Friday, August 27, 2010

It's raining like crazy
from Bedok to Clementi
but I ain't cold or lonely
thinkin of you and me.

Really raining like crap, but only if the person has food poisoning or something.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I saw a shooting star today!!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


There's residual rain
On my window pane
It's been raining through the night
But none of that has blurred my sight
cuz you are everywhere i look
out the window, in my books
but i wanna see you plain as day
not in an imaginary way.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

just saw on the news. bullfight gone wrong. bull jumped over the barrier into the spectator seats area, it was subdued and later killed.

wth??? wth is wrong with those idiot people.
how idiotic can people get??
they killed the bull??? Walao eh, dam angry can.
they make use of the bull for idiotic bullfight and then kill it when something goes wrong.
wth is wrong with their brain man. as if the bull is supposed to be happy and calm and follow directions. wth man. w.t.h.
all of them should die by mad cow disease.

However tired i may be
honey you're still here with me
No darkness when i close my eyes
cuz you are all i see.
As I'm sittin here learning bout chemical bonds
I don't think that there was really ever once
a moment when you didn't somehow creep your way in
you, whom I walked with once upon a dream.

My rhymes are getting sillier everyday.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm seeing my own horses here,
although I'm not with you my dear..
But I imagine all you see,
and in my dreams you're here with me...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

If you came back early and anyone asked me

"Are you disappointed?"

My answer is

"What's there to be disappointed about. He did what i wanted. Which was to come home safely to me."

Monday, August 16, 2010

you're down under.

but i'm on top of the world.

cuz i have you~
i didn't do any homework. I'm terrible.

I'm gonna listen to far away by nickelback for the 1092318th time before i go sleep cuz there's school tmr at 10.

that means wake up at 6:30, out the house by 7:15.

you're flying...
to somewhere you can't see...
covered by clouds
your entire world is blurred
but you feel so free.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thoughts on Sunday (8th August 2010)

The strings are all entangled
And i've been wondering why
I keep thinking 'fore i sleep
find out before i die
i realised something terrible
all these years it's slipped my mind
that no matter who i find
i still see you in their eyes
the numbers keep recurring still and
only you will hear my cries
i wonder if its way too late,
we've broken all our ties?
there's nothing left of me now
maybe i shouldnt even try
i still regret the moment you were gone and didnt turn back
i regret more that when you did, i only said

but now everything is fine.

i'll be right here waiting for you~~

Friday, August 13, 2010

My table was this neat last night.

but now it's a mess again.

i shall eat an apple for lunch cuz eating lunch alone sux.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I love NZ its awesome and it has cute plants

The first week of school is almost over. My last lecture of today is over so i'm free for the whole day.

My hostel room is neater now cuz i tidied up, too bad my evil camera decided to die of lack of battery so i cant put any pictures. no pictures is boring. but whatever.

on my first day alone in the hostel i felt really homesick i guess. i also did something terrible to someone but also made someone very happy. on my first day alone at hostel i did a lot of drastic things, almost like throwing myself into a deep pile of crap cept its really what i wanna do. jump into the crap because i was in even worse crap before. but to me its not really crap! its just. a complicated feeling of what was meant to be. i just hope the crap clears up for the sad ones because im only good at hurting people so i cant console[console? this reminds me of the End of Mr Y, which btw inception seems to have copied!! did i mention that already? ah, whatever.] them.
anw i shall describe my first almost-done week at school.

Blimey, this one's a secret weapon to the mass destruction of the compassionate side of earth i tell ya.

the first lecture i had was bio, it was cute cuz there were pics of cute animals and stuff. the lecturers were very enthu and made us all listen and everyone clapped at the end of the lecture. he told us about the biodiversity of the earth, esp singapore, and showed us videos of the wild animals we can actually find in singapore every now and then. its even possible to see dolphins from east coast park! i never knew that. he showed us pics of him dissecting the animals and finding stuff like a bird in a leopard cat's gut. man i love this module. he dissected a dead sea cow and we could all see its gargantuan heart. the only thing i was supposed to learn from the lecture, i think, is the classification of the animal kingdom, which was learnt before, not that i remember everything, but the rest of it was just lots of interesting info about nature in singapore. King Phillip Called Out For Good Soup. there! im done studying.

