Friday, December 31, 2010

I dreamed a dream..

Yesterday I cried out in my sleep! It was quite a creepy cry I must say, would have scared the shyt out of anyone who was awake then, or other light sleepers like me. The cool thing is since I'm such a light sleeper, I wake up whenever I start talking or crying out in my sleep so I always know when it happens, and what exactly it sounded like. Like when you tell other people hey, you were talking in your sleep! They would say really? What did I say! But my response would be I know! I called someone an idiot(yea I did that in my sleep once).

So anyway the cry sounded like a puppy getting whacked or how I imagine a puppy would sound like getting whacked, but it was true fear and desperation I felt in my dream, although the circumstances were not very extreme. It was simply me being upset with honbun for being cold earlier(in the dream) then hiding in the room n being unable to lock myself in, I cried out when he opened the door. Yea. Simple as that. I don't know what I was so fearful of, but it was just the thought of my efforts being in vain! I guess. Cuz I actually had a hard time closing my room door (as in real life, the door slightly does not fit) and he so easily opening it scared me. Somehow.

So that resulted in me waking up at 6:45am, cutting short my troubled sleep. (already couldn't fall asleep and still must wake up halfway -.-) so I decided to go back to sleep! Since it was still early. Little did I know...

I was taking part in a triathlon. I had to run to a swimming pool, swim across it, then cycle back to the starting line. Funny how I managed to do it. Usually in my dreams, my movement is dragged like crazy and I just can't run, I slime my way along. But in this dream I was running and swimming fine(cool!). After the triathlon, I went back to the chalet where all the dunman people were and there were two rooms were everyone was randomly separated into. My hunnybun was there and he said hm, so you didn't put us in the same room. And proceeded to watch tv and ignore me! I felt really sad, I didn't really know what to do. And I just woke up cuz the feeling were overwhelming and turned real.

I dunno why my dreams are so depressing. I'm not even upset or anything in reality. Ok a bit. But nothing to do with the contents of my dream! And I have so many dreams I can write a book about all my dreams and it will be thicker than the lord of the rings.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Colour in the shades of Grey

the parting of the veil inside my mind
reveal to me what memories transcend the sands of time.

I went to run because i felt like running was a good way to throw everything painful away, kind of because its painful trying to run after a long time of not running that you're more bothered by that instead. Along the way i met some bright orange fungi growing on the wooden parts of the makeshift path that would eventually lead to east coast park. They looked really exotic because i didn't expect to see anything brightly coloured in this sad, grey world. And it kinda reflected what exactly i just wrote. The wood was grey, and the fungi was the only colour on it. Colour in the shades of grey. I havent seen any brightly coloured fungi in real life before so it was quite a nice distraction. But i didnt have a camera with me so i didnt take any photos and just plucked one off google images. If they are still there a couple of days later(which i highly doubt since they come and go like fleeting memories), i must have them down on film. Anyway they deserve a little rhyme dedicated to them for being so special:

The Orange Fungi Its Name I Do Not Know
i thought i saw a glimpse of bright
orange huddled in the dark
shadows darting side to side
walking through the lonely park
cautiously did i approach
the orange speckled dots on wood
wonder crept across my face
these discs were not from outer space
they were nothing more than those
things you won't let near your nose
not a plant nor animal
rulers only in their world
and yet so strongly they held me
a fatal curiousity
i couldnt take my eyes away
as night came and engulfed the day
so lost was i in thought and awe
the light of day i never saw.

okayokay towards the end it just becomes nonsensical. heck care.
Right at this moment.

The loneliest moment of my life?
Okay I decided not to be so vengeful towards life. Yeayea my mood changes super fast.

On a lighter note, last night I dreamt I got married! It's one of the more interesting dreams I've bothered to remember recently (yea can choose whether to rmbr or not cool right) since my brain has been stale and not doing much freeflow. Anyway, I dreamt I was getting married to none other than my hunnybunny of course, otherwise it would be outrageous. It took place in one of the dunman classrooms, bigger than actual of course cuz dreams pull things out of proportion. And at the start I was running around looking for a dhs uniform?? I dunno why. But the dhs girls were there and discussing stuff like whether to wear sports shoes etc. I rmbr running through long long corridors that had wooden railings, nothing like dhs actually but that's just where my brain stated it to be. I was just looking for any spare uniform. No way am I getting married in dunman uniform in real life??

When I managed to find something to wear, I met back with the dhs girls and we went outside of school to walk around randomly? I forgot what happened here.

Anyway the procession itself was just like a church wedding, marching down an aisle with people on both sides. And it was dunman and nj people. I think the whole of 2K was there cuz there were specific faces I saw. And the walls were pinkish beige and there were flower petals falling from the ceiling. And everyone was clapping.

It was all just like a really happy affair and I woke up towards the end but just went back to sleep to continue the dream and it did continue, but those parts I don't remember anymore. I only clearly remember the scene where everyone was clapping.

In reality I don't think I will have a pink wedding.. Certainly won't be holding the actual procession at dhs. Probably will invite most ppl I saw in the dream, will not wear dhs or nj unifom or whatever school uniform as a wedding gown of course!! It's just not something to be worn on such a special day, when you used to wear it everyday and probably treat it like shyt too. There won't be pink walls but the flower petals sound nice...

