policeman discovered that the man had a dead girl in his boot at the same time, and that man came out of the car and shot him 5 times, with a maniacal grin. At the same time, again, the girl in the boot sat up, blood-covered and all, freaked the man out, and saved the policeman.

The policeman awakes at a hospital, and in his report he wrote that he saw the girl sitting up, though the girl had already been dead 3 hours. He gets sent to a different department, called miscellaneous affairs.

This miscellaneous affairs department is the one who goes after evil ghosts, and shoots possessed people to prevent the ghosts from being passed to more bodies. They cover up for all strange things that happen, to maintain the Rule no#1, which is that there is no such thing as ghosts. Rule no 2 and 3 go something like, dont let them touch you and i dont know what because i forgot. But supposedly with one touch, the ghost can spread to the next body like a virus, and what remains is just the empty shell of the person it was in before.

So the story is basically the policeman guy and his superior go chasing after this mad ghost, who keeps possessing girl after girl. Then there is a saddistic part where the ghost goes to a girls' school, and possesses many girls, then there are like 5 girls standing in a row, on the roof. They have their hair tied together in ponytails, and they are holding hands. And the one at the edge steps off, and whoosh! Down they go, like a broken kite, they fall to the floor and land in a clump of broken bones and bodies. A policewoman touches one of the girls, and wala. Possessed is she now. The policeman actually closes up upon the policewoman that got possessed, and he realises that the ghost is that of the man he stopped in the carpark, back for revenge. He almost got to shoot the policewoman and end the story when some other policeman came and stopped him cuz they didnt believe he was a policeman since he was in plain clothes. So the possessed policewoman got away and the story continues.

The ghost said that it was going after his wife, so he rushed home but he didnt find anything [or so we thought at first].

In the end, he and his superior go to this abandoned house to meet the ghost, who made an appointment with them. They say they will shoot anyone who comes in. But its the superior's wife that comes in first, and the superior wants to prove that she's not possessed so he dances with her. But at the end of the dance, she sticks her nails into his back and the ghost is passed onto him like a virus, and the policeman has no choice but to shoot his superior.

Ah hah! Then suddenly! They jump back to the scene where he rushed home to check on his wife. He actually sees the dead policewoman in the bathtub, and then his possessed wife possesses him! Then he goes to the office and makes the appointment by wiping his bloodied fingers on the picture of the abandoned house. Then he meets his superior there and shoots him.

The last part is quite saddistic. He goes home to his wife[or rather, the ghost goes home to the policeman's wife in the policeman's body] and does the couple-ly thing [while they continue flashing back], except that the wife is just an empty shell. When he's done, he's smoking and he puts out his cigarette on her back. And a tear falls from her eye. Ew.

The most scary thing about the show is actually that the music gets too loud sometimes, freaks people out. And the suspenseful moments come one after another, so Huiwei is like, what!! not again??! And XiuRong is hiding behind her bag most of the time. Other scary scenes are like, the hallucinations he has of the ghost popping out from the washing machine, which has a really awful messed up face, and his wife holding out the foetus all bloody and crap covered, and saying its a boy! in a creepy to the highest degree kind of voice, like she had too many biscuits and no water.

But hey! It was pretty nice actually. ahahaa. Except it doesnt quite make much sense! If ghosts passed through bodies so easily they would have taken over the world by now! [have they already?] But it was a rainy rainy day...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

never fail to make the tears
well up in those eyes of mine
why make me face my greatest fears
when i can hide behind those blinds

you always say those kind of words
that strike me hard and from behind
unexpected, my mind is blurred
im tryin to read between the lines

say you'll stop once and for all
though the past holds stories long to tell
I'm the reason for your fall
But you're the one who dug the well

Finally, stop hoping now
I hope you'll keep your word
and keep it well.

stupid. stupid. me.

first time drawing tears. So if they dont look like, im sorry then.

Monday, March 10, 2008

hey this looks like fun! and i have nothing better to do! [i do, but im not doing whatever it is]
1. If I looked on your bed,what would I find?
A toufu, 2 big rabbits, 2 small rabbits, a giant hedgehog, an elephant, a round brown animal, a giant seal, a basket of more stuff toys, 2 pillows. A bedsheet. And maybe me too.

2. Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed? well, i have to open it to go to the bathroom.

3. Are your socks folded in your drawers, or just thrown in? rolled in

4. What made your day today? Unravel the code: 2188121710281824 [hah! who would ever bother -_-]

5. Are you a cuddler? Of little animals

6. Last group of people you hung out with? Rifle girls

7 . Something that happened today that made you angry? Missing my stop! And walking back in the rain :C

8. What were u doing before this survey? Talking to xiu rong

9. What will you be doing after this survey? talking to xiu rong

10. Marriage or living together? With who, my imaginary friend?

11. What are you wearing right now? Clothes

13. Does delabeling a beer bottle mean you are sexually frustrated? No, but i have no beer bottles to test anyway

14. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them? hide some, unless i cant take it

15. Is there something you regret? YEA.

16. First thing you do when you wake up? think about...

17. Last person you told you love them? my imaginary friend

18. Kiss with your eyes open or closed? Opened, if its in shock. Closed if its not

20. Last argument you got into? shall not talk about this since its over

21. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles? No, cuz they have cute labels, some of them

22.Whats one thing about the girl/boy you like? nice? i dunno, i cant decide. not like you usually know the reason why you like someone..

