Thursday, November 06, 2008

last day of cip. Had a nice time with this very smart K1 girl who was very advanced and futuristic. She talked about her learnings of making different kinds of guns and learning sec1 stuff when she was in kindergarten. She showed me how to build a few kinds of guns and how battery operated guns were the newest invention. She then made a radio that had a hidden message for her and she read out the message for me on both sides of the radio and it went something like: " This museum is opened for [her name]. But its not going to be opened anymore. The museum is now closed. The museum will be opened tomorrow and she can come and see the museum again." [It was all in chinese btw] Then she told me about how we had to be careful in making the radio because it might explode and she twisted the blocks here and there and showed how it could still stand and called it "her science". She even had a colour coded password to open the radio and exchanged a transmission with the radio which i couldnt catch.

Somehow i feel she has quite a bright future ahead of her.

Today i had 2 separate dreams. The first dream was very depressing because i kept crying in the dream after seeing something and then i ran away and was being chased so i jumped down from the hill which i was on and saw myself land with my eyes closed and blood flowing from my mouth. If only i really died in my dream.

The next dream was half depressing. I suddenly found myself with 15 hamsters which i had forgotten all about and had to clean their change because their fur had become moist with damp hay. I tried to find a container to separate the males and females but i couldnt find one even after a long time and i was at a military camp so i called away.

At first life at military school was horrible because there were horrible guys who picked on the few girls there and the few girls there were also quite annoying. The scene changed to arguing with this girl and i kept shooting back at her until she couldnt reply and felt demoralised and decided to shut up. Then somehow i forgot how suddenly everyone became friends with the main character and we exchanged hi-5s.

Then the days at the military school was over so i had to return to my island and i was sad to leave the people there cuz we had become friends but i still had to leave anyway.

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