Sunday, March 29, 2009

oo. it is 22:17pm.
Just got home, 10 minutes ago. I met avril at bedok interchange.
Havent done math at all.
Why then, you may ask, am i sitting here typing this?
Well i am eating dinner, spare me. And i have to reflect.

I didnt shoot well.
92 97 94 95 - 378
As you can see, i shot a 92 yet AGAIN.

Well, it's because close to finishing my sighters, i SUDDENLY started shooting very high! And i seriously have no idea why. I tried again and again and got like a super high up grouping so i sighted and sighted and it didnt really move much. So i just started because i had already done 30 over sighters. First few shots continued being high then it went slightly normal then i shot a 7 as well. Oh well..

Then it started being more okay, i stared very hard at relationship. But at my last series i forgot something very important, which was to bring down the gun straight, so i kept shooting 9 and 10.0s until the 4th last shot then i suddenly remembered, and shot 10 9 10 10, proper 10s, not 10.0s.

I should not listen to music before i shoot. It distracts me from thinking about my technique.
And it didnt help that my trigger finger was wrapped up in a plaster after stupid mr.umbrella dug a hole in it while i was trying to close it. The hole is quite deep i managed to squeeze a large drop of blood out of it. I took the plaster off at first when i was going to shoot, but then remembered that it might get infected with a lot of lead particles so i put it back on. It might have affected my triggering in some way.

I was distracted by the pistol shooter facing me who kept coughing loudly. I shouldn't have been but i went to think about getting distracted so i did get distracted. Stupid me.

Oh and because it rained when i was on my way to safra i had to buy an umbrella from northpoint for $2.90 if not i would never have made it there. It is not the foldable type but it is a nice shade of translucent sky blue. My shoes and socks were soggy. I had to borrow socks from carol to shoot in.

What a crappily eventful day.

I also dreamt that the world hated me.

im not quite ready for school.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Squall is horrible. He bit Actually. Actually bled. Now he has a wound on his belly and it's so red :C

Have separated them.
man, just now was epic. I was trapped by a cockroach. I couldnt move! Ok. i just really hate insects that crawl around quickly. It is quite freaky. My sis came to flush it down into the sewer.

And my hamsters were fighting! I wanted to cry. It's heartaching to see them fight. My sis helped me stop them by spraying them with water when they fought. Squall bit Actually! Bad bad hamster... But they've stopped now. They kept taking turns to go to a corner and emo. It's so cute!! But sad.. They'd rest their heads on the edge of the plastic compartment upstairs and poke their nose out from the bars and just stay like that, at the corner of the cage. I have pictures but my phone has no batt now.

> <
[notice only one of its ears flap when it walks!!]

Friday, March 27, 2009

hey i shot surprisingly quite goodly today.

i did groupings first but they didnt come out very consistent after a while.
Then i started on single shots.
And just kept shooting.
Until i ran out of time.

Here is the breakdown:
10 10 10 9 9 10 10 10 9 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 8

i shot 29 shots in 15 minutes. I thought it was 30 but counted wrongly. Last two shots were a bit too hasty cuz i needed to get off the lane. haha. ops.

Hey i never shot so many 10s in a row before. I think it's cuz i was just shooting and shooting, shoot, change card, shoot, change card, i didnt take note of how many i was shooting or anything so it was continuous. But the real thing won't be since i have to stop to put cards on the chair after 10 shots! My mom suggested pretending to change card a few times after the break in each series so i imagine im still doing a continuous action. I shall try it on sunday.

I need to put my stand closer to me. When i move it closer it seems nicer to transfer my gun to me. And i MUST FOCUS ON RELATIONSHIP and PULLING TRIGGER SLOWLY [i have major trigger freeze problems nowadays] and CONTINUOUSLY. NO HESITATION!!! cant forget about shoulder being tight... and stop my left hand from moving or using any strength or force.

