Thursday, April 30, 2009

i had the ultimate crapping session with Crispy TEO today. it was


We couldnt stop laughing, she couldnt stop laughing, and cuz she was laughing, i couldnt stop laughing! It was so totally random, the things we were talking about, its not even explainable.

:D How nice it is to crap with her. Lol.s.

~pooh bear winnie the pooh bear~

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

my cousin is weird.

I entered the house today. He was there for tuition. He turned around and stared at me. Then I said what? Then he said, hello. Then i said, okay hello. Then he continued staring. Then he said, you look wet. And turned back.

Strange kid. I was only a little wet, it rained.

We don't usually talk.

Monday, April 27, 2009

don't even think i will spare time for you to infiltrate your dreams. It's not my doing its only your own. Stop your disillusioned self and you better leave me alone.
A being on Earth but not really the same
Can't talk to others like the others do
Feel separate from the world, and it doesnt matter
Talking to me i know myself better.

She walked along the empty streets
Streets empty, filled with voids
Around the corner she turns and meets
The ghost from the polaroids
It says to her to turn around and go back that way to the town
Live with the people like you should
If you try you know you could

but i hate them. I hate them.

wish they'd all go away.
Or if only i could instead.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

An overview of life

1. Studying
2. Club/Team
3. Piano
4. Friends/Family/Hamsters
5. TV

Hey, you, judgemental loser shyt. Do you think you are an angel yourself?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

i am watching the sixth sense for the fourth time. I am hungry. Very hungry. Hungry beyond words.

I hate chemistry lesson.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

oh i had to wear contacts to sch today[left over from obs time] cuz i lost my specs the night before down the side of the bed in the darkness. Didnt have time to find it before going to school cuz dad would start doing tribal dances if we left the house later than 6:15am. Found it when i got home, somehow my mom didnt manage to spot it caught between the bedposts and the wall. Well it's found now and all is well.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Did you know?

There're horror movies on every friday and saturday night on tv! Ain't that awesome?

I love horror movies. But no one wants to watch 'em with me! generally. Why! Horror movies are so nice. Unfortunately i have to stay up to watch them.

this is all very random. I have nothing else to write but i just feel like it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

i'm at home! how nice.

I'm alone at home. I'm super hungry. I want to sleep. But now i don't feel like it anymore.

I'm super hungry. Wait, did i just mention that?

I have a super headache. But i have super a lot of homework to do.

I shall try to sleep early tonight since there are no horror movies on.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Actually, Squall, and the mices

Cleaned their cages today. Squall met Actually at the railings of Actually's cage when he was allowed to run freely and they started fighting between the bars!! Grah. Looks like they have to stay separated for permanent.

Here is Actually about to sleep.

Here is Actually having some kueh bankit

Here is Squall emo-ing in a corner

huddled in my sis's shirt. He was ready to catapult himself to the moon any moment.

Here is Squall doing his favourite pasttime
Here are my sister's mice looking very inquisitive. The one on the rightmost looks like he's saying: "look over yonder!"

Friday, April 10, 2009


Congratulations to huiwei! She can finally runaway and get married without parent consent! Heheh. Anyway we went to escape! But we only took 3 rides and went through the stupid haunted house! The first ride was the go-carts and we waited 40minutes for it... -.- It's the first time i ever go-carted by myself! I developed a phobia of it after some people crashed into the go-cart containing me and my bro[who was driving] when i was just a small lil kid. I still remember the facilitator guy was pissed at those people because of their reckless driving and scolded them! Serve them right for making a little girl cry. Fudi's cart ran out of gas at the top of the slope so he had to suntan there while i went past him wahaha.
The next ride was the flume! It's awesome! I didnt get very wet cuz i was sitting in front since i was wearing shoes and didnt want them to get wet. Xiu Rong was in the same log as i was and she got VERY wet! So did Fuddy, who was sitting in the one with huiwei in front. Xiu Rong said she was gonna crap in her pants when we were going up the 15meter slide lol. The drop was DAM long. I am surprised i managed to sustain such a long exclamation of helplessness. The feeling was awful but awesome at the same time. I was squirming all over the seat during the drop. The viking people were laughing at us cuz the viking bridge was just above the flume ride!! Mean!
After that we went to the stupid haunted house, where Xiu Rong and I basically walked blind through the whole thing led by Huiwei andFudi haha. I only looked at one display and almost died. The stupid thingy fell forward right beside me. I have no idea how i survived going first in the haunted house during Funtasia. I must have been braver then. What happened to me!
Finally we ended off with shuang yakult ride. It was so no kick and xiu rong, who was beside me, was SMSING!!! I cant stand her. lol.

