Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ughyggygh!! I can't sleep! It's 3am and I'm still not sleeping, I'm really turning into a zombie. Anyway I just decided to write a post cuz I dunno what else to do at this unearthly hour. It seems that recently i only write when I have a sudden burst of anger or inspiration otherwise this place is pretty much dead. I wonder who actually still reads this. Lol.

Whatever it's still fun so I shall continue writing.

I wish I could switch off my brain at certain times, especially when I'm left to my own thoughts, they really start running all over the place and spreading like baked cherries, and then sometimes there are angry thoughts about some idiot and I get so pissed off just thinking about stupid incidents and stupid me for letting them go on for such a long time and stupid me for letting the best things pass me by and taking all the pain and horror in between. It's over now but I still get haunted by incidents that piss me off or are really saddening. At these times I wish i could switch off and be done with it! Like now! Dude I wanna sleep but my mind is running and running and the other mind is thinking of something else at the same time! Yea I think my left and right brain think different things cuz I can feel thoughts on the left and thoughts on the right and it's so weird you can FEEL thinking. I don't do double thinking so well these days cuz I don't use my brain much.

Anyway I just wanna switch off and go sleep but here I am cuz my brain is overflowing I'm pouring out some crap here with no punctuations even. Okay there's one. Argg. Stop laming around go sleeeeepp!!

Bedok point is open yay! Going to explore tomorrow whee!

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