Friday, February 27, 2009

HEYYY the overall results werent so bad afterall.. though individually we may not have done so great, with the exception of carol... eventually we only lost to tertiary institutes and shooting clubs! Whoo. We got 5th! Below safra's 1st and 2nd team, NUS and Home team NS. We beat raffles! i find it quite amazing considering the score i shot.

Oh yes, i faced up to the truth and looked at my score. I counted wrongly, thought i shot a lot worse than i did. My middle 2 series were toot all because i thought my first series made me a gonner. I REALLY gotta stop counting. it demoralises me and i dont know it. i shot 95 91 92 96 i really counted my first series as 92 actually. But it felt so bad anyway i wouldnt have shot well.

ok, i wouldnt know that. but nvm.

Pistol girls won a prize and so did carol, as expected haha.


My mom discovered squall but didnt say anything about him, and Actually.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

its all just bad. bad bad bad. B-A-D. bad. bad.


im demoralised. disappointed.

but i can't understand.

whats wrong?


hamsters were making a lot of noise, climbing the bars on the top of the cage. Wheel fell off. Cant on room light, sis sleeping. Worked with a lamp, fixed the wheel, had to readjust the upper story of the cage cuz it was interfering with the turning of the wheel. Fingers hurt from trying to dislodge the clips quickly in fear of being discovered. Hamster was running on wheel that couldnt turn, shuffling noises. Put new chew bar in cage. Hope Actually stops squeaking now or my parents are gonna discover them soon.

Felt so exasperated.

Nothing felt right today. Nothing.

Dont know my score and dont wanna know. I know it is bad. Very.

Trying to put it all aside.
Just feel so queasy inside.

I dont know if im sad over this. I am very disappointed thats for sure. Have the sick feeling of feeling something gone and wasted...

Now have to think about how to change my training method...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I keep biting the same part of my mouth, the right corner of where my upper and lower lips meet. It's been 4 times! There are big holes there and was soo painful now its just numb.

A nice old indian fellow offered me umbrella today! Cuz i alighted from 67 at the stop before newton and was trapped in the rain. I was prepared to run, but he was kind enough! How nice C:

Then saw kev!n at bedok interchange and we exchanged waves. I keep seeing people i know recently! Saw gladine recently too.

I actually have a lot of things to write about but by the time i get down to doing it, i have nothing to write about!

Oh well... and my english is deteriorating by the milliseconds...

Competition tmr!!! wheeeeeeeeeeee missing school thurs and fri - but going back for bio spa on fri :/

Oh oh i am getting bitten by the multitudes everywhere in the dead of the night. I wake up at 4am feeling itchy spots here and there. This has happened 3 times. Theres like 30 bites on my legs and at least 6 on my arms. I have 2 on the soles of my right foot!!! It's itchy when i walkk sometimes... My dad found a DEAD FAT mosquito under my pillow yesterday!! It drank so much of my blood it got too fat to fly and just died there. Can you imagine that!! Apparently there must be more of his friends around.. i am still not free from this torture...

oh and YOU are a total WEAKLING and FATass.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My secret hamsters are still going strong!

Refilled the food and water and little squally was so busy eating, he didnt bother when i put a sunflower seed on his head. Actually was hiding downstairs.

Cute little Squall!

Squall is actually a lot bigger than Actually. His hair is poofy-er. Actually has very neat flat hair while Squall has poofy hair. Makes Actually look a look skinnier but they are both adorable C:

Good thing lit consolidation wasnt on today! I got to train! Though i didnt really get the Feeel. But at least i got a chance to train. There's chem consolidation until 530 tmr so maybe i'll only get to train an hour. And then NTU will be on thurs. I will be missing math test and taking it on friday instead, the day when i have bio spa. And there's KI test tomorrow.

My life is very exciting! I look forward to each day very much, hoping that one day when i return home, i can still see the sun.

I have homework to do, but i am very very reluctant to do it. It's the chem remedial worksheet. It's very boring! Other than that i have math, which i can do tomorrow, and carbonyl tutorial to finish [finished the assignment question at least! That one need to hand in.]. What else must i do?

This is a very contemplative post. Hey im not lagging behind too badly... I just need a little more motivation.

Goodbye world.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

the ULTIMATE cuteness.
An Innocent Actually and a Slab of Squall.

Been tired recently. Missing bus stops [and boarding the wrong ones] and missing mrt stops, taking longer than usual to get home because of that.

Im getting confused by people around me.

run run run...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here comes Squall! He stayed in this position for like 1 minute! He just suddenly stopped moving and my sis and I were like.. What happened to him!

His leg hangs lazily off the hand.

Actually is not as photogenic as Squall!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My secret hamsters updates

little squall sleeping on the wheel.

This is Actually. He is Squall's companion and friend [given by my sis] but he's timid and very squeaky.

Squall and lettuce.

