Friday, January 30, 2009

i am le tired.

PE today for me, was epic. It started off with a 1 round warm up, and then 8 rounds continuously. I stupidly thought 8 rounds was 2.4km, when it was in fact, 3.2km. So i was running and running and wondering why at 13minutes i still had 2 rounds to go! Did i deteriorate that much?? That cannot be... i ran continuously for the first 3 rounds and then it came the time to use my secret tactic. Walking!

I ran to the far side of the track before i started walking for 25 seconds. Then i ran again. Another round, then walk 25 seconds. I lost count of how many rounds i'd run, so i thought i was on my last round and sprinted the last 30 meters or so and then the PE teacher told me last round! And i was like gasp! One more?? So off i went. And i was already on the brink of stopping to roll over on the field.

Went for my last round, much walking involved in the process. Sprinted for the last bit once again and i was done, in 17:52 minutes. That means about 2:10min for each round. I beat everyone else including the guys! But maybe they just werent running their fastest. I on the other hand, was cheated of an extra sprint because i was confused about the number of rounds i had run.

My 2.4 timing deteriorated though, it was 13 sth on my 6th round but i ran 12:56 last year. Oh dear.

I have a lot of homework this weekend. But i also have many events, such as safra monthly. Shot like the definition of crap today. I fear the worst for sunday, but i must stay strong.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

i am reduced to using disposable chopsticks at home. I refuse to touch any other apart from my childhood wooden chopsticks. They were perfect for me. And now they're gone. Gone, with no warning whatsoever.

I will use chopsticks without an identity.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My arms and legs are drenched in languor, after having pe and pt all at once today. my right arm feels strained. When i bend it, it tugs on my muscle. What tugs on my muscle you may ask? Well, it does. And it just refers to the bending tugging on my muscle. I cant even talk sense now.

I changed my pe class! I am now in the class with some IPs and some mainstreams. I ran with chiansiang for 4 rounds today. It's a challenge. I had to walk to regain my energy to run again. I like doing that.

I did the wrong tutorial for chemistry. I did phenols instead of alcohols so now i have homework to do. I need to complete my math too.

I am learning new words. If i get too stressed my hair will start to exuviate. But my belligerent spirit enables me to go on.

Crush by david archuleta is THE SONG TO HEAR MAN!! It's awesome! I cant stop listening to it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Photos of the solar eclipse through different telescopes

The white ball is the sun, the black thing coming along is the moon starting to cover the sun. this is an awesome telescope. It makes the sun look like the moon without craters! I want one of that man.

Around the maximum that the moon will cover the sun seen through a different telescope. How funky is that man.
It's the second day of Chinese New Year. The holiday's almost up. i just woke up from a long long much required nap. Things have been happening and i know im not any worse position than the people around me so i should start being thankful for my life although im always very keen on throwing myself in front of a bus or off a very high cliff.

On the eve of Chinese New Year, after the reunion dinner, I went with my sisters and their respective other halves to squeeze at chinatown just for the fun of it and also see what bounty we could return with. There was nothing much! The disappointment. It also wasnt that bad, the crowd, except for one junction which was really a squeezing terror. But i was preoccupied with poking at my coconut and couldnt care less about the people around. It was like an automated conveyor belt because we just moved without having to move. But that was the only bad time. The rest of the time we were quite freely walking.

Monday, just visiting as usual. We almost had no gas in the stove to cook cuz it ran out on sunday and no one was open to save us. Fortunately rescue came on monday morning so the zhai bee hoon and curry were only cooked on monday morning. Visiting relatives and the temple ended at around 450 and i flew off to NUS to find ele to see the solar eclipse! It started at 430pm but me and my siblings couldnt see a dam thing cuz the sun was way too bright. I got to NUS and was able to see the eclipse through a black filter sheet where the outline of the sun was more visible, and a telescope. I saw the orange image of the sun with a crescent moon shape cut into it.