Oh when i think about the string of 10s my heart falls to the bottom of my stomach for a moment. Must try not to think about it.

must remember those things... :D
oh i have a new favourite song called Mad World by Gary Jules. It's depressing and awesome.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

my life is now:

5:30am wake up
6:40am reach school and do homework or sleep
7:40am go for assembly and the rest of school
[depends on what time school ends] go train
9:30pm reach home and practise piano and eat dinner and get distracted by tv and so on
10:00pm do homework
11:15pm Either still doing homework or started slacking already

And now i am slacking.

My hand smells very glove-ish.

I had my 2.4km run on tuesday! Because tuesday exchanged timetables with friday so i have PE THREE times this week. How cool is that! I didn't walk during my 2.4 for the first time in the entire pathetic life of mine. I ran 12:21, a palindromic timing, as you can see. I wanted to walk so badly during the last 300 meters but forced myself to carry on. My legs are kinda aching[also because i was practising standing broad jump. i might have 5 items tomorrow]. I really don't wanna get C for my sit and reach... oh mann PE is first period. I don't have time to practise stretching!

Who practises stretching anyway. Other than someone who's dam bad at it like me.

lalala. goodbye now world. I must go do something more productive.

Monday, March 23, 2009

There was grapefruit juice spilt in the sky tonight.

Oh shyt. I'm being distracted from my bio and my chem and my math.

I shot 96 97 92 96 today. How wonderful!


I started the 92 series with 2 8s. That means i shot 2 8s and 4 9s. Wow, thats a lot of times of wrong action. My 97 series was quite cool. 10/9/9/9/10/10/10/10/10/10. But i didnt count score! I'm learning.

Oh! On saturday i shot 92 94 95 95. Why do i love 92 so much? i think zhang inspected my first series and came to check on me. She found that my cylinder was close to zero in gas! Ops. I was too distracted i forgot about that. So zhong xian helped me get it pumped. And then i had to sight a bit again so i didnt get that great a score.

Ok. let's not get too distracted. I must be going now. goodbye.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

i am so grateful for JOANNAH SHANE. who although may talk crap sometimes, but this time she really talked a lot of sense to me. And her comic rocks. It should get published.

i am also grateful to everyone else who knows who they are C:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

it was difficult but i still had to say it.

never said things in such a way before.

but i have to let them realise.

but will they see the meaning?

or take it with a pinch of sugar.
like its nothing.

I hope i didnt say it for nothing.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i like a real game.

But i cant really play.

But i like running around anyway.

I will have fun as long as i'm with friends, or i will still find fun in it anyhow.

Training was okay. I finally stopped shooting to the right, now its more to the left, but that seems to be easier to adjust. Cylinder has no gas! My shots were going low. Hope will be able to pump tmr.
My left hand is not really listening to me. I said stop but it would not. I just need to learn to relax it... I'm not consistent.

But i had a really nice 10 shot grouping, by really focusing and doing all my action slowly and properly and being patient. And the grouping after that one was not so bad too. I need to be patient.

but i still want a release..

Monday, March 16, 2009

i want to be friends with wenying forever :D

it's so nice and easy to just talk and share problems with her and she can give me some helpful advice too!

And i miss Mr Lee. He gave me some helpful advice today that made quite a lot of sense.

But i need to learn to live life without hoping for a Mr Lee to always help me solve problems.

Time to GROW UP!!!
Stop having little confidence in myself.

I learnt quite a lot on the first day of training camp.
My brain is smooshed.

New words:
Wenying is an assiduous student and does her work with sedulous concentration.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

playing basketball with rifle girls is the most fun thing ever!

we were playing on early shut down day, after my chem make up. There was joannah, carol, wenying and yan hui and me. Joannah introduced us to a game called Bullet, where we shot hoops to accumulate bullets to kill people.

We took turns and i was after joannah so i had the highest probability of getting killed cuz joannah is the most pro among us! But i got lucky and managed to shoot in quite many heh heh heh! Like two consecutive, and once, 3 consecutively! So i killed wenying because i didnt get killed by joannah, and then finally in the showdown between joannah and i, i won! yay.

