Monday, November 24, 2008

shall post quickly.

today first day of day camp. reached home 15min ago. It was a nice day, with shermain, cheryl, yan hui, wenying, nicole and a brief joannah. Nice to see everyone happy and laughing and smiling faces. We talked quite a bit and also trained quite a bit. Played bridge while waiting for movie. I was on a winning spree C: didnt lose any game.
Watched inspiring movie, then went to middle of field to reflect. Pistol girls and rifle girls together. Gaze at "stars" and clouds. Then finally bridge in the dark with xinhang, cheryl and shermain. Win win win C:

Then go home. sian.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

ah there's a lot of things i should update on.. and here they are:
1. Cycling with xiu rong and minlu [last sunday]
2. Death of my favourite author MICHAEL CRICHTON [i have no more books to read what a tragedy!!!]
3. Rifle Girls Outing!
4. Cutting hair till there is hardly any left [im not sure about my feelings on this, sometimes i feel regretful of it, sometimes i dont]
5. Playing mario songs non-stop

Since i am using my desktop and do not have the pictures here i shall not write about cycling but will try my best to write about the rest.
Firstly, the death of my favourite author. By the way he is the creater of JURASSIC PARK and ER [he molded our childhood! ok for those who liked dinosaurs...]I bought another one of his books in honour of him, just anyone book written by him that i happened to see at Popular, and in this case i saw A CASE OF NEED. Anyway i just finished reading it, it's like a mystery-medical novel, sorta. About moral issues regarding abortion and the likes. Interesting and very technical. And i havent even finished Great Expectations. Hohahu. I suppose that is expected from me. I read REAL slow... but i will finish it! i will!

Rifle Girl's outing! Was some sorta a success i guess. For once we had a reasonable number of people... SIX. YES. The strongest in all our outings ever. But our team doesnt have many people to begin with. Im glad that those who could come, did come and those who did not come, had very reasonable reasons not to [such as being out of country and having A lvls]. Anyway it was good, even though we just watched a movie cuz everyone was tired after PT and lazy to move even their arms to play bowling. We watched QUANTUM oF SOLACE and i missed the point. They really shouldnt keep mumbling. There's only a certain volume the speakers can go. And then when the special effects make cars go BOOM, they try to blast your ears out. Come on, i need to hear the dialogue too...
Anyway we had two successful study sessions so far too! That is pretty impressive considering the two were held right after the OP week and havent had any interruptions so far. Thank goodness for study sessions or i would be nowhere near touching homework.

Ok about cutting hair... seriously its DAM short now!! Because i guess i told the auntie it was okay if i couldnt tie it.. so she happily went and snipped away EVERYTHING. Ok not everything but she kept going shorter and shorter and shorter until... She reached the top of my head and because my hair is so thick she had to layer it a lot so by the time it reached the top the strands were only around 6cm long! Omicron! Ahhhhh its been a long time since i had hair THAT short and its scary!! And its all curly and different! I shall not elaborate further.. you guys can see when the time comes... [Im glad there are still quite a few weeks to go before school starts again]

Playing mario songs! Now i keep playing mario songs [on the piano] and its very very addictive. I keep playing till my hands and arms are gonna cramp but i dont wanna stop. Well, they are pretty easy to play, its just that you have to play it quite quickly, which is why it becomes hard, especially when i cant really stretch far with my fingers so i fail to play the underworld theme properly. But the main theme, overworld theme, star theme and ending theme works well. And its really fun. Go try it.

Im done here, goodbye C:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

the stupid insect sting is making my whole arm feel itchy but touching the other parts of my arm doesnt really help. And its making my elbow fat. ITS SO ITCHY I WANNA SCRATCH IT BUT I CANT! i dont wanna rip my elbow apart -.-


i watched bridge to terabithia again. cuz its nice and emo yay. its so nice.

ok i realised there is quite a lot of holiday homework and ive only done a teeny little bit. Today. Yay. I need to get moving... but homework is so boring :C but i will do it.

i havent eaten kinder bueno for a long time now. I cant remember when was the last time i ate it. Probably july.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

*added cage pics to zoo post
i hate pt man. i even wrote a poem about it on the bus yesterday. How retarded right?

The PT Poem
We started off with stretching,
first arms then head then legs
Then off to do some running,
3 rounds but not yet dead
80 jumping jacks, cant they just relax?
Oblique crunches left and right,
dont give up lets use our might
Five and twenty push-ups,
let's just take our time
Another 2 more rounds,
we're still fine, we're still fine
Back raisers and side planks
left and right, left and right
Finally jumping cross the court,
we have won the fight!