But it wasnt that impressive. It was too cloudy and the sky didnt even turn dark since the eclipse was only partial. It covered barely half the sun and that was the maximum. Everyone was just going on their normal lives without realising that an eclipse was taking place! I was standing in the queue of the temple when the moon began its pass in front of the sun!

I want a telescope!

Okay i really need to go think about my research paper now. I have thought about it day and night and Im still very lost, but the house is quiet at this moment and it is a good time.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

i really dreamt about a hamster yesterday. Ok, it wasnt really a hamster... It was supposedly a squirrel but it had a hamster's body and a long bushy tail. And it was dead cute.

It started out like this:
I took a bite out of an apple. And there was something inside. It was a bird at first i swear. It wanted to come out of the apple so it poked its beak through the hole and it was kinda poky. I told my dad there's a mata puteh [the white eyed bird] in the apple, so i tried to prevent it from coming out from the apple while he went to find a cage.

But when it came out, it was not a bird. It was a mouse-squirrel-hamster! And it was sooo cute, and tired, it just wanted to sleep so it curled up in my palms and slept. But when i moved around, it kept waking up. It had a really nice colour too, a soft beige with a grey stripe down the center and a fawn coloured tail. Just the cutest thing ever.

We decided to keep it, but i didnt know how long it was going to live and how old it was already. That worried me. I didnt want it to die, but it looked weak and tired.

When i woke up i just woke up, there wasnt really an ending to this dream...
my blog song is my new favourite song. It is so relate-able, its unbelievable.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Went back to dunman high on FRIDAY!

Saw some of my ex-classmates in order of appearance - Yuan Wei, Jannelle, Sam C, Gloria, Geoffrey, Han feng, Chia, Adie!!, LWT, Joseph, Jon sung[a song], Wynne!!

i hope i didnt forget anyone! Saw Mr Lee too!! We paged him at the staff room but he wasnt it. I casually leaned over the side of the stairs and saw him just downstairs!! So me and xiu rong and xtra ran downstairs to meet him! We had a casual chat with him where he commented on xtra and my uniform, unfortunately because we were both wearing our big uniforms and probably looked a bit untidy. He thought i used drawstrings but i never!!

Anyway Mr Lee had to go for a meeting so we left him and while walking to the canteen we met Mr Tong! Had another random chat. So nice to see NJ teachers around!

We explored the school after having an awesome lunch of korean food for $2 from one of the canteen stores. It's chao big lor. Walked past the senior high classrooms. They look airy and spacious but its really hot and stuffy up there. The school's been extended some way and there's a whole new section for the junior highs. The old parade square is now a car park and the library has become the staff room! The foot of the spiral stairs where the piano used to be now has a potted plant in its place! So much has changed. They also have rooftop tennis courts where its blazin hot by the way, an indoor sports hall, new multipurpose hall and they are building a track. The bookshop is a mini popular but the things arent impressive.

Omg they have so many things. it's like a recreational center.

Adie kept laughing at me when i poked her on the shoulder. She kept laughing at the fact that i still hadnt grown while she had!! She was at least 10cm shorter than me in primary school, the same height in sec 1 and now at least 10cm taller. Rah! And then when wynne and her appeared they did something weird.

"Your specs look like they dont have lenses" said wynne

And at the same time both of them poked a finger at each lens! Omggg... i threatened to do the same to adie [who wasnt wearing glasses] but she said her eyes were too small, sure miss one. -.-

I miss their crap. It's more crappy than anyone can get in NJ!!!

-- Anyway after the excursion and all, we left and went to tampines where we walked about for a while, talked about stuff for a while, and then i went hoooomeeee ~

bored bored me.

Oh this morning i dreamt about a haze so thick we had to squint our eyes. The moment we opened the windows the smoke came in so strongly and it was just everywhere. We couldnt breathe, couldnt see... I had a thought of how we were gonna survive but when i forced my eyes open the haze seemed to clear...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

ok i really dont know why my blog font is in white... i already changed it to black but i just appears white still... sorryyy
there are many many seeable stars in the sky tonight. So many.