But that is because the point we shot from was directly in front of the net and at the 1 pointer line so quite near, not so difficult haha.

oh oh, i shot a 3 pointer!


Anyway playing basketball with them is like so fun and funny cuz most of us dont know how to dribble, so we were basically trying and failing, and looking like total retards but who cares.

we played until the gate was gonna close so decided to stop.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

i was supposed to go do homework but i ended up cleaning up the hammie's cage instead! They were sleeping so cutely but i had no choice but to wake them cuz they were starting to have hamster smell. Squall was sleeping on his back so all his little feet could be seen like a curled up hedgehog's would look like. He really looked like he was in deep sleep with his mouth half open. Actually woke up first.

Anyway thursday is a hamster cage cleaning day! I have decided because i have been cleaning their cage on thursday consistently, apart from the first time being friday. It seems like a good day for cage cleaning so i shall stick to it.

It's so nice to have 2 little hamsters crawling about my arms. Actually isnt scared when you let him walk around by himself. I put them both in the hamster ball while cleaning their cage. Actually wanted to jump out of my hands when i took him out of the cage. [he's always like that.] They looked so cute running together.

ok ok, i really must go do homework now...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sch admin is freakin stupid.

They decided to have the half day in the morning so school starts at 12 instead.
it's dam retarded.
I just saw announcement on KM saying all SH2 H2 math ppl have to go for math lecture at 11.

so they are cheating us of the half day.

and whats their freaking problem with the key la. Like what has getting the teacher to return the key got to do with them keeping it. Like whats the diff between us returning it and the teacher returning it. We are returning it what?!? Stupid retarded system. what kind of stupid comment is "lucky we are keeping the key". It has no link whatsoever to us returning the key. You stupid retards all of you.

school is freakin annoying.
being here makes me stupider by the day.

no wonder the GP standard getting worse. Even the office people are talking out of point half the time.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

insidious - crafty.

androgeny - when the embryo only contains male chromosomes due to failure of the egg's nucleus to participate in fertilization.

androgyne - a person of ambiguous sex identity [hermaphrodite]

Charlyn was doing her french homework and these words came up. We were unclear of the meanings.
The wheel gets stuck sometimes, then the scratching sound comes again. Little Squall trying to run on a wheel that wouldnt move.
Just cleaned their cage. Because there are two of them and Actually is difficult to get close to, i distracted Squall with a piece of orange and capped the top of the cage over Actually as i separated the wire body part from the plastic bottom. So Squall was not capped by anything and was freely sitting there in the open space, distracted by a piece of orange. Meanwhile i changed the bedding and added new food. My sis changed the diet to an organic mix of cereal and fruit musli, its like what we humans eat! That, and some bread is the diet of my hamsters.

Ah. The wheel got stuck again. lousy thing!

i like watching my little hamsters.

But i have to go do homework now.

goodbye world.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

wrote a poem on saturday on the bus home, when it was freezing cold.

Desert Rock

Worse luck than a desert rock,
fluctuating temperatures, how they flock
towards my heart and mind and soul,
the morning hot
the night so cold.

I shiver as i walk the roads
home to warmth and shelter alone
Sometimes i almost skid and fall,
but i regain balance upon a wall.
My teeth they clatter jaw to jaw,
my breath it trembles ever more
no shelter from this cold, cold world,
no friend to hug, no hand to hold
A long time 'fore i reach salvation
then i'll have a celebration
drown myself in cotton cloths,
dip myself in sunday's broth.
Comfort at my fingertips,
hot tea in savoury sips,
mudpies oozing chocolate dreams,
oh what little fancy whims!

But before i reach my destination,
i must rely on my imagination
keeps me happy, gives me hope
with this cold it help me cope.

yes it is quite lame and contradicting, i dont hug people so it wouldnt matter to me whether there was a friend to hug or not.

i am losing touch with school and with shooting, with everything i should be doing proper. Cant pass my tests or listen in class. I feel so tired.

no time to even talk?