the atmosphere, the moon. its like a dream.

second lecture i had was the ulu geog one. i was 5min late cuz the school is like a maze and i just kept turning corners and going up and down the stairs and running this way and that while following the signs to get to the lecture theatre. it was horrible. but the lecturer has a fantastic accent you just wanna keep listening to. the lecture was about atmospheric environments so for the first lecture he intro-ed us to the atmosphere and told us about its composition and the diff layers and honestly i dont remember anything else. dam. I just know that the troposphere was in the End of Mr Y and you could die if you didnt come out.

third lecture= japanese. teacher had a sorethroat so her voice was like a rake scraping against sandpaper. seriously. but she was still so happy and enthu like a typical japanese and so cute about everything. she went pretty fast but i think i rmbr most of what she taught because thats the only lesson where i read the notes beforehand ohoho.

This has got to be one of the most unappealing pictures for me ever. At least its moderately pleasing, aesthetically. the rest i couldnt even bear to save on my com.

last lecture of the week, chem lecture! killed my brain, killed my mind, killed me. i hate chem!! rahhh and this is JUST LIKE JC CHEM!! omgomg. other people will be laughing and cheering like, omg! i learnt everything before whoohoo! its gonna be awesome! but i'm like. shyt oh shyt oh shyt not again. we basically learnt a complicated way of understanding orbitals and atomic shells and the crapsicums of wavelengths and electrons being promoted with a pay rise[okay thats crap im adding in already] and being demoted when they lose their strife, cuz they stopped putting so much energy to work but release it instead. [yea im crapping] then there's these colour spectrum thingies and there's this graph with bumps showing what each subshell will plot based on radius and probability of finding electrons and there's theories by Broglie, principles by Heisenberg, equations by schrodinger [as if he hadnt had enough disturbing metaphorical cats] and all that confusing stuff that makes me wanna puke and die cuz

i. hate. chem.

yes. so that sums up my lectures for this week, this is sorta me trying to recap what i learnt and failing mostly, so yes! i shall do this often and try to improve.

hmhmhm should i sleep then eat? or eat then sleep? i think i shall sleep cuz i am inordinately schleepy. this is really boring with a lot of words so i added some miscellaneous [and i cant spell this word thank you spellcheck] pictures.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Dammit, who's the unsavory chap who left a cheese slice wrapper on my table.

anyway. I was deciding whether or not to go and try take photos of fireworks from this year's NDP but i think i might just stay at home cuz i wanna try and spot cheeseburger marching instead. I have some crappy shots from last year's Fireworks Festival. That made me conclude that taking photos of fireworks isnt that great cuz i miss the real fun of looking at it directly and instead, end up spending more time frowning at my camera screen. My camera is not pro, just the look-very-nice kind of camera, so i guess that might be why my images don't look as bright and clear as this:

Photo taken by my sis in Netherlands with her pro camera
(those big black type but i don't know what brand)

or classic and stylo as:
Local resident. taken by nick, in that faraway land.

or cute and sharp as:Photo by the Ethan Meleg who takes nice nature photos.

One day I hope to travel to faraway lands too. And take nice photos of nature like these. School starts tomorrow and my future starts tomorrow cuz all my failures in the past help me none for my future now.

Go go power ranger!

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Thank you mother and thank you dad for helping me move stuff today.

Thank you for your help today. And the awesome conversation. Here is a sunflawer for you! Shyt. i'm sure to miss you when you go.

I didn't really think that there would be
a day when you would leave this family
not leaving in a sense that you are gone
only your presence leaves but still your heart beats strong

Here, in this house we had our memories
those precious times we spent as enemies
then friends again and laughing all the same
Our mother almost thought we'd gone insane

Our journeys up the hills and over lands
In our minds was where it all begin
those streets and houses built from just pure imagination
T'was nothing ever more real that all of our creation

We'd tumble 'cross the living room in fighting and at war
The most ferocious battle 'tween young sisters you ever saw
But even as we lay defeated writhing on the floor
Our hearts were never far from one another that's for sure

Yet come a day it must where one would have to leave this place
to search out greater dreams and of the real world, have a taste
i wish that i could be there, not just left here all alone
but then again it's here that my own heart does still belong...

happy early 21st to nu

Friday, August 06, 2010

I'm on my long lOng journey home~ couldn't stay at hostel today cuz I haven't brought bathing stuff and bedsheets and the bed is crumbling like a biscuit so I ain't sleeping on it before a good dusting. I went for ragday. At first apprehensive about it but it turned out to be quite awesome although I only met a grand total of 4 friends! Went there like a loner but good thing Chienwei was there so I wasn't so sad. Then wanting was there too! They were so nice to let me trail them though i'm sure they had their own things to do. Wanting also gave me some food thankgoodness cuz I had coke all night and no dinner.