All the other got kick rides were closed! Whoohoo. I hate rides that make my heart feel like jumping out through my skin. I remember the last time i rode the pepsi ride during the dunman shooting outing, i seriously, almost died. I was gonna fall out of the seat and was holding on for my dear life and being very helpless. And the last time i sat on the viking in pri4 at sentosa during gep outing. I was screaming to be let off but they ignored me.

never again.

Anyway since it was so boring there, we went to ehub instead! Also my first time going there~ We went to the arcade and played my favourite bball game first!! But Xiu Rong went to scan the card FOUR TIMES cuz she didnt know it registered already!! So we had to play FOUR TIMES. Our arms were so dead by the 3rd time. We had a challenge at the last round and my arm was dying so badly, towards the end, all the balls stopped reaching the net though they were on target!! No matter how, they just touched and went. I only got 99 lol. But it was super fun.
Then as usual, spot the difference, which was quite bian tai, the pictures were bian tai!! And then crazy button pressing games, some UFO cheat money games, ghost whacking game which we played on free credits which were somehow in the machine haha.

We were quite tired by then, and huiwei needed to go off, so off we went!

I went to White Sands with xiu rong to look for some thingy that she wanted to get, then to Tampines with her to continue looking and also so that she could go to Artbox for the first time. Then at toys R us, xiu rong made the best comment ever at a littlest pet shop pet.

Me: "This is so cute!"

Xiu Rong: "Is that a mosquito?"


i exploded into laughter and melted to the group and xiu rong had to mop me up.

It was a seahorse by the way.

Anyway after that she was summoned home by her parents so we had to go. Awwwww..

A fun day it was!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Meeeem-ries.. all alone in the mooonlight.... i can smile at the ooold dayss....




SH2S! [i like the polaroids, thus am holding them!]











Played bball with CS, Chris and some ip3 boys during PE today!

It was fun [although i didnt really move much harhar.] because i had a shooting streak! Somehow by some tyco stroke of luck i threw many balls in consecutively! How cool is that. [Usually im really bad at it.] And the last of my streak was really funky. It was from diagonally behind the net. And it just went in, somehow, leaving us all stunned. Whoo. But i missed the next shot of course, haha. It's only natural.

I got hit, on the head and in the face, by the ball though, which always happens -.-

I will never forget FUDI who threw a basketball that landed on my head [by accident] while i was walking innocently past the courts, back in dunman too! I didnt know him then, and he doesnt remember hitting me, of course.

CS commented that the ip3 boys even block girls [which is apparently bad] though i didnt really notice, but nvm cuz i won't be intimidated by them!!

Oh and i also played Squash on Tuesday during my free period with Xiu Hui and Jia Sheng! I can hit the ball! How amazing. The last time i tried, it kept flying right past the racket. I like it [as i like games that require some movement] because i'm tired of stoning in one spot growing fat in a sport.


Oh anyway i could play cuz i've finished the last napfa of my life. Everything A except C for sit and reach. I wonder if that will make me get silver instead of gold. If so, i will be very very sad indeed.

I keep thinking there's something i must say. But i don't really remember. I need to do some memory improvement exercises. Like pretending to know how to read. Lala.

Monday, April 06, 2009

hoho. i changed the layout again! Because i have to include ROXAS! Sora's nobody! He will be sad if i dont include him, you see. I drew and coloured roxas in an hour just now. [sketch 15minutes in the wee hours of last night]

Oh i realised it can fit the whole screen afterall. har. i thought it was forever partial only.

Well, here you go.