Ok. There it is, the retarded poem. And today while waiting for the bus with xiu rong i got stung by a mystery insect. I felt something at my arm so i just swiped like anybody else would, just that i felt a big insect-like thing touch my hand and it was as if i felt 2 body parts. Anyway it stung me and it was awfully painful so i was standing there saying ow ow ow ow ow while xiu rong looked shocked. I must have ow-ed a good 80 times and we were inspecting my arm trying to see where it was that was painful. Then we saw this pinkish spot and established that that was it. Anyway xiu rong's bus came so i said bye bye and continued looking for the sting spot. I squeezed the pinkish area and it started to bleed haha. Then it swelled a little, became like a mosquito bite with a pink center. And i could feel it hurting while i smsed xiu rong. Anyway i got onto 67 and decided to sleep so i slept and when i woke up at bedok it was fine again. Now its itchy though. Its just like a mosquito bite. But im sure it must have been a monster mosquito if it really was a mosquito bite cuz man, the size of that sting to poke a hole that is visible must be quite mighty.

ok i just woke up from my deep sleep which lasted around 4 hours. Dreamt of a horse following me around everywhere i went.

ok bye bye.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

quick sketch of signs of irritation

Saturday, November 08, 2008

see take so nice for huiwei


Yay thanks to joycelyn me homework fuddy and elephant got to go to the zoo for free! today C:

We met at amk at 1220 [becuz i had tuition earlier if not we should have met earlier!] And then ate lunch separately cuz homework didnt wanna eat subway. And then we took 138 to the zoo.

elephants at the entrance

white tigers

cute pink paw

pygmy hippo

comparison with nile hippo

kangaroo slacking


There was an elephant which went loose!! We were stopping at an ice cream kiosk and i was looking at these easter island looking thingys then suddenly there was this loud thumping... and there is was! An elephant stomping along! I think i either wasnt in the way or i ran out of the way, cant remember, but there was this guy on a bike following the elephant and shouting at people to move away. There was this group of people in front who ran away and left their baby pram on the side of the road! Luckily the elephant didnt knock into it, it just stomped past. And it was running too! I think i was rather stunned. I didnt think of doing anything except watch the elephant run away. So there it went.

Anyway we were just about to go see the elephant show, which was quite nice. Me and elephant were sitting in the front row so we got sprayed by shyt water that the elephants were pooing in earlier -.- While hw and fudi went to hide in the shade -.- The elephants mostly showed off skills of lifting things like logs so yea they lifted logs and several different ways.

elephant show

fake butterfly

forgot to see the name of this bird

the baboons have a good life man. Their enclosure is super nice. They can chat with each other and take baths in waterfalls.

cute baby baboon


ah, the good life.


So the other show we watched was the splash safari show or something like that. There was this pelican who was mostly ignored during the show. While the penguins were being fed it kept opening its mouth but the fish never flew in!


lots of fat manatees!

Carlos the seal

sad polar bear who is quite big and keeps walking the same path like its a robot with a fixed path installed.

lama with not very good fur. It looks matted

flamingmangoes with a scarlet ibis [haha remembered it from a lit book i studied last time the scarlet ibis :/]



super cute meerkats! And thats huiwei and me in the pic too.

meerkats in black.

hi i am cute.


very big and fat python which gave me a shock when i walked to the enclosure

cute little turtle eating

sloppy tree snake

rattle snake

grass elephant

grass pig

zebra crossing


There were other stuff like free-ranging orang utan which you could see sitting high up in the treetops and which may shyt on you anytime. There were also otters and many many types of monkeys which were not very interesting. We walked until past closing time and we were at the reptile place when they started to off the lights of the enclosures and locked the reptile experience thing! ahh we missed it by a bit.. So we started to make our way back, which was quite a long way out since we were right inside. We didnt look at a lot of monkeys but we did get to see most of the stuff like the white rhino [which looked brown], the mechanical polar bear, the bored lion, the cheetahs which were trying very hard to sprint in their small area of land. Yeap.

And by the time i got back my legs were seriously breaking. We ate at the kfc at the zoo until around 730 then went to take the bus back to amk hub again so i could top up my card. Then we went homee~ And my legs were dam suan throughout the night it was dam painful -.- the tiredness that cannot be rested was really like ugh... I cant remember what was the other time i had that. It kept me awake all night. Stupid suan-ness.

And so there you have it! The zoo trip C: Ah, didnt know we would really need such a long time to cover the entire zoo. We missed the kiddy place too -.- It was closing by the time we got there so nothing to play.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

last day of cip. Had a nice time with this very smart K1 girl who was very advanced and futuristic. She talked about her learnings of making different kinds of guns and learning sec1 stuff when she was in kindergarten. She showed me how to build a few kinds of guns and how battery operated guns were the newest invention. She then made a radio that had a hidden message for her and she read out the message for me on both sides of the radio and it went something like: " This museum is opened for [her name]. But its not going to be opened anymore. The museum is now closed. The museum will be opened tomorrow and she can come and see the museum again." [It was all in chinese btw] Then she told me about how we had to be careful in making the radio because it might explode and she twisted the blocks here and there and showed how it could still stand and called it "her science". She even had a colour coded password to open the radio and exchanged a transmission with the radio which i couldnt catch.

