Saturday, January 01, 2011

yay yay its new years day

New year was grape! I had a great time with the company of i guess the weirdest but funniest and most entertaining bunch of people i know, and needless to say, my hunnybunny.

I met honeybun for lunch before meeting the rest of the gang and we weren't supposed to eat much but ended up eating macs and it was way too filling... ops. I guess that might have contributed just a little to my negative feelings towards the place we ate at later on. But only juuustt a littleee.... because i really don't think that place was any good! Elaborations below.

the cute crockery may be their saving grace...

and the wallpaper...

It was a japanese buffet place, MOMOYA(cute name, i had high hopes), somewhere in Changi, but it was a buffet where you had to order what you wanted, not the take-whatever-you-want on-your-plate kind of buffet (which i prefer) and the ordering went a little weirdly cuz they put serial numbers for the food, but they don't actually know what serial numbers are for what food :/ They require us to read out the names, which i think was quite lame. So nevermind, let's not be too picky shall we?


i added a fin to it. jonsung poked the eyes lol

So we ordered sashimi. And well the guys seemed to enjoy it but i thought the maguro was terrible compared to kiseki's. Kiseki's maguro sashimi is just absolutely awesome, and i mean because it has a totally homogenous consistency so it just feels nice and fresh and not squishy and weird. Momoya's maguro sashimi and squishy and chewy.. weird. And i had to discard a part of it i couldnt chew. I don't like sashimi precisely because it tastes weird most of the time, only kiseki makes me want to eat it. So i only ate one piece and was done.

look! the wasabi is a bird and wants to fly away.... now that, was not purposely sculpted!

smoku salmon salada

hi im weird.

The tofu, was just WEIRD. The tofu skin was a layer of melted gummybears wrapped around a block of plain old tofu. Not crispy at all though its under the AGEMONO (fried stuffs) section :C And the sauce didnt do nuthin' to help. Sakae's tofu is way 100% absolutely positively better... The zaru soba, for such a long wait (10minutes??), kiseki's one(instant!) beats it hands down... kiseki's dipping sauce tastes nicer too.

the really soft and chewy soft shell crab handroll...

The tempura was probably the only thing i liked and don't have anything negative to say about. (and sadly only have a blurry photo of that i cant be bothered to put up) Oh and the green tea. Everyone else seemed to love what they were eating though! Good for them! So they ate their fill and i was kinda full to begin with so i didn't have to eat much.

kimchi. not bad! started a very entertaining convo lol.

i dont eat chawanmushi so i have no idea if it was nice. but it always looks cute

and so they ate their fill.

I played monopoly deal for the first time! And was greatly confused at the start but finally understood it later on (kept doing stupid moves too but hey I still won 1 round! And summore won from Joe, the Guy Who Kept Winning. yessssss.. i stole his property wahahhahaha). It's a fun game! But it seems to end really fast, like in 5 turns or something. Or maybe it just felt fast cuz it was fun? And we also saw 2 other groups of people playing it! How cool is that.

We had to move to a strategic position to see fireworks when it was nearing 12 so off we went. It was an experience like never before i must say. Since my new year chinatown visits, i've never had such close contact with such a large bulk of the population in a long time and it sure wasnt pleasant. People were irritating, people were irritable, people were pushy, people were pushed, they were noisy, high, people were just doing whatever they wanted to get their way! And there were SO MANY PEOPLE. And we squeezed! (And were squeezed along) And had a train system so we wouldnt lose each other and i gradually felt the air getting thinner and it was getting harder to breathe and oh my god the smell.........

okay, we finally burst into the open, out of the rampaging crowd, a great boost of energy flooded through our veins and we ran! Oh how we ran to escape from all the fury of the world!! okayokay i'll stop. We ran because it was getting close to the time. And so we proceeded on until we reached a spot below a palm tree that did not sway in the wind sadly. It was such a hot night, the air was so saturated from people's breath i think that's why rain could not fall.

So we waited.

Jonsung n EW started doing a countdown in the middle of the silent crowd and it was.. indescribable? And they did it 3 times!! Gosh, they were so high no one could do anything about it. They shouted at the top of their lungs without a care in the world but at the 3rd attempt, the sky burst into lights as they ended the count! Wala! Good timing there!

Here, some lousy photos of fireworks cuz im too short and my camera is sadly, lousy for this...

bwlaaaaghh. that's what it looks like. fire monster puked.

fttpptt. pouf.

And this one looks like...


Going home was the WORST. i almost got killed by a van according to Joe (i don't know what i was doing actually but i didnt feel a single drop of danger as the van zoomed past me 0.1cm away). Squeeeeezing to get into the MRT... Bian tai people staring at you for god knows why and i swear i was literally carried along for 1 second!!! It was the ultimate man. Those (insert what kind of people you would imagine it to be) were SO inconsiderate and kept squeezing and jumping over the fences like they would die if they didnt get to the mrt faster?? I don't understand why they have to do that. come on man. And some retards pushing from the back non-stop until my body is going further than my legs and i'm like oh shyt im gonna lose balance soon but thankfully some shouting helped to slow things down. The poor lady on duty holding the sign was practically voiceless. Her voice was gone. Like pooff! Gone. And yet she still had to yell to keep everyone under control.. oh man poor lady..

Once we got into the mrt station, the coast was clear and we were freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedd... liberated!!! i couldnt have been more relieved...

We retired to honeybun's house and i have no idea if the others slept but i didnt much and am dead tired now.
My camera, lousy night mode, but flash is even scarier.

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