Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Squall has become humongous, he covers my hand almost entirely. And he's quite heavy and i can feel the wholesomeness of his squishy body as he waddles across my palms. He is still one of the nicest colours of hamsters ever although his head seems to be tiny in comparison with the rest of his body such that he is starting to resemble a bear. All i can see in his sparkly big black eyes is the plea for more fooood. [although there isnt lack of it in his cage]

Stupid blogger was not working yesterday when i had things to rant about so I spent 5 hours venting my frustrations by drawing a picture instead, from around 6 to 11+pm. There are so many imperfections in it i found but i'm too lazy to correct them. [or rather, i don't really know how to as well.] Whatever la. I shall not care about people who are mean and ungrateful.

Anyway i am here primarily to talk about my dream this morning. I dreamt that suddenly, while looking out at the coast from the house I was in, I saw the waves seem to get stronger and stronger, and it started to push an island out of place and make it collapse into mud. This, being big news, was then related to the people who were with me [i don't know who other than my sis], and we were all in shock and fear and jumped into a car to get out of the place. When we were driving out, suddenly there was this HUGE ship right in front of us. Like, literally directly in front, the tip was almost touching the hood of our car and it was humongous and made of faded red planks. It started to move forward a bit so we tried to move as well, but it slipped back and i remember preparing myself for death as we could have been crushed. It was seriously quite frightening. Then we saw other people getting away on motorbikes, and the motorbikes in my dream were not like those you usually see on the streets, but they were slightly translucent, white and very very sleek. There were empty ones lying around so i told my sis to jump onto one and she was like "siao ah" but did it anyway. And then we sped down the road as the waves crashed behind us and finally got to this house. Because everyone was soaking wet, they wanted to get changed, i don't know why it would make a difference. But the waves were coming and i tried to warn them but nobody would listen. The house got swallowed up in the water and when we looked out the windows, there was nothing but water all around. The water was totally clear clear blue and we could see through it for miles. I don't remember how it ended from here...

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