Monday, November 03, 2008

YAY PW IS OVER! stupid internet got disconnected so now i have to write all over again. Anyway GOOD LUCK TO HUIWEI and XIU RONG'S group! Soon we'll all be free! Im starting to get sick of my group and im gonna burn all my PW stuff! messed up a little on my OP but i dont care anymore! Its over so there!

TJS says:
im so scared abt q n a..
.there's-a-ray. says:
aiya, just crap lor
.there's-a-ray. says:
TJS says:
yeah~~~~ if it is in chinese~ i can crap untill the doomday..



Missed the earlier part cuz had piano exam but didnt wanna wait around at vivo for them cuz they were gonna take some time and i was bored. So i popped over to sentosa just in time to help huiwei and xiurong carry stuff while they went to bathe -.- And then played a bit of bridge and then we all went back! Got food from food republic and ate it at the open area space at vivo. It was dark so we gathered around a lamplight so it looked like we were having campfire! Then there were about 3 groups playing bridge. One group of us left to go arcade!

We wanted to play the basketball game but there were people playing so we played photohunt! There was zuiqiu, jiasheng, zhuochun, zheyu, fu di, huiwei and me crowded around one machine and it was fun cuz everyone was playing! Quite funny when zhuochun, half-blind with his broken specs poked the screen and saved the day! And also jiasheng who had to reach out from far and wide to prod the screen and save the day! We played around 3 games then died cuz we all forgot to look at the time -.-

Then played the basketball game! I teamed with jiasheng while huiwei teamed with fu di and of cuz they won cuz fu di was too pro -.- Rah! But we didnt give up! [although that didnt help much] Played until arm was so suan that i couldnt throw the ball far enough to go into the net anymore haha.

We randomly played kiddy games too where we just took the plastic balls and kept throwing at the screen to hit the thingies on the screen. lol. just anyhow throw also can.

Eventually huiwei and the scholars left so i went to find Xiu Rong, who was with Minlu and Crispy and they were playing para para. Minlu is hilarious man!! She worships the machine! And Xiu Rong sweeps people away! Haha! Crispy looked the most normal...

So yea, that was the fun class outing we had! yay!

I am going to train tmr~

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