Here's a rhyme:
I wish i could get a clearer view, lie in the grass and gaze with you.

I can see the stars from my kitchen window. Wish i could be higher. Want to see them clearer, or be among them.

Im so tired.

Just got home a while ago because of the sports talk in school that lasted till 8... ate and then took the bus at 933pm. Got home at 1030 or so.

Wrote a rhyme on the bus but oh my god i didnt save it so here's what i remember about it:
Me on the bus,
Starting to rust
Waiting for dusk,
to turn into dawn
Rolling on my lawn
if i even had one
I'm just forlorn.

I cant remember the rest.. i wrote something about shooting.. Why the hell didnt i save it dammit...


Saturday, January 17, 2009

I want a new stomach... the one i have now is really disobedient. Its angry cries can be heard in the night and it's beating the walls in rebellion.


i puked again!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My first falling sick of the year! I dont remember when's the last time i fell sick. It was so long ago. But anyway, i developed gradual aches all over throughout the day of 13th January, merely the second day of school. It all started out with a stomachache which persisted for the whole day. Then my back started aching during my last period and it was accompanied by a headache and then legs aching.

I meant to train, so i did, but failed quite miserably. After dry-firing for half an hour and trying to shoot a few shots, the air around my neck started to feel heated and i couldnt really concentrate. I stopped and walked out for a while then came back and decided to just dry fire. But i wanted to shoot so after dry-firing i shot 2 shots, which were both 10s so i was more satisfied and decided to stop for good. Waited for xiu rong and then left school for home.

What a treacherous ride!

I took 171 and i had to stand right beside this postively unpleasant MGS girl who had a mouth as foul as an orc's toes. She was so arrogant and talking with a sickening fake accent, and saying things like "why doesnt the bus just not stop?" just because the driver was asking people to move in. She continued to say "not like we can move in any further, we're already against the wall!" Well if he wasnt referring to her she could just shut up and ignore it, it was as if she felt she was the only existent person on that bus. The fool was talking so loudly, obviously proud of her selfish and brainless comments like "why don't people ever give up?" referring to people trying to get on the bus. I felt like asking her to shut up and stop making such retard remarks cuz it's just making her sound like a lowdown moron. She probably is, and acting like some high-class crap. She must have made my temperature rise at least 3 degrees celsius.

When i finally got to MRT and was waiting for it to come, i was already feeling quite crappy. And wanted to sit down while waiting for it, but decided not to. The MRT came and it was super crowded, as usual. I hung on to the grabbing pole as a support. I felt like melting down into the ground. There was this cute little girl with a REAL accent sitting at the seat beside my grabbing-pole, and was pleasant to listen to. Especially when she asked when they were getting down, and her father said next stop.

Nobody fought with me for the seat. I must have looked quite tragic.

When i got to the interchange, my bus came immediately, thank heavens. I got on and was counting every single stop and it seemed an eternity before mine came. Got home, took temperature, not so bad only 38.1. Told my mom who was having tuition that i had a fever and went to sleep. [i was dead hungry.]

Woke up and asked for food. Ate some quaker oat. Decided to go see doctor to get MC although i didnt want to get up at all. Dragged myself to doctor's place with mom. Doctor said i had a viral infection and it caused the aching everywhere and some wind in my stomach. She gave me 3 things to take and 2 days MC cuz she said 38.5 was quite high.

Dragged myself home and was feeling worse than ever. Legs were aching worse than when i have PT. Bought porridge so i tried to eat some, only managed a bit although i was quite hungry.

Ate medicine. One of them tasted nice. It looks like a mini m&m too.

Called elephant and talked and suddenly felt a lot better! The aches were gone and the fever slowly went away too. It was probably the medicine, but hey!

Anyway i was quite energetic already and also quite hungry, so i went to eat more porridge. But it must have been too sudden cuz i ended up puking everything out after that.

Went to sleep and woke up quite okay apart of some body aches.

Now i think im perfectly fine except for the lump in my throat. whee. Didnt go to school today but i shall tmr although i dont actually have to muhaha.

