Saturday, January 26, 2008

i watched the mist today. Yay, a horror movie finally. but it was more gory than scary, and it was like the dreamcatcher. but anyway, if you dont wanna get it spoiled, then dont continue reading.

i warned you.

THE MIST based on the novella by STEPHEN KING
alright. david is the main character in this story, he's an artist and he has a son, Billy. The movie started out with him painting the gunslinger, from Stephen King's Dark Tower series. There's a storm and he abandons his painting to go hide in the basement[i think] with his wife and sun. A tree falls through the window and smashes the paintings. [the person in front of me jumped in her seat]

Next morning, the family go outside and they see the bad damage done, stuff smashed and so on. Their boathouse got crushed by a tree, which belongs to the guy next door, who is this black guy. Aparently David and this guy have something against each other because of some law suit they had last time, but i didnt quite catch it. anyway, david just wanted to say something about the tree crushing his boat house. They kinda became friendly with each other for a while and the black guy asked for a drive to town.

So David, that guy and Billy went to town in David's car. They went to this convenience store, called a convenience store for a good reason. There was no power and stuff, lots of people were there trying to stock up. Next thing you know, this guy runs in with blood flowing from his nose saying some Jon Lee guy got taken by the mist. There's a mist catching on at this moment, it tumbles through the air towards the convenience store. They rush to close the doors. This guy insists on not staying put and decides to run to his car. Just as the mist closes in, he gets lost in it and you hear like, his screaming. Then nothing. Then there is like this earthquake. Shake shake. Things fall from the shelves. [it's like trying to make the place look messy and chaotic.] Another woman wants to go home to her children. She asks if any man would accompany a lady home, but no one wants to so she steps out the store and goes through the mist. No screaming here.

They're talkin about switching off the generator or something. I dont know but anyway they have to go to the room at the back to do it, so david goes, and after he switches off the thing, he sees like, the metal blinds door [that thing that shops usually pull down when they close i dunno what its called] and its pulsating, liek there's something pushing it. There's a small slit at the bottom where mist is sneaking in through. David hears a sound. He goes outside to tell some worker people that he heard a sound, but they dont believe him. So they all go in. And then they wanna do something to some vehicle outside so this young chap volunteers. David keeps telling them not to but the stupid young chap asks him to shut the * up [cuz he wants to show off how pro he is.]. So they open the metal thing to let him go out. But mist covers the entire exit. The young chap stares at it. The old guys there laugh about how they dont see any boogie mans [or sth] Next thing they know, tentacles shoot out and cling onto the snotty young chap. They have mouths too so they kinda bite him, and their bites rip like this whole section of his skin off so you have a bloody mess of whatever with the fibres of skin hanging off the tantacles. And it bites again! So another patch of bloody mess there. [I dont know why they couldnt just close the metal door thing] David tries to save him, but in the end he gets taken. [Oh, then they finally press the switch to close the door] The old guys are remorseful but one gets punched in the face by David cuz he kept saying sorry too much.

So they were wondering how to tell the others. They tried telling the black man first but he accused them of trying to make a fool of him. They wanted to show him the evidence [David chopped a chunk of tentacle so there's the evidence there] But he refused to see it. dumass. They try to tell the rest of the people in the store, only a few agree to go see the tentacle. Unfortunately, when that group go in, one guy pokes the tentacle and it contracts and kinda deflates and releases a puddle of muck and then disintegrates. Hooray! There goes the evidence. The black guy carries on hollering about how he aint gonna get fooled. And then there's this woman who keeps preaching about how is this punishment from god.

A bunch of people decide to go out and try to do i dont know what and one of them is the black guy. He doesnt believe there's anything out there anyway so yea he goes out. Another guy gets a rope tied to him while he goes out. So they go out.. walk walk walk.. then suddenly the rope gets pulled by whatever's out there and David gets some bad rope burns. Someone throws him a cloth. They try to pull the guy back but all they get is blood on the rope.. and the lower half of his body.

Whee. then what happened hmmm... They covered the windows with dog food and fertilizers, but they only covered half the windows so its kinda pointless. At night, suddenly there's an attack of giant flies. Then there are these pterodactyl things that fly and try to grab the flies that land on the glass windows of the shop front. When they grab the flies, they kinda hit against the glass so finally, it broke. The flies flew in and one of them bit a girl. She got really swollen and gross around the neck and face. It was like, veiny and lumpy and just grotesque.

Then the pterodactyls entered. This guy who was trying to make a fire-mop got himself caught on fire instead so another problem there. One pterodactyl was taken down by fire while another was shot. twice.

Ok so.. the christian woman was preaching on how the bible said there would be like smoke over the temple or something or other and that they all had to stay inside and face judgement. Meanwhile, David and some other guys wanna go to the pharmacy beside the convenience store [which also has a bathroom btw] to get some meds for the dying burnt guy who wants to shoot himself. So they set off. They see a military guy who is caught in a web and hes apologising and saying its their fault i think. Then that guy explodes into a nest of golden spider-looking bugs that start crawling everywhere. Then there are more giant bugs everywhere that start attacking them so they decide to run. This pro old lady who went along set one on fire.

They return, with nothing i think, anyway, skip to the part where the woman now has a congregation. People who thought she was talking nonsense at first now believe her and they all think that they have to undergo punishment. One of the guys see David and a few other guys going into the room with the metal blinds. They're actually looking for the other military people who were in the store to ask them what this was all about and why the guy had to apologise. but the military people had hanged themselves. Then the guy who followed them dragged out the remaining military guy and started sayin that he was the one who caused this. the military guy admitted to saying that there was a project that the scientists were carrying out and they were trying to find a window to the other portals of the world, but it was not his fault at all. That preacher woman started spouting nonsense about how it is his fault and he is 'pointing the finger!' and they should all kill him. So they did. This man took a knife and stabbed him. Once. Again. Again. and then they carried him and threw him out of the store to be taken by the mist monsters. Humans are really the monsters in this movie, rather than those out there.

David and the more sane people want to escape. But the preacher woman found out. She was waiting for them with a knife and there were more people with knives that were surrounding them and preventing them from leaving. She was saying that they should not go against god's will and that they should be killed! She said she proved herself to be a vassal of god. But one of the sane guys shot her. And the people in the cinema clapped. Shot her in the abdomen and in the forehead. The people with knives dropped them and David and his party ran out the store to his car. Of course on the way there more got taken by huge monsters, some with great pincers. So there were left with 5 of them that made it to the car. David, his son, the old lady, a young lady and an old man. All the variations of people.

They drove and drove and drove. Drove back to David's home where they saw that his wife had been caught in a web through the hole where the window had broken. Then they continued on and there was this giant monster with a tentacle