The float parade was really fantastical, bright lights, cheerleaders flyin through the air, deafening music, the over-enthusiastic MC. Everything was just like a huge carnival and it was really a sight. They even flew real Maori over to do the Maori dance which still intrigues me though I have watched it many a time. They lit the Olympic flame as well and it was almost tear-jerking, but I didn't cry of course, it was just quite touching, I'm not sure why. The fireworks, were simply amazing. Like Easter eggs thrown up high and shattering in mid-air, reduced to nothing but glittery lights and sparkly bits flaking into wisps of smoke. Scattered through the nightsky like some heavenly confetti. And the finale was like a giant peacock's tail, blazing in a fan-shape of green yellow orange red.

I didn't take photos cuz fireworks are still best seen first-hand.

They announced the winners for various types of prizes for the floats and science Fac and eusoff hall won almost everything! Example most environmentally friendly, best design, best act etc. Double win for me cuz I was supporting eusoff though I'm not staying there! PGP is a lonely place! I regretttt.... But nvm!

Awesome attending-first-event-experience-at-NUS for me cuz I really didn't expect it to be that exciting, since I'm like non-enthu kind.

I found a person who's gonna be in 2 life science modules with me! She talks like a rapper( when she said her name, it came with a yo man! Hand gesture) which is quite funny but she's really friendly and that's good for me cuz I'm crap at making friends. I hope this is life getting better.

Happy day!

Thursday, August 05, 2010

My parents are awesome!

They got me a tv fr my hostel room, cuz well. Life would be sad with a shared tv. Not everybody will wanna watch Life instead of glee right?? Well I'd rather... Tv is my life!

My mom even got me a whistle. Lol, in case I need to shout for help, but my voice is too soft. Awesome!

I'm gonna have a fridge and a toaster(not for food though) too. The shared fridge is really filled up.

And thus I begin my solitary life. I don't look forward to moving everything home each holiday though.

But all things have their catch, so, just gotta live with it!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

My sis is gone. GONE GONE GONE!!!

*weeps in a corner*

She's gone to the Netherlands. For Four Frighteningly Long Years.

Four Years.


in singapore. me.

Well, life has to go on.

Today i had bandung flavoured frozen yoghurt from frolick so i could use my free topping voucher [forgot where it came from]. It was nice. i had honey stars for the topping cuz their toppings are not fantastic.

Today i watched The Crazies. It was really quite crazy. The storyline is basically don't read unless you want a spoiler.

So the storyline was basically: a plane carrying a certain strain of virus, developed as a biological weapon, crashed in a river/ stream/random water body near this small town. The virus escapes into the water and the first man to get it is R. R almost shoots Mr. Sheriff, who is the main character, but Sheriff shoots him first. Then fellow people start getting it all over and go crazy killing their loved ones and such. An army comes in to evacuate the people and kill those with the virus. Sheriff's wife gets taken away cuz she is running a temperature, but its actually cuz she's pregnant. Mad people escape and the army people run away, leaving their high temperatured captives in the high school strapped down to hospital beds. Mad man comes in with garden fork and starts stabbing whoever makes noise. He almost gets to Sheriff's wife, but Sheriff comes in time to shoot him. Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff try to escape with Wife and Random Girl.

Then goes the long journey of the escape in the usual almost get caught, half the people die along the way manner and Sheriff and his wife emerge the only survivors.

They manage to drive away just as their town gets blownapart. But it seems the town their heading is the next one to be under containment.

Tralala. It was quite gory and the music was pretty loud, as usual, to freak you out. Overall quite a lame storyline but okay la, watch for the horror lor.
The sheriff never caught the virus, goodness knows how cuz he had direct blood and open wound contact with a lot of the mad people.

I hope i get my dam modules or life will be pretty sad.