Sunday, December 07, 2008

yesterday i went to find my lit book and it was OUT OF STOCK!! ahhhh. shall wait for school to reopen and in the meantime read Yan Hui's kindly lent copy > <

I watched skycrawlers. It is a creepy movie. The storyline is cool, but the movie is slow moving.. a bit boring if youre the action-y type.

I watched Bolt too. [wow! i watched a 3D animated movie, something that i totally totally abhore!] But it turned out to be nice. Bolt is extremely cute, apart from when he talks. If you would like to have a spoiler of the movie, do continue reading. If not, please stop here C:

waiting in progress
okk, you had your chance, here goes:

The movie begins with cute little bolt as a puppy in the store, the girl[voiced by Miley cyrus] goes in and buys him cuz he's the odd one out [typical typical] But he is extremely cute as a puppy, so a pity the scene only lasts 5minutes or so.

Then its 5 years later. The girl's dad calls home telling her something cropped up at work and that he wont be able to go home, but he has altered Bolt[high-tech looking images of lightning bolts going through Bolt's veins to appear like he is being altered] so he can take care of her. She however, goes to save her dad, together with Bolt. So they fly through the streets with Bolt's amazing super speed and attack the villians with its super laser eyes and then finally, when they get cornered, Bolt released the ultimatum...


And everyone flys away. At this point you would be thinking that's way too overboard. But well, its a movie. And it WAS a movie. You see, the girl was filming a movie, starring her and her dog. But the dog didnt know! He thought everything was real. Poor doggy.

In the next filming session, the girl, Penny, was taken away! Bolt was then caged up when the filming was done, and returned to his caravan home by himself, without Penny. She had to pretend she was really kidnapped cuz as quoted by the stupid director character " if the dog believes it, the audience believes it." So Bolt was really angry and when two cats from the movie came and irritated him, he flew out of his caravan and ran away.

While he was searching for Penny though, he fell into a box of packing peanuts and got shipped away somewhere in America. Being the unfortunate thing that it was, he didnt know he didnt really have superpowers so he went running into fences and staring at things while nothing happened. He came to believe that packing peanuts were the cause of his weakening. He also met 3 stupid pigeons who led him to a cat which they wanted to punish, but Bolt thought it was the evil cat of the Green eyed man who kidnapped Penny from the movie. So he tried to attack the cat and tied her to him on a leash that he acquired when someone thought he was a lost dog. The cat thought he was mad, but played along because she wanted him to let her go. She saw his tag and it read Hollywood. So she decided to try get him there. They hitched a ride on a truck which had packing peanuts in it, and Bolt got scared so he flew them both out of the truck.

Halfway they got hungry and Bolt had never got hungry before so he thought the Cat poisoned him. She told him that to get the antidote he had to act cute so she taught him to act cute, which was quite a cute scene. So he went acting cute to all the people in the caravans and got the antidote. There they also met a stupid crazy hamster which is ugly and noisy. The hamster also believed Bolt was super cuz he only watched tv all day long, so he wanted to follow on the journey to help Bolt.

So lalala then at one point the cat sat on a tree and refused to get down while trying to make Bolt come to the realisation that he wasnt a superdog. He tried his superbark on her but nothing happened. So he kept barking and barking until a pound truck came and took them both away. Meanwhile the hamster who was trying to get a ladder saw the pound truck and went rolling after it.

He launched himself onto the truck and opened the door of the contained that Bolt was in. Bolt thought he had used his superstrength to open the door until the hamster, Rhino, told him that he opened the door. Sad lil Bolt. So they went into the pound to help Mittens the cat. And of course they managed to save her, i shall not elaborate on the details, except that stupid hamster thought he saw a superbark for real when it was actually some air or whatever.

So they went on their way and in the meantime cat taught Bolt how to be a real dog. And finally, they reached Hollywood. Bolt went into the old caravan he used to stay and found his favourite carrot toy. Then he heard Penny's voice calling Bolt and went out to find her. He saw her running towards him and calling his name, so he ran towards her. But it turned out that she was running to another dog. Another Bolt. But it turned out that she was actually filming, and in the behind the scenes, said she missed Bolt.

But Bolt didnt see that. Sad and dejected, he walked out of the studio, where cat found him. Cat told him that she saw Penny being sad after he left and told him that he had to go back. Meanwhile, Penny was filming a scene where she was tied up in this egyptian place. There were fire stuff around. The evil guys were pretending to be evil and then the door opened and in came Bolt! But this little new bolt was scared. He whimpered and ran away, knocking down things. The place caught on fire. Of course everyone ran out and Penny was left inside for Bolt to save.

Seeing the place filled with smoke, real Bolt ran in and found Penny and saved her by using SUPERBARK! [barking through an echo-y air vent] so that people knew where they were. And thus, Bolt saved the day. Penny quit her acting career and Bolt and cat and Hammie became the best of friends.

The end.

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