Friday, April 10, 2009


Congratulations to huiwei! She can finally runaway and get married without parent consent! Heheh. Anyway we went to escape! But we only took 3 rides and went through the stupid haunted house! The first ride was the go-carts and we waited 40minutes for it... -.- It's the first time i ever go-carted by myself! I developed a phobia of it after some people crashed into the go-cart containing me and my bro[who was driving] when i was just a small lil kid. I still remember the facilitator guy was pissed at those people because of their reckless driving and scolded them! Serve them right for making a little girl cry. Fudi's cart ran out of gas at the top of the slope so he had to suntan there while i went past him wahaha.
The next ride was the flume! It's awesome! I didnt get very wet cuz i was sitting in front since i was wearing shoes and didnt want them to get wet. Xiu Rong was in the same log as i was and she got VERY wet! So did Fuddy, who was sitting in the one with huiwei in front. Xiu Rong said she was gonna crap in her pants when we were going up the 15meter slide lol. The drop was DAM long. I am surprised i managed to sustain such a long exclamation of helplessness. The feeling was awful but awesome at the same time. I was squirming all over the seat during the drop. The viking people were laughing at us cuz the viking bridge was just above the flume ride!! Mean!
After that we went to the stupid haunted house, where Xiu Rong and I basically walked blind through the whole thing led by Huiwei andFudi haha. I only looked at one display and almost died. The stupid thingy fell forward right beside me. I have no idea how i survived going first in the haunted house during Funtasia. I must have been braver then. What happened to me!
Finally we ended off with shuang yakult ride. It was so no kick and xiu rong, who was beside me, was SMSING!!! I cant stand her. lol.

All the other got kick rides were closed! Whoohoo. I hate rides that make my heart feel like jumping out through my skin. I remember the last time i rode the pepsi ride during the dunman shooting outing, i seriously, almost died. I was gonna fall out of the seat and was holding on for my dear life and being very helpless. And the last time i sat on the viking in pri4 at sentosa during gep outing. I was screaming to be let off but they ignored me.

never again.

Anyway since it was so boring there, we went to ehub instead! Also my first time going there~ We went to the arcade and played my favourite bball game first!! But Xiu Rong went to scan the card FOUR TIMES cuz she didnt know it registered already!! So we had to play FOUR TIMES. Our arms were so dead by the 3rd time. We had a challenge at the last round and my arm was dying so badly, towards the end, all the balls stopped reaching the net though they were on target!! No matter how, they just touched and went. I only got 99 lol. But it was super fun.
Then as usual, spot the difference, which was quite bian tai, the pictures were bian tai!! And then crazy button pressing games, some UFO cheat money games, ghost whacking game which we played on free credits which were somehow in the machine haha.

We were quite tired by then, and huiwei needed to go off, so off we went!

I went to White Sands with xiu rong to look for some thingy that she wanted to get, then to Tampines with her to continue looking and also so that she could go to Artbox for the first time. Then at toys R us, xiu rong made the best comment ever at a littlest pet shop pet.

Me: "This is so cute!"

Xiu Rong: "Is that a mosquito?"


i exploded into laughter and melted to the group and xiu rong had to mop me up.

It was a seahorse by the way.

Anyway after that she was summoned home by her parents so we had to go. Awwwww..

A fun day it was!

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