Sunday, January 23, 2011

i had a dream again as usual. this time it was more memorable thus i can write about it.

I dreamt that a bunch of us were being chased, and the people were scary, dangerous, whatever they were, we had to get away. At first when they chased us they injured a few of us and i got stabbed in the leg. When we got away from that, i rmbr running into a house with the other ppl, and we were scrambling to find somewhere to hide cuz the evil people were gonna catch up soon. We grabbed some weapons from the kitchen first, some knives, sticks etc etc. One of the people led us into this basement place with a lot of piping and stuff and said there were little holes, outlets where we could escape. So i went down to check it out and i was like, these holes are too small!! No one's gonna fit in them. So i searched around and saw a metal rung ladder leading upwards. So we decided to climb that. We climbed and and climbed until we got to the outside and somehow we were safe there. Throughout the whole dream i could feel it hurting where i was stabbed and always looked down to see blood leaking out of it and we couldnt stop to do anything about it.

The end.

As usual also, i forget much of the details.

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