23. When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep? No, unfortunately

24. If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you? YES!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME COOL!

25 . What is the current advertisement on the side of the page? there's none

26. What are you looking forward to in the next few months? shooting happily

27. When will you turn 50? When i turn 50.

28. Are you ticklish? too ticklish

29. Where do you wish you were right now? somewhere with my imaginary friend, preferably on a star

30.What song are you currently listening to? i learnt from you thattt i do not crumble.. i learnt that strength is something you choose... all of the reasons to keep on believing, there's no question, that's a lesson, that i learn from YOU

31. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Unless its like after pt i dont think i will ever pass out from drinking

32. If you caught your significant other cheating on you what would you do? CRY, STAB MYSELF. STUFF MYSELF WITH BUENO.

33. What time did you wake up this morning? 7:11 its a store and more

34.Do you have any cousins? yea

35. What makes you laugh? my imaginary friend! Solves all problems. Actually almost everything can make me laugh.

36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? XIU RONG, to ask her why she's late!!

37. What is the worst subject they teach in school? GC

38. Where do you plan on living when you grow up? in a mushroom. ok fine, so i cant. I dont know really.

39 . What was your dream this morning? Something that made me wake up late!!!

WAS super AWESOME. they played spirited away, princess mononoke, final fantasy melodies of life, incredibles, doraemon, sth sth yamato, pochahontas, dunno what fusion of disney songs. Anyway it was really super nice.

AND THEN THAT FUDI. stupid fuddy!!! keep bluffing me! Grah! But the tone he uses to say it is like so convincing!!

*Huiwei xr fudi and me waiting for bus after band concert. Suddenly, *

fuddy: "Ey, you know about the bio make up on monday"
me: "Huh??"
fuddy: "Monday got bio make up. She say very important one leh"
me: "Really meh?? Since when..."
fuddy: "She gonna go through the tutorial on enzymes"
me: "Enzymes got tutorial meh"
fuddy: "She gonna give out on that day"
me: "Oh. Really.. huhhh...really arh??"

fuddy: "I got another good news for you.

I bluff you one.""

GRAAHHHHH. FUDDY IS EVIL!! I gotta stop being so gullible man. Stop playing tricks on me! >:C second time i got tricked. I ALMOST KNEW IT WAS A TRICK. ALMOST.!!

I shall end with random line.
- i have a wall built up with you trapped behind, but i
Still have images of you flashing through my mind -

Sunday, March 09, 2008

I shall write about the dream i had because it was such a perculiar dream. It makes me wonder if dreams are ever not perculiar because all the dreams i have are always so strange.

I only remember bits and pieces of it but i think it is enough to tell the gist of it.

There was a bunch of people, including me, and our purpose on this earth was to be sent to various places and eliminate unwanted creatures that were wrecking havoc. So we were sent to this particular island, which had a certain kind of monster that killed other animals [not for food, there was no mention of why the animals were killed]. So we looked about for the dead animals to gauge where the monsters were. There were pools of blood here and there, and most of the animals were dead crows. I remember staring at one of the bloodied lumps, and it became clear to me that it was a crow that was dead, bloodied, but standing upright. I got a little shock from that, in my dream and announced that the creatures were near because the blood was fresh.

I had this animal with me, it was my pet or something. I reckon it was a spirit because it flickered between being translucent and being opaque. It was a weasel-like sort of creature, but in my dream it was known as a Butam. And though that was not its name i started calling it that in my dream. It's ears were like a rabbit's but stuck together, so it was like fused into one ear, but you can still tell its 2 long rabbit ears, fused in the middle. It was white, with a long body, and a fox's tail. Small, and i could cuddle it, as i did in my dream.

Anyway, the group of us, yielding guns and revolvers went into this room, which had blue light and blue celophane windows, searching for the creatures. Dead animal bodies were littered around the room and there was blood here and there. It was dark-ish. The only thing i remember from here is examining dead animals.

I dont remember if we actually did catch the creatures, but when we left the room, we went out into the open to this desert-like place. And there was this stumpy tree, with no leaves, but it had many nests on it. The nests were like the size of plates and Butam ran towards the nests and looked in. In the nests there were more animals like Butam, but their ears were not fused, and they look like rabbits, but with fox-tails. There was also a nest with a cat and her babies in it. I touched one, and the mother cat ate it. It wasnt gross, the baby just disappeared. Then there was a narrative talking about how some were born with one eye, some were born with fused ears....

I remember that we all went back to the base and then there was announcement of another assignment...

yea. That was my dream. It felt like a movie. Could have been inspired by The Mist.