Friday, April 03, 2009


Let me extend my congratulations to Wenying, for shooting well despite all the pressure, and to Li-Fang, for putting her heart and soul into it and also doing very well considering it's her first nationals and she had only 1 month or so to train.

I really really really love NJ shooting Club!!!

I'm so sad this is all over... OVER!!! Noooohhhh...

Didnt want today to end AT ALL...

We sang inilah at the safra range super loudly and cheered super loudly whenever our people collected prizes.


After prize giving, we went back to school for club phototaking! Which took a VERY long time because leonard is a noob! And then debrief by Mr Low, Jia Pei and Zhong Xian, and of course, Andy! Then team photos with yan hui's fantastic polaroid camera, which is like uber cool. I am coping one of the polaroids. It's unbelievably nice! The picture just appears in a fadey sort of way!

After that was dinner with a whole load of the club people. Pistol boys, rifle boys and rifle girls. We couldnt find anywhere that could take us all so we all ended up at Gelare, where Li-fang was SO KIND as to treat me!!!! Yayyy!! Li-fang is super nice! I bought my own drink though cuz i felt bad! Then Julie our ex ex captain treated us to ice cream on a waffle! It was super nice too! [My vocab is not very wide as you can see, i use super nice for everything.]

Then after eating, everyone was gonna go home so we parted ways. I went with wenying to action city though, and we were amazed by all the little inventions and stuffs!

I wish today didnt have to endddd....

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