Friday, January 30, 2009

i am le tired.

PE today for me, was epic. It started off with a 1 round warm up, and then 8 rounds continuously. I stupidly thought 8 rounds was 2.4km, when it was in fact, 3.2km. So i was running and running and wondering why at 13minutes i still had 2 rounds to go! Did i deteriorate that much?? That cannot be... i ran continuously for the first 3 rounds and then it came the time to use my secret tactic. Walking!

I ran to the far side of the track before i started walking for 25 seconds. Then i ran again. Another round, then walk 25 seconds. I lost count of how many rounds i'd run, so i thought i was on my last round and sprinted the last 30 meters or so and then the PE teacher told me last round! And i was like gasp! One more?? So off i went. And i was already on the brink of stopping to roll over on the field.

Went for my last round, much walking involved in the process. Sprinted for the last bit once again and i was done, in 17:52 minutes. That means about 2:10min for each round. I beat everyone else including the guys! But maybe they just werent running their fastest. I on the other hand, was cheated of an extra sprint because i was confused about the number of rounds i had run.

My 2.4 timing deteriorated though, it was 13 sth on my 6th round but i ran 12:56 last year. Oh dear.

I have a lot of homework this weekend. But i also have many events, such as safra monthly. Shot like the definition of crap today. I fear the worst for sunday, but i must stay strong.

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