Saturday, June 14, 2008

why are some people in this world so evil and act smart!! and scheming!!!

like mr high!!!
grrrr so pissing off. this kind of crappy unhelpful uncooperative unreasonable unwanted people should just be shot right in the eyeball!!

walaoZ. Think we wanna use your car on purpose think your car very nice meh?!?! Got transformer sticker doesnt mean is really transformer okay!!! Got no car then dont use your car la! Not like youre the only human bean with a CAR. Obviously we will be able to find other people with cars AND other people who are MUCH MORE helpful and understanding.

HMPH. dont want to fetch dont fetch la! Dont have to say tell the others not to help us fetch it also right. So toot. use your brain a bit la... who is so dumb to take public transport to carry 6kg when you have car?? Like who will go carry a bag on a stick and trudge your way to the next village when you have trains.

pampered what pampered lor. You think the whole world wanna take advantage of you, so ego for what.

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