Saturday, November 08, 2008

see take so nice for huiwei


Yay thanks to joycelyn me homework fuddy and elephant got to go to the zoo for free! today C:

We met at amk at 1220 [becuz i had tuition earlier if not we should have met earlier!] And then ate lunch separately cuz homework didnt wanna eat subway. And then we took 138 to the zoo.

elephants at the entrance

white tigers

cute pink paw

pygmy hippo

comparison with nile hippo

kangaroo slacking


There was an elephant which went loose!! We were stopping at an ice cream kiosk and i was looking at these easter island looking thingys then suddenly there was this loud thumping... and there is was! An elephant stomping along! I think i either wasnt in the way or i ran out of the way, cant remember, but there was this guy on a bike following the elephant and shouting at people to move away. There was this group of people in front who ran away and left their baby pram on the side of the road! Luckily the elephant didnt knock into it, it just stomped past. And it was running too! I think i was rather stunned. I didnt think of doing anything except watch the elephant run away. So there it went.

Anyway we were just about to go see the elephant show, which was quite nice. Me and elephant were sitting in the front row so we got sprayed by shyt water that the elephants were pooing in earlier -.- While hw and fudi went to hide in the shade -.- The elephants mostly showed off skills of lifting things like logs so yea they lifted logs and several different ways.

elephant show

fake butterfly

forgot to see the name of this bird

the baboons have a good life man. Their enclosure is super nice. They can chat with each other and take baths in waterfalls.

cute baby baboon


ah, the good life.


So the other show we watched was the splash safari show or something like that. There was this pelican who was mostly ignored during the show. While the penguins were being fed it kept opening its mouth but the fish never flew in!


lots of fat manatees!

Carlos the seal

sad polar bear who is quite big and keeps walking the same path like its a robot with a fixed path installed.

lama with not very good fur. It looks matted

flamingmangoes with a scarlet ibis [haha remembered it from a lit book i studied last time the scarlet ibis :/]



super cute meerkats! And thats huiwei and me in the pic too.

meerkats in black.

hi i am cute.


very big and fat python which gave me a shock when i walked to the enclosure

cute little turtle eating

sloppy tree snake

rattle snake

grass elephant

grass pig

zebra crossing


There were other stuff like free-ranging orang utan which you could see sitting high up in the treetops and which may shyt on you anytime. There were also otters and many many types of monkeys which were not very interesting. We walked until past closing time and we were at the reptile place when they started to off the lights of the enclosures and locked the reptile experience thing! ahh we missed it by a bit.. So we started to make our way back, which was quite a long way out since we were right inside. We didnt look at a lot of monkeys but we did get to see most of the stuff like the white rhino [which looked brown], the mechanical polar bear, the bored lion, the cheetahs which were trying very hard to sprint in their small area of land. Yeap.

And by the time i got back my legs were seriously breaking. We ate at the kfc at the zoo until around 730 then went to take the bus back to amk hub again so i could top up my card. Then we went homee~ And my legs were dam suan throughout the night it was dam painful -.- the tiredness that cannot be rested was really like ugh... I cant remember what was the other time i had that. It kept me awake all night. Stupid suan-ness.

And so there you have it! The zoo trip C: Ah, didnt know we would really need such a long time to cover the entire zoo. We missed the kiddy place too -.- It was closing by the time we got there so nothing to play.

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