Tuesday, August 03, 2010

My sis is gone. GONE GONE GONE!!!

*weeps in a corner*

She's gone to the Netherlands. For Four Frighteningly Long Years.

Four Years.


in singapore. me.

Well, life has to go on.

Today i had bandung flavoured frozen yoghurt from frolick so i could use my free topping voucher [forgot where it came from]. It was nice. i had honey stars for the topping cuz their toppings are not fantastic.

Today i watched The Crazies. It was really quite crazy. The storyline is basically don't read unless you want a spoiler.

So the storyline was basically: a plane carrying a certain strain of virus, developed as a biological weapon, crashed in a river/ stream/random water body near this small town. The virus escapes into the water and the first man to get it is R. R almost shoots Mr. Sheriff, who is the main character, but Sheriff shoots him first. Then fellow people start getting it all over and go crazy killing their loved ones and such. An army comes in to evacuate the people and kill those with the virus. Sheriff's wife gets taken away cuz she is running a temperature, but its actually cuz she's pregnant. Mad people escape and the army people run away, leaving their high temperatured captives in the high school strapped down to hospital beds. Mad man comes in with garden fork and starts stabbing whoever makes noise. He almost gets to Sheriff's wife, but Sheriff comes in time to shoot him. Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff try to escape with Wife and Random Girl.

Then goes the long journey of the escape in the usual almost get caught, half the people die along the way manner and Sheriff and his wife emerge the only survivors.

They manage to drive away just as their town gets blownapart. But it seems the town their heading is the next one to be under containment.

Tralala. It was quite gory and the music was pretty loud, as usual, to freak you out. Overall quite a lame storyline but okay la, watch for the horror lor.
The sheriff never caught the virus, goodness knows how cuz he had direct blood and open wound contact with a lot of the mad people.

I hope i get my dam modules or life will be pretty sad.

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