Wednesday, September 23, 2009

i must write about my terrifying dream! I didnt wake up in cold sweat or anything, but it was really quite scary.

I dreamt that for some reason, my estate was being torn down. Apparently they gave a one week's notice but my family didn't really notice it. We had to pack all our stuff and move out of the house. I think there was a flood coming? Anyway it was horrible cuz they were gonna burn all the stuff we didnt take along with us, and because we had so little time to pack, we couldnt take much stuff along! I remember taking my bio notes, because i have bio mcq tmr! But all my other notes were gonna get burnt! I cant remember what else i took with me...

Anyway we were staying in tents on a field outside and there were a lot of people with they baggage all huddled up together. I had to study for my bio exam in the tent.

Then somehow or another, my sis and I got kidnapped to work in this factory. We had to do some woodwork and the people around were really scary and looked dangerous and had the intention of taking advantage of us. But then before anything happened, it started raining like mad and the streets outside started filling up with water. There were childen stored away in the upper parts of the workhouse, all screaming, and the barrier outside keeping the water out was starting to fail. Water started seeping in through the wooden doors with glass panels. I guess i just stared in horror cuz i didnt know what to do.

Don't remember anymore after that. I should start documenting the number of dreams i have about dying in floods and drowning! Could it be the childhood memory of drowning still haunts me? How's that possible! I got saved.

I suppose drowning's the kind of death i fear most.

Oh i had another insomnia episode on monday! I went to sleep at 1230, got up at around 1:00am, walked around a bit, went back at 1:30, lay on the bed wide awake until 2:30am or so, got up and gave up trying to sleep. Went to listen to siblings talking, yes all of us were awake. They were talking about animes and stuff and then started talking about islands. And then at 4am i was chased to bed by my sis. And at 530am i woke up for school and for bio paper 3 and chem mcq! I lasted through the papers though i was half dead before chem mcq. Cheeseburger suffers from insomniacal problems too but he eats sleeping pills!! My head was swimming by the time chem was over. But xr, charbi, cheese and me still went to eat ice cream to celebrate haha. Then went home... and slept! And slept! Until 5am the next morning[today]! Wa. good cure for insomnia, one day sleep one day don't sleep. Mom refuses to let me eat sleeping pills.

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