My brain is imploding and I was supposed to go sleep several hours ago but stupid module bidding has ruined my life forever and ever. and will continue to do so until i get out of here!!! this evil place!!! its ruining my life!! but also crucial to it!! why is life so contradicting??

Bid points are soaring sky high and my allocated modules timetable sucks and clashes with everything under the sun. I HATE BIDDING. it's frustrating. grrr.

i need a pet bunny now.
See? If i had this in front of me, i wouldnt be half as pissed off.

Monday, December 27, 2010

yay! outing today with huiwei and xiurong was fun! so happy to be able to see them again after such a long time. it's been months or something. huiwei is now on the quest to becoming invisible and xiurong is advancing in technology as usual.

i must remember to take measurements later based on huiwei's documentary.

I think i spent too much money. But i couldn't care less cuz i had a good day.

Sadly im back home, facing my com screen again and soon to be looking through modules AGAIN. i cant stand it, why is it so marfan.
Bon voyage or non?

Stay tuned to find out!

Sleeplessness is Killing me


WHY is the hot water not hot water?


On this cold post-christmas night, might i not have a cup of warm milo to tide me through?

How far deeper am i falling into this sleepless insanity?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tribute to Christmas

Christmas bells and candy bars
baubles, angels, shiny stars
singing, laughing, ripping wrapping,
smell of turkey, children clapping,
glitter, sparkles, snowflakes, lights
shimmer, glaze and pretty sights
paper, metal, glass or plastic
music, magic, so fantastic,
Christmas cheer is in the air,
Confetti flying everywhere
everyone is having fun
while i am having none.

Actually the last two lines are just cuz they rhyme.
I just finished watching survivor Nicaragua and I'm super happy cuz a non-villanous person won! I'm super hungry now.

I haven't been making any clay stuff lately cuz I haven't got any inspiration to run on and planning modules and timetable is such a torture, everytime i'm done with it I feel like I've done a truckload of work and just wanna slack the rest of the time away. Which is what i'm doing now. Slacking~

Pet society had a silly glitch, they put the sale item as 6 coins instead of 600, which they corrected it to later, so I bought like a million of them and resold it and earned like 100k. Yay. Too bad they realised their mistake.

Christmas was uneventful for me. I'm only writing cuz I slept so much today i dunno when I'll ever be able to sleep again. I slept 5 hours in th afternoon, had a bad dream and woke up.

And I'm so hungry.

and my counter doesnt work anymore! have to put a new one and start from last i remembered what i saw which was a really long time ago...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ughyggygh!! I can't sleep! It's 3am and I'm still not sleeping, I'm really turning into a zombie. Anyway I just decided to write a post cuz I dunno what else to do at this unearthly hour. It seems that recently i only write when I have a sudden burst of anger or inspiration otherwise this place is pretty much dead. I wonder who actually still reads this. Lol.

Whatever it's still fun so I shall continue writing.

I wish I could switch off my brain at certain times, especially when I'm left to my own thoughts, they really start running all over the place and spreading like baked cherries, and then sometimes there are angry thoughts about some idiot and I get so pissed off just thinking about stupid incidents and stupid me for letting them go on for such a long time and stupid me for letting the best things pass me by and taking all the pain and horror in between. It's over now but I still get haunted by incidents that piss me off or are really saddening. At these times I wish i could switch off and be done with it! Like now! Dude I wanna sleep but my mind is running and running and the other mind is thinking of something else at the same time! Yea I think my left and right brain think different things cuz I can feel thoughts on the left and thoughts on the right and it's so weird you can FEEL thinking. I don't do double thinking so well these days cuz I don't use my brain much.

Anyway I just wanna switch off and go sleep but here I am cuz my brain is overflowing I'm pouring out some crap here with no punctuations even. Okay there's one. Argg. Stop laming around go sleeeeepp!!

Bedok point is open yay! Going to explore tomorrow whee!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I CANT STAND IT!!! my house is worse than those on renovaid and NOBODY is going to help us!!! ARGGGHHH i cant even breathe in this cave. it's a dungeon. Theres an OVEN in the living room!!! ARGHGHGHAGHHH. MY ROOM HAS NO MORE WINDOW. the boxes are piled SKY HIGH and KISSING THE CEILING!! The air coming into my room comes through a hole i can measure with a ruler.

I wish i could just throw everything away and burn it in a huge bonfire and everyone will start all over.

Monday, December 06, 2010

I made a new blog for my miniatures. Yay. yesyes exams were over a long long time ago! actually just over a week ago. BUT IT FEELS LIKE ITS BEEN SO LOONGGG.. and ive been doing what ive been wanting to do all the time!!

YES. Make clay stuff! And ive been making them like crazy but only a tiny fraction of a corner of a crease of a scrap of a slip of abandoned clay is worthwhile showcasing. Because i still have a looongg loonnggg way to go to going somewhere with this. BUT i will not give in! rahahahaa i have so much time to spare now i must get something done!!

First post presents... TEMPURA!! yea yea yea after eating it at kiseki where it was so awesomely good i just had to make tiny versions of them. Now i can stare at them for a long time and reminisce and imagine dipping them in sauce.. and savouring the crispyness and eating even the tails.. and..

HUNGRY ALREADY?? okay la. my spinglish doesnt make it tempting enough. but go see it anyway? pleeeeeeeeeeeease.

entice you with kiseki food with cheesy fuzzy border.
Tempura did not take centre stage in the photos but it is really tasty!

ok la up to you. <---- go here see~