Tuesday, May 26, 2009


some shytface is still making stupid remarks and comments thinking he is still running the club i see. Unfortunately for him, he is still a shytface in the eyes of many. Sending nasty things to other people who are trying to help, are you? Thats exactly what stupid retards do and you have proven yourself to be a fine figure of a retard. Making stupid suggestions thinking your suggestion is the best all the time. It's not like we cannot function and are not functioning on our own. Why should we listen to some idiot who cares only about his own bloody feelings and makes himself out to be sad and pathetic. You're just pissed off because not everyone is listening to you, not because what you suggest is the correct answer and it should be followed.

You think that because a person doesnt go down to the range often means they are not caring about their people, means others think they dont have to go down as often also, means they should not be captain?

Think about who you wanted to be captain so badly you were forcing her, thinking you were not, making her almost break down. i heard her voice when she said it, there was so much pressure. See if she herself even goes down that often.

She knows that which is why she is making her own choice, not having you make it for her.

In case you did not know, there are other ways of showing care for people. Ops! You probably don't know what that word means.

One-sided mind.
If you had any at all.

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