Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colour in the shades of Grey

the parting of the veil inside my mind
reveal to me what memories transcend the sands of time.

I went to run because i felt like running was a good way to throw everything painful away, kind of because its painful trying to run after a long time of not running that you're more bothered by that instead. Along the way i met some bright orange fungi growing on the wooden parts of the makeshift path that would eventually lead to east coast park. They looked really exotic because i didn't expect to see anything brightly coloured in this sad, grey world. And it kinda reflected what exactly i just wrote. The wood was grey, and the fungi was the only colour on it. Colour in the shades of grey. I havent seen any brightly coloured fungi in real life before so it was quite a nice distraction. But i didnt have a camera with me so i didnt take any photos and just plucked one off google images. If they are still there a couple of days later(which i highly doubt since they come and go like fleeting memories), i must have them down on film. Anyway they deserve a little rhyme dedicated to them for being so special:

The Orange Fungi Its Name I Do Not Know
i thought i saw a glimpse of bright
orange huddled in the dark
shadows darting side to side
walking through the lonely park
cautiously did i approach
the orange speckled dots on wood
wonder crept across my face
these discs were not from outer space
they were nothing more than those
things you won't let near your nose
not a plant nor animal
rulers only in their world
and yet so strongly they held me
a fatal curiousity
i couldnt take my eyes away
as night came and engulfed the day
so lost was i in thought and awe
the light of day i never saw.

okayokay towards the end it just becomes nonsensical. heck care.

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