Monday, December 08, 2008

Seniors Farewell 2008 @ HomeTeam NS Pasir Ris Chalets! 2-4 Dec

The house

such ghostly swings!

walking to the beach on the first day..

cycling on the first night

Sitting with Nicole at the breakwaters at 2-3am looking at starry sky C:

Next day playground!

Then slacking by the beach

Spent most of my time with Nicole for this chalet C: After arriving the chalet, some of the ARG went to play with seawater but Nicole and I didnt wanna spoil our shoes so we just sat on the grass. Then we went back and Jo disappeared and the rest of us played bridge while Nicole went to look for her. She walked until TAMPINES! gasp! She came back quite long later and we slacked around playing more cards... Truth Bridge omg... Then there was the bbq. The food was all finished, which was good. Stupid boys were complaining about cooking for everyone. Like they didnt think of the fact that pistol girls helped to carry all the food back in the rain, and if they dont wanna cook they can just go away and we would take over -.- omg they were like shouting so loudly and so unbashedly about how self-sacrificial they were being and laughing like it was all worth the laugh. I could have thrown coal in their faces.
Anyway rifle girls cleaned up everything after the bbq, burning stupid ants. See we all did our fair share Hello.
Then rifle girls and pistol girls went to get bikes and then slacked somemore and we all went cycling. Just cycled around the park. Different from last year where we cycled from the night to the next morning. I wanted to find food though, so Nicole, Jolene and I went cycling far and wide to find food, and we came across a 7-11! Then we cycled back. Then Nicole and i decided to go to the beach to sit and stare. The stars were nice! But it got cold so about 330am we went back. Wanted to wake up for sunrise but too tired.
Next day was playground day! With Shermain too. Just played and played... then slacked at the beach. Then we went to find Peixin at the interchange and had lunch with her. Then we all went home though Shermain went a lil mad over mahjong.

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