Characters Sora and Roxas belong to Square Enix.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


I made a new layout!!
All the art izz mine!!!
But character Sora belongs to Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix.

Just decided to draw something because i havent in ages and i'm afraid i might become noob-like [i am already quite noobish to begin with...] if i dont do a little practising... i also havent coloured stuff in ages... how sad is my life.

I spent about 2 hours doing sora's head and was too lazy to colour his clothes, thus they are white. Spent around 3.5 hours doing this whole thing in total. I'm slow.

I know the colours look different on different coms :/ On some coms for the lighter colours, you might see nothing at all! But i just know that it looks fine here on mine.

Too bad if you cant read the words!!!
Just kidding. I will change it if need be.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Let me extend my congratulations to Wenying, for shooting well despite all the pressure, and to Li-Fang, for putting her heart and soul into it and also doing very well considering it's her first nationals and she had only 1 month or so to train.

I really really really love NJ shooting Club!!!

I'm so sad this is all over... OVER!!! Noooohhhh...

Didnt want today to end AT ALL...

We sang inilah at the safra range super loudly and cheered super loudly whenever our people collected prizes.


After prize giving, we went back to school for club phototaking! Which took a VERY long time because leonard is a noob! And then debrief by Mr Low, Jia Pei and Zhong Xian, and of course, Andy! Then team photos with yan hui's fantastic polaroid camera, which is like uber cool. I am coping one of the polaroids. It's unbelievably nice! The picture just appears in a fadey sort of way!

After that was dinner with a whole load of the club people. Pistol boys, rifle boys and rifle girls. We couldnt find anywhere that could take us all so we all ended up at Gelare, where Li-fang was SO KIND as to treat me!!!! Yayyy!! Li-fang is super nice! I bought my own drink though cuz i felt bad! Then Julie our ex ex captain treated us to ice cream on a waffle! It was super nice too! [My vocab is not very wide as you can see, i use super nice for everything.]

Then after eating, everyone was gonna go home so we parted ways. I went with wenying to action city though, and we were amazed by all the little inventions and stuffs!

I wish today didnt have to endddd....

For the benefit of Xiu Rong who doesnt believe they exist.

Désirée potato

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Désirée is a red-skinned [well, when i have been under the sun] main crop potato originally bred in the Netherlands in 1962. It has yellow flesh [i'm chinese!] with a distinctive flavour and is a favourite with allotment-holders because of its resistance to drought [how true! I drink very little water], although it is not well suited to organic growing. It is a versatile, fairly waxy variety which is firm and holds its shape and useful for all methods of cooking; from roasting to mashing and salads.

Its recent popularity in the UK is attributed to TV chef Delia Smith.

  • Habit: Medium height, later spreading
  • Foliage: Medium to dark grey-green. Strong purple colour throughout plant.
  • Stems numerous, purple.
  • Leaf rigid, open, slightly arched.
  • Leaflets oval, pointed.
  • Secondaries few.
  • Buds/Flowers: Buds large, red-purple on hairy stalks. Flowers red-violet fading to white.

Desiree 1977 Smash hit by Neil Diamond
It was the third of june
On that summers day
Well I became a man
At the hands of a girl
Almost twice my age
And she came to me
Just like a morning sun
And it wasnt so much
Her words as such
As the way they were sung
It was the way they were sung

Oh, desiree
There I was found
By the sweet passion sound
Of your loving song
Time was right, the night was long
Remember, desiree
Oh, desiree
Somehow I knew
I could only have you
til the morning light
If only for that single night
Sweet desiree, you make it right

Then came the fourth of june
On that sleepless night
Well I tossed and I turned
While the thought of her burned
Up and down my mind
For she was there and gone
Without one regret
But she continues on
Like the words of a song
I could not forget
I could not forget

Oh, desiree
There I was found
By the sweet passion sound
Of your loving song
Time was right, the night was long
Remember, desiree
Oh, desiree
And though somehow I knew
I could only have you
til the morning light
The night was long, the time was right
Do you remember desiree

Desiree by Left Banke
Everything returns again
Both the laughter and the rain

She is living somewhere for a while
Still I ask her in my lonely way to stay

Desiree desiree
Now she's

Desiree you know
How it hurts me
Living alone through all the years
Nothing can hold the tears in me

