Thursday, June 26, 2008

yay! no more common tests for meee...

anyway since i have barred myself from the com for a week, i shall write about how the week went.

On sunday, to start off, my nose was running like a cheetah [oh wait this is kinda a wrong comparison since cheetah's lack stamina but my nose sure ran like a marathon runner]. Just kept running and running the whole day non stop. I used up sooo much tissue. Lazy to keep walking to the dustbin to throw tissue away so i just had a plastic bag beside me and it was fulll of tissue. This was the only day in the whole holiday i studied more than 4 hours [cuz on other days i kept falling asleep], since the studying was just annotating of Great Expectations and i had to finish it or be doomed.

Monday however, my nose didnt run anymore. Went for KI paper, which was pretty slack. My handwriting was so NICE and BIG for section A but small and crappy for section C cuz i forgot to write bigger to be able to gauge how many words to write. And also because i wasnt sure what to write... supposed to assess the argument, but didnt have many points to say about it.

Tuesday was chem and lit. Chem, a total disaster. A sure fail. Even heard this guy say wa study like never study like that, sure fail lo. But it wasnt supposed to be hard, i just really suck at chem... probably getting 30 or so out of 100.

Lit was alright. I liked the poem. About a jaguar. Didnt bother reading the other poem. My handwriting for lit was soooo spaced out it was like one-finger spacing between the letters man. Because during one of the lectures it was mentioned that average handwriting is 8 words per line, so i tried doing that but it still ended up around 12 words a line. M y w o r d s l o o k e d l i k e t h i s. Really! Wrote around 1200 worth of crapping for each.

Mathh on wednesdayyyy.. my first 3 hour paper of the common test. Ahhh the paper wasnt hard.. i made some stupid careless mistakes.. that cost A LOT of marks!! eek. I cant live up to those GREAT EXPECTATIONS!! > <>

Anyway i celebrated the end of my exam with a Burger King Milo.

Yay. What a not so epic week. But i had epic dreams. I forgot the actual content but my dream this morning was sweeny todd-esque. It had a guy that looked like johnny depp in it, with the eye shadow and mascara and pale complexion and black skinny clothings get up kind. Also had a girl character, similar, but with rags and layers of plaid and cloth with picha-ded[this is not a real word] ends with threads handing down and coarse and common boots[too much lit]. Messy hair. They really looked like characters from a crooked fairy tale. Then there was a part where i dreamt i had a hamster. And since in real life i didnt feed no hamster, in my dream i was like SHYT! I DIDNT FEED THE HAMSTER! so i went and took it out. There were two of them, but one hamster had a tail like a mouse.. i took it to the kitchen sink at home, to bathe it!! Rubbed green apple soap on its back.. remember seeing it almost fall into the sea [though there was no sea] But it slowly stiffened and died.. Yes it did. And its tail was swollen because i didnt feed it!! What is this ominous foreboding?? Ok, dont wanna think so much. Better do the bio quiz on km..

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