Thursday, August 12, 2010

I love NZ its awesome and it has cute plants

The first week of school is almost over. My last lecture of today is over so i'm free for the whole day.

My hostel room is neater now cuz i tidied up, too bad my evil camera decided to die of lack of battery so i cant put any pictures. no pictures is boring. but whatever.

on my first day alone in the hostel i felt really homesick i guess. i also did something terrible to someone but also made someone very happy. on my first day alone at hostel i did a lot of drastic things, almost like throwing myself into a deep pile of crap cept its really what i wanna do. jump into the crap because i was in even worse crap before. but to me its not really crap! its just. a complicated feeling of what was meant to be. i just hope the crap clears up for the sad ones because im only good at hurting people so i cant console[console? this reminds me of the End of Mr Y, which btw inception seems to have copied!! did i mention that already? ah, whatever.] them.
anw i shall describe my first almost-done week at school.

Blimey, this one's a secret weapon to the mass destruction of the compassionate side of earth i tell ya.

the first lecture i had was bio, it was cute cuz there were pics of cute animals and stuff. the lecturers were very enthu and made us all listen and everyone clapped at the end of the lecture. he told us about the biodiversity of the earth, esp singapore, and showed us videos of the wild animals we can actually find in singapore every now and then. its even possible to see dolphins from east coast park! i never knew that. he showed us pics of him dissecting the animals and finding stuff like a bird in a leopard cat's gut. man i love this module. he dissected a dead sea cow and we could all see its gargantuan heart. the only thing i was supposed to learn from the lecture, i think, is the classification of the animal kingdom, which was learnt before, not that i remember everything, but the rest of it was just lots of interesting info about nature in singapore. King Phillip Called Out For Good Soup. there! im done studying.

the atmosphere, the moon. its like a dream.

second lecture i had was the ulu geog one. i was 5min late cuz the school is like a maze and i just kept turning corners and going up and down the stairs and running this way and that while following the signs to get to the lecture theatre. it was horrible. but the lecturer has a fantastic accent you just wanna keep listening to. the lecture was about atmospheric environments so for the first lecture he intro-ed us to the atmosphere and told us about its composition and the diff layers and honestly i dont remember anything else. dam. I just know that the troposphere was in the End of Mr Y and you could die if you didnt come out.

third lecture= japanese. teacher had a sorethroat so her voice was like a rake scraping against sandpaper. seriously. but she was still so happy and enthu like a typical japanese and so cute about everything. she went pretty fast but i think i rmbr most of what she taught because thats the only lesson where i read the notes beforehand ohoho.

This has got to be one of the most unappealing pictures for me ever. At least its moderately pleasing, aesthetically. the rest i couldnt even bear to save on my com.

last lecture of the week, chem lecture! killed my brain, killed my mind, killed me. i hate chem!! rahhh and this is JUST LIKE JC CHEM!! omgomg. other people will be laughing and cheering like, omg! i learnt everything before whoohoo! its gonna be awesome! but i'm like. shyt oh shyt oh shyt not again. we basically learnt a complicated way of understanding orbitals and atomic shells and the crapsicums of wavelengths and electrons being promoted with a pay rise[okay thats crap im adding in already] and being demoted when they lose their strife, cuz they stopped putting so much energy to work but release it instead. [yea im crapping] then there's these colour spectrum thingies and there's this graph with bumps showing what each subshell will plot based on radius and probability of finding electrons and there's theories by Broglie, principles by Heisenberg, equations by schrodinger [as if he hadnt had enough disturbing metaphorical cats] and all that confusing stuff that makes me wanna puke and die cuz

i. hate. chem.

yes. so that sums up my lectures for this week, this is sorta me trying to recap what i learnt and failing mostly, so yes! i shall do this often and try to improve.

hmhmhm should i sleep then eat? or eat then sleep? i think i shall sleep cuz i am inordinately schleepy. this is really boring with a lot of words so i added some miscellaneous [and i cant spell this word thank you spellcheck] pictures.

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