Tuesday, May 19, 2009

came home early today. Met with an unpleasant human being. Never knew my mother had such lowly a foul-mouthed student man. He is like the ultimate bane of this planet. He was talking big about passing his math test [by getting 44/80 for section A and 31/60 for section B] and still saying instead of studying he went to play lan and still pass despite also anyhow doing his paper. What a retard-head. Then he kept saying, this year O lvl confirm fail cuz i only pass every 3 years and was mightly proud about it. Fail then still come here for what. Irritate people, waste your mother's money and waste my mother's time. Go eat shyt la. He also kept scolding his sister retarded, loser, etc etc because she didnt do well for her test. What kind of screwed up kid is this man. I bet he thinks he's so cool but the truth is he's jus s frickin loser himself. I'm so frickin pissed off that he can't just shut up cuz he's interupting my mom's lesson with his sis. When my mom said she will give him more test papers he said, "then i throw away" with the ah beng hand action. ASS-FACE. Killing the trees for such an UNWORTHY idiotic creep.

My mom is trying to teach the little girl about triangles and he is being stupid by interrupting every sentence she says e.g. by saying some triangles have 181 degrees. I feel like stuffing tissue paper into his eye sockets. Walao, seriously he should just GND right now. He's breathing the precious air of my house and he deserves not one square inch of it. [Now he's commenting about charging his sister an interest rate of $1 for every half an hour that passes cuz she owes him money for lunch. What kind of ungracious behaviour is that.]

Is he suffering from attention deficiency? Or Hyperactivity? If so, i will forgive him for his stupidity. But if he is a normal and healthy individual, then blast that crapass.

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