Monday, January 12, 2009

haven't written something normal for a while. I feel an awful lot like sleeping, but i cant because i just ate. Good thing i bought food before i came home before realising the lack of food on the table. I was dead hungry.

First day of school was alright. Exciting to see the new people with their new uniforms, and how small they are. I am the same height now, as I was in sec 1, which is much taller than a lot of them. How did they get so small? Maybe they will grow. The new uniform looks okay now that it's being worn. It just looks weird when it's hung up being sold. The shirts have a charcoal grey patch on the inside of the collar, like the dark blue one on ACJC uniforms. We are now called Junior High and Senior High. My class is now 06SH04. Which looks, and sounds terrible[It somehow looks like SH0e to me]. I insist on sticking to 06ip04.

First person i met was qingyun. She just got a new dog! It's a shetland sheepdog, which is dam cool cuz its gonna grow up fluffy and with a long snout. That reminds me of padi and her walks. Padi went for a walk for the first time in her life on Wednesday, 7th January 2009! She is 6 years old by the way. It's very fun to take her on walks but very tiring. Have to carry her past houses with dogs or she insists on inimidating them. She's okay with the leash now. She got used to it really fast! But now she assumes that everytime we go towards the gate, we are bringing her out.

Ok, back to skool stuff.

Our new CT is Feng Jiahui, also my bio teacher. We had a spontaneous contact session at the parade square to start the day, where we were given our timetables. Yet again i am alone for one PE class and with Crispy for the other. My days are shorter than last year's but my earliest day is half an hour later than my earliest day last year. It's sort of good, since usually i would have to wait half an hour for the side gate to open anyway.

The periods for lessons are now 1 hour long, and half a period is 30minutes. There is a half bell every 30minutes and a full bell every hour. The half bell is sad. It's like something that got cut off halfway. For some reason they have 45min lectures as well. So that's 3/4 of a period.

I only get math lecture in LT5. [dam!] And the rest are in LT1, where the teacher takes 15minutes setting up the laptop and the other one trying to entertain us with 'interesting' facts about alcohol. That's what happened for Chem lecture today.

For the rest of the day i had bio lecture, bio lesson and lit. Lit feels long now. I have to endure 1 hour instead of 50minutes. Mr Whitby is still forcing me to contribute. I had the unfortunate luck of sitting right in front of him. There are long pauses because people dont remember anything/dont want to contribute. For me, it's because i havent finished reading Great Expectations STILL. [i didnt even recognise the fact that the passage given in the book was from the text haha. I havent got there yet but i will, i think. i hope. i better.]

i don't want to have a lacking vocabulary anymore. I shall have to do something about it. The only thing is that some words just dont stick in my head.

Was planning to train but realised that i had forgotten to bring my training gear[waseda pullover and track pants], which was being washed. I shall plan my training so that i have sufficient time to wash those essential items.

mon, tues, wed train - air pullover and track pants - thurs go home early and catch up on work- fri train - wash over weekend.

Something like that would be good. It shouldn't be that horrible since i have shirt and pants under the pullover and track pants.

Some new year resolutions:
1. Finish reading Great Expectations
2. Expand my vocabulary by 500 words.

i want to sleep but i have homework to do. shall get to doing it...

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Elephant's Dad's December babies.
The albino one was born on 25th December! And the other two on 26th and 27th.

So cutee

Look at the little chicken wings

Friday, January 02, 2009

you are crazy. c-r-a-z-y.

totally. crazy.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

A nice bbq there was on the night of new year's eve at around 11+, and then a countdown on the phone and in real life with brother, sisters, nicks and nacks and an elephant.

And what was i doing on new year's day? Chem! Oh the pain... then i went out to explore for sometime and the first thing i bought this year was.... medium fries!! *applause*

And im really lazy to do xr's quiz.. you know why you know why?!?! Because the first person who tagged my blog is i think myself, when i was testing it :/ So the rest would be meaningless! Oh xiu rong, i need something more interesting than that...
