Thursday, March 05, 2009

The wheel gets stuck sometimes, then the scratching sound comes again. Little Squall trying to run on a wheel that wouldnt move.
Just cleaned their cage. Because there are two of them and Actually is difficult to get close to, i distracted Squall with a piece of orange and capped the top of the cage over Actually as i separated the wire body part from the plastic bottom. So Squall was not capped by anything and was freely sitting there in the open space, distracted by a piece of orange. Meanwhile i changed the bedding and added new food. My sis changed the diet to an organic mix of cereal and fruit musli, its like what we humans eat! That, and some bread is the diet of my hamsters.

Ah. The wheel got stuck again. lousy thing!

i like watching my little hamsters.

But i have to go do homework now.

goodbye world.

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