Everything remains the same
Yet she answers not her name
Still if I could
Look beyond these skies
Standing here again before my eyes I'd see

Desiree desiree
Now she's

Desiree you know
How it hurts me
Where do I run to
Is it real
Nothing but pain I feel for real

Desiree you know
How it hurts me

Living alone through all the years
Nothing can hold the tears in me

La la la la la
La la la la la

Desiree by Keith Urban
It's killin' me to write the word "goodbye"
I've wadded up and tossed a thousand tries
We both know the reason
There ain't nothing to explain
But I know that my leavin'
Will spare us both the pain

Desiree I can't hold you any longer
Desiree you love his money more than me
And the taxi's at the gate
I guess all that's left to say
Is in teardrops at the bottom of the page
"I love you Desiree"

It'd be easier to leave if I were mad
But it's hard to lose the best you'll ever have
And to write this note to you
Was the hardest thing to do
But not as hard as bein' a poor boy
Who can't afford a girl like you

[Repeat Chorus]

God, I love you Desiree
But I just can't take it anymore
I won't be around for your goodbye
I won't be around for your goodbye
You love his money more than me
I won't be around for your goodbye
You love his money more than me
I won't be around for your goodbye
Oh you love his money, you love it more than me
I was just a fool who couldn't see
That you love his money, you love it more than me

Okay okay, enough. I dont like the lyrics of the last song.
Goodbye goodnight.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Well. It's over.

I shot excruciatingly badly!
If my series scores were to be graphed, they would make a mighty mountain!

Oh and i had 15minutes to shoot my last 2 series [20 shots] because of my exceedingly slow pace, which was not really a pace at all. If Linus had not signaled me to start on competition cards i might have been totally out of time. I suddenly realised i was gonna be out of time when i saw that i had 25minutes left for 3 series and that pretty much ended my trigger-freeze spree but also caused me to shoot a 7 out of pure madness.


Congratulations to:
Rifle boys for being the CHAMPION TEAM!
Akshay for being INDIVIDUAL RUNNER-UP!
Rifle girls for taking TEAM THIRD despite my horrible score!
Pistol girls for their TEAM CHAMPION!
Sheng Rui for shooting a PERSONAL BEST!
Everyone who worked very hard for this day!

We shall await B girls results!

Anyway i have people to thank[not in order of merit]:
1. Zhang - Oh my, she really became quite helpful suddenly. Yes she has and well i have to thank her for her encouragement [gasp!] much as it might seem unlikely she gives any and her secret methods and things she has been trying to teach me whether or not i have understood.
2. Linus - A sudden helpful person assigned to me by zhang who is very encouraging and gave me good advice and assurance.
3. Joannah - Giving me encouragement in her own joannah way and having an aura that i can feel 50 miles away so i know she's always there.
4. Nicole - For being there for me too and following me on expeditions to the north pole[of safra literally, yishun is in the north afterall!] and back
5. Xiu Rong - For telling me i am loved by ARG repeatedly lol. And listening to me rambling on about bad trainings, which is i reckon, quite annoying.
6. Yan Hui - For being my partner in training always and for sharing the times we had to travel to safra with our tons of stuff to carry and going home late late late after training and also for taking care of our equipment super nicely.
7. Wenying - For making me amazed at her little bits of advice.
8. Daxiang - For technical advice and other kinds of encouragement.
9. Mr Lee - For making everything seem not so bad as it is.
10. Lyrad - For listening to loads of crap and rambling that i seem to have on mind.
11. Andy - For helping me and Yan hui carry our equipment and stuff down the slope to the faraway NJ bus stop
12. Zhong Xian - For convincing me to train at safra with one comment.

All the people that wished me good luck[in alphabetical order]:
Chris, Daniel[representing rifle boys], Fudi, Joannah, Jolene, Linus, Lyrad, Mark[representing pistol boys], Minlu, Nicole, Peixin, Shujen, Shermain, Xiu Hui, Xiu Rong

i hope i did not forget anyone.