Tuesday, January 25, 2011

dreamscape or mistake?

this morning i dreamt that i didnt sleep! I mean, i felt like i totally didnt get to sleep, but yet i was dreaming, so i must have slept.

I DREAMT SOMEONE TRIED TO OPEN MY ROOM DOOR! so freaky... thank goodness i latched it cuz... WHAT IF I WASNT DREAMING?? cuz i really cant tell if i was or wasnt at that point. But who would randomly try to open my room door??? I clearly saw my door being nudged open, a stream of light trickle in, then some resistance, and close again. Needless to say, it was terrifying. But yet i lay on my bed doing nothing. Perhaps frozen with fear i don't know. Or maybe some part of my head knew it wasnt real.

And then i dreamt someone sneaked 2 hamsters into my room! And 2 puppies! At first i only saw 1 hamster, and then there was another! And they were in an unfamiliar container with a red cover so i exclaimed that the container didnt even belong to me! And then one puppy and another appeared and they were white miniature poodles. And one male one female (same with the hamsters) so i was like, crap! they're gonna reproduce! How am i gonna get these puppies out of my room without anyone seeing them!

So that's about it that i remember for my dream. I got up, realised i had been dreaming, yet all the while thinking in my head: when am i ever gonna fall asleep?

but a good thing that will happen this week is... I'm gonna finish all the 12 credits i have to fulfill for participating in psychology studies within this week!! WAHAHAHA. By participating in about 2-3 studies in a stretch, it's all over very fast, doesn't take up too much time, and makes me happy. I can thus concentrate on other things!! Like memorising the 700 page textbook.

Sigh.To erase that sigh i have a bright yellow shiny happy picture to raise my spirits!

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