Saturday, November 22, 2008

ah there's a lot of things i should update on.. and here they are:
1. Cycling with xiu rong and minlu [last sunday]
2. Death of my favourite author MICHAEL CRICHTON [i have no more books to read what a tragedy!!!]
3. Rifle Girls Outing!
4. Cutting hair till there is hardly any left [im not sure about my feelings on this, sometimes i feel regretful of it, sometimes i dont]
5. Playing mario songs non-stop

Since i am using my desktop and do not have the pictures here i shall not write about cycling but will try my best to write about the rest.
Firstly, the death of my favourite author. By the way he is the creater of JURASSIC PARK and ER [he molded our childhood! ok for those who liked dinosaurs...]I bought another one of his books in honour of him, just anyone book written by him that i happened to see at Popular, and in this case i saw A CASE OF NEED. Anyway i just finished reading it, it's like a mystery-medical novel, sorta. About moral issues regarding abortion and the likes. Interesting and very technical. And i havent even finished Great Expectations. Hohahu. I suppose that is expected from me. I read REAL slow... but i will finish it! i will!

Rifle Girl's outing! Was some sorta a success i guess. For once we had a reasonable number of people... SIX. YES. The strongest in all our outings ever. But our team doesnt have many people to begin with. Im glad that those who could come, did come and those who did not come, had very reasonable reasons not to [such as being out of country and having A lvls]. Anyway it was good, even though we just watched a movie cuz everyone was tired after PT and lazy to move even their arms to play bowling. We watched QUANTUM oF SOLACE and i missed the point. They really shouldnt keep mumbling. There's only a certain volume the speakers can go. And then when the special effects make cars go BOOM, they try to blast your ears out. Come on, i need to hear the dialogue too...
Anyway we had two successful study sessions so far too! That is pretty impressive considering the two were held right after the OP week and havent had any interruptions so far. Thank goodness for study sessions or i would be nowhere near touching homework.

Ok about cutting hair... seriously its DAM short now!! Because i guess i told the auntie it was okay if i couldnt tie it.. so she happily went and snipped away EVERYTHING. Ok not everything but she kept going shorter and shorter and shorter until... She reached the top of my head and because my hair is so thick she had to layer it a lot so by the time it reached the top the strands were only around 6cm long! Omicron! Ahhhhh its been a long time since i had hair THAT short and its scary!! And its all curly and different! I shall not elaborate further.. you guys can see when the time comes... [Im glad there are still quite a few weeks to go before school starts again]

Playing mario songs! Now i keep playing mario songs [on the piano] and its very very addictive. I keep playing till my hands and arms are gonna cramp but i dont wanna stop. Well, they are pretty easy to play, its just that you have to play it quite quickly, which is why it becomes hard, especially when i cant really stretch far with my fingers so i fail to play the underworld theme properly. But the main theme, overworld theme, star theme and ending theme works well. And its really fun. Go try it.

Im done here, goodbye C:

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