Monday, December 06, 2010

I made a new blog for my miniatures. Yay. yesyes exams were over a long long time ago! actually just over a week ago. BUT IT FEELS LIKE ITS BEEN SO LOONGGG.. and ive been doing what ive been wanting to do all the time!!

YES. Make clay stuff! And ive been making them like crazy but only a tiny fraction of a corner of a crease of a scrap of a slip of abandoned clay is worthwhile showcasing. Because i still have a looongg loonnggg way to go to going somewhere with this. BUT i will not give in! rahahahaa i have so much time to spare now i must get something done!!

First post presents... TEMPURA!! yea yea yea after eating it at kiseki where it was so awesomely good i just had to make tiny versions of them. Now i can stare at them for a long time and reminisce and imagine dipping them in sauce.. and savouring the crispyness and eating even the tails.. and..

HUNGRY ALREADY?? okay la. my spinglish doesnt make it tempting enough. but go see it anyway? pleeeeeeeeeeeease.

entice you with kiseki food with cheesy fuzzy border.
Tempura did not take centre stage in the photos but it is really tasty!

ok la up to you. <---- go here see~

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