Somehow i feel she has quite a bright future ahead of her.

Today i had 2 separate dreams. The first dream was very depressing because i kept crying in the dream after seeing something and then i ran away and was being chased so i jumped down from the hill which i was on and saw myself land with my eyes closed and blood flowing from my mouth. If only i really died in my dream.

The next dream was half depressing. I suddenly found myself with 15 hamsters which i had forgotten all about and had to clean their change because their fur had become moist with damp hay. I tried to find a container to separate the males and females but i couldnt find one even after a long time and i was at a military camp so i called away.

At first life at military school was horrible because there were horrible guys who picked on the few girls there and the few girls there were also quite annoying. The scene changed to arguing with this girl and i kept shooting back at her until she couldnt reply and felt demoralised and decided to shut up. Then somehow i forgot how suddenly everyone became friends with the main character and we exchanged hi-5s.

Then the days at the military school was over so i had to return to my island and i was sad to leave the people there cuz we had become friends but i still had to leave anyway.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

lemmings commiting suicide is complete and utter nonsense!

I just saw lemmings on tv on okto~ Animal night yay!
The guy was trying to catch a lemming since foxes can catch lemmings. And he managed to catch one! And its dam cute!!! ahhhh!! i want a lemming!

guy: It reminds me of a hamster
guy: The spherical shape is perfect for keeping warm etc etc.
Lemmins change colour during winter. There used to be a myth where this guy thought white lemmings fell from the sky like snowflakes. Lemming population get alot during sth sth time, then they migrate but a lot of them drown and people thought they committed suicide when they saw them in the water! But no! Lemmings dont commit suicide!~ Its a myth!

I took photo of the lemming on tv but im lazy to post it.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm bored
The sky is black
I have no inspiration
My poems based on emoness
Don't come with no depression.
The only time i write and write
is when i want to fight and fight.
The thoughts my brain is thinking wrong
I havent written for so long
My rhyming skills are failing me
My thought processes are empty
Im wasting all my time right now
for thinking why and thinking how

Monday, November 03, 2008


rah! terminatordog!

Supercute doggie
YAY PW IS OVER! stupid internet got disconnected so now i have to write all over again. Anyway GOOD LUCK TO HUIWEI and XIU RONG'S group! Soon we'll all be free! Im starting to get sick of my group and im gonna burn all my PW stuff! messed up a little on my OP but i dont care anymore! Its over so there!

TJS says:
im so scared abt q n a..
.there's-a-ray. says:
aiya, just crap lor
.there's-a-ray. says:
TJS says:
yeah~~~~ if it is in chinese~ i can crap untill the doomday..



Missed the earlier part cuz had piano exam but didnt wanna wait around at vivo for them cuz they were gonna take some time and i was bored. So i popped over to sentosa just in time to help huiwei and xiurong carry stuff while they went to bathe -.- And then played a bit of bridge and then we all went back! Got food from food republic and ate it at the open area space at vivo. It was dark so we gathered around a lamplight so it looked like we were having campfire! Then there were about 3 groups playing bridge. One group of us left to go arcade!

We wanted to play the basketball game but there were people playing so we played photohunt! There was zuiqiu, jiasheng, zhuochun, zheyu, fu di, huiwei and me crowded around one machine and it was fun cuz everyone was playing! Quite funny when zhuochun, half-blind with his broken specs poked the screen and saved the day! And also jiasheng who had to reach out from far and wide to prod the screen and save the day! We played around 3 games then died cuz we all forgot to look at the time -.-

Then played the basketball game! I teamed with jiasheng while huiwei teamed with fu di and of cuz they won cuz fu di was too pro -.- Rah! But we didnt give up! [although that didnt help much] Played until arm was so suan that i couldnt throw the ball far enough to go into the net anymore haha.

We randomly played kiddy games too where we just took the plastic balls and kept throwing at the screen to hit the thingies on the screen. lol. just anyhow throw also can.

Eventually huiwei and the scholars left so i went to find Xiu Rong, who was with Minlu and Crispy and they were playing para para. Minlu is hilarious man!! She worships the machine! And Xiu Rong sweeps people away! Haha! Crispy looked the most normal...

So yea, that was the fun class outing we had! yay!

I am going to train tmr~

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dog and Frog!
And the battle begins...

Evidently the frog is losing...

But it does not give up.

And the frog goes down again!

And it picks itself up! [this pic looks a bit like a family portrait. They are both looking at the camera]

Oh no the frog got caught!

Oh well... theres no hope left for it now.