Saturday, September 26, 2009

had awesome fun with ahrong, huiwei and fudi yesterday. We went to wild wild wet [which wasnt very wild] first and lazed around in the lazy pool before riding some slides, which were only initially scary. The only really scary and exciting thing was that almost 90 degree drop ride!! I almost died in that float man. My back was facing the drop while xiu rong was facing me... and so i could only mentally prepare myself for what was coming... and then the guy pushed us off and.. i couldnt feel the ground at all as we fell!!! it was such a horrifyingly steep drop i cried out to the heavens save me!! [no i didnt but almost.] Thank goodness it was over in about 30 seconds.. any longer and i would really have twisted some muscle. I was so tense my arm almost cramped and my leg too and i dunno what i did but my neck hurt after that -.- I can't stand this kinda rides[viking is one ride im never gonna sit for the rest of my short, pathetic, meaningless life], but for the sake of this outing, i still tried it! What an accomplishment! Other than that the rest of the time was spent lazing around in random pools. It was a very nice day with very nice weather for being outside. The sun swallowed up by the clouds and the occasional breeze freezing our asses as we climbed the stairs to each slide....

Had to leave at 4 though cuz the bbq people were here with the huo4. We picked up the huo4 and then went back to the chalet room to bathe wash up and stuff. Then waited for the china scholars to arrive.

With the arrival of the china scholars, we could get started! Fire lighting~ whee~ first time i lit the bbq fire! usually its other people taking charge of it but there were only 8 of us there so all of us took turns. I think we were all not very good at it cuz our fire took forever to burn the charcoal! The nice auntie next door came to help us poke around and arrange the charcoal a bit to make it burn better!

One hour later.... aiya just start cooking la so hot liao the fire. So we just started without a care in the world. Started with chicken since chicken would take the longest. Zheyu was our official food tester. He ate everything even if it was blood-red-raw can. Such a scavenger! Whenever we cooked stuff we gave it to him first ahaha.

Halfway through the lot of us got very amused by the flame application on [omg is it yi xian or jie rui i dunno!] that person's phone and spent like 20 minutes trying to put out the flame using all kinds of lame methods. THEN finally we gave up and he showed us and we just had to blow out the flame!! Problem is we already tried that but when we do it it doesnt work!!! raaahh...

Went to room to watch tv for a while after that then the guys wanted to go arcade so we went. 6 of us together played this racing game [datona i believe] and it was my first time!! I chiong-ded like mad cuz i didnt wanna lose and i was in the lead for 7/8 rounds!!! AND THEN ZHEYU THAT GREEN CAR CAME AND CRASHED MY CAR!! rahhh so angry!!! He made me die until the last place can -.- For 2 games i was first until he crashed my car -.- At least the second time i was promoted to 4th place -.-
Then we went to play our favourite many-people-together-game, photohunt and then my favourite arcade game of all time.. throwing bball! Team jiasheng and desiree defeated team huiwei and fudi by a close [i forgot how many insert a number less than 10 here] points! hooray! Although by STAGE 3, my arms were already quite suan [how weak and frail i have become since the time xiu rong and i were forced to play four games straight!] but i think i made a reasonable contribution!
Xiurong huiwei and i then played a cooking game thing under huiwei's recommendation and it was quite fun and jing zhang also but all games played with friends are fun!
Xiurong and i left at 1045pm cuz it was quite late already! The scholars were still mulling over a chinese chess game and virtual tennis so yap, we left first!

Went home dead tired but as usual, not falling asleep until some unthinkable unearthly hour [at least 3am or so] during which i had a dream about being cut to pieces by a madman and then being awoken by various sounds of handphone alarms of the people in the house at 7am and then had to go for piano.

i need sleeping pills!!!

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