Actually likes to make a lot of noise. He flips over his own back and gets scared easily. Squall is clueless and couldn't go to the upper storey house all night because Actually would make a lot of noise. Poor Squall had to stay downstairs. But Actually started walking about outside today! Squall helped Actually clean himself, but Actually was not keen on it. Squall is a clean freak. he loves being clean. Actually doesnt seem to care as much.

I love my little hamsters [but biased towards Squall haha.]

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Actual Valentine's Day 2009Ele gave me a yellow rose! [cuz i like yellow...] It's super big and nice..

cake i baked

lunch made by ele and me

This is Squall, my dear hamster that ele got for me! I'm worried. I dont know where to hide him. My parents were both in stormy moods i couldnt tell any of them about Squall.. My sis helped me hide him among her art stuff. My heart aches that he has to stay longer in the tiny cage. I feel so sorry to him... left him water in a plastic square in case he gets thirsty in the night...

The cutest pic ever

I am grateful for what you have done for me.
kristy's pretty rose!!
A piece of elephant chocolate from leonard a few days ago lol.

Cute jersey thing from Ah Rong! It's dam cute and its got a pic that we took on the first day of school for 2009 on it. Yay. Behind is my index number, 1! Kristy's lovebugs are crawling on my plants.

Roses from Kev!n and Lyrad! SHOCK. when i received these. This is how the story goes. I know that Kev!n typed the wrong class to send the roses to, so when i went to collect, i asked, 06ip04? Council people said dont have. 09SH04? Haave. So they brought the whole bunch down and i took one, and it had my name on it, then the girl was like, ehh your class right? can take for all of them? And i was like, not my class! Is type wrongly... cept i didnt realise all of them were addressed to me... So it was only MUCH later in the day when cheryl told me she saw many roses addressed to me that i realised! Gosh. I am now hanging them all to dry so they will stay in their nice shape hah.

Also got nice choco from WENYING and YANHUI and LYNNA and gummies from KAITING. Thanks to everyone! :D


The first act was by shanti. Quite cool luh. But i tell you, wendy's performance was just FREAKY. She kept twirling her hands in a meaningless manner and half the time the music was playing instead of her singing. She looked REALLY SCARY. Diana kept going off key.
The chester guy was DAM GOOD. like seriously. It was super entertaining and his singing was dam good. im in awe.
The single ladies dance was quite funny. Lol. Entertaining. And wen loong's dance was just wen loong. But the singing was surprisingly live! Sexy back... and it sounded like the real thing! Benjamin just kept going "yeah!" at the right moments. lol.

The JH1 band. The guy is SO DAM ACT COOL LAH. TOTALLY NOT COOL. The only cool thing is his shirt. It's a dino and giraffe hugging each other.

Haha i got a pic of chian siang's funny face!

Ate our overdue dinner at the canteen after the show [no time to eat before that!] And then got my parents to fetch me.. carrying so many things and my leg muscle has been pulled i think. I cant walk properly!! Ahh. Luckily shooting only involves me standing and not moving.

tralala C:

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Today was quite eventful i must say.

Here are the people who wished me! [In the order]:
Xiu Rong~
Everyone in class

Yay Thanks to them all C:

I got nice presents too! My sis gave me a cute japanese doll keychain and a cool red notebook with red pages. My bro gave me a dam nice blue stone necklace/choker thingy. Married hedgehogs courtesy of Huiwei and fuddy! Elephant stationary courtesy of Kristy, Kaiting, Ama, Lynna, Daniel! Lol. Choco wafer thingy from Xiu Hui! Hong Baos from parents of my own and ele's! And elephant had the most magnificent present yet. Giant hamster wearing grey fbts and 18 cherries! Ok, its a polar bear actually. Its HUGE, as you can see. I officially have no bed left.

I am grown up now :D How cool is that.

I swept the range floor for half an hour today! What an achievement!

1 hour and 20 minutes later, i will be 18 years and 1 day old :D

Monday, February 02, 2009

i am 17 and 364 days old! How cool is that. I am even older than fuddy.

Nick is flying off today, my sister and I shall be seeing him off.

Meet genevieve and friends yesterday. Gen came back from australia for a while. There was eleanor, chia, tiff, suat yee the unfeeling, gloria and me. Gen had a reservation at Manhattan Fish Market, so we had dinner there. It was awesome. I had a flaming platter cuz i didnt know what to eat so i just had the same thing as Tiff. I couldnt finish any of the fries so suat yee devoured them all.

They are such a funny bunch. No NJ humour can ever beat their humour! With a lot of witty, accent-ful people [One italian, one australian, one fake suat yee], it couldnt get any better than that.

Had gelare ice cream too. Eleanor explained that gelare means "To freeze" in Italian, like, "i went home gelare my fish." And its JER-LAH-RARE not like how everyone pronounces it. And the thingy on the a shouldnt even be there.

ok i need to go to the airport now. shalt return later.

Ok im back from air port. I am extremely tired. I would like to sleep but i think i wanna wait for my sis to come home and see what she's giving me first. Haha. yay.

I thought i had a lot more to write but now it seems i dont have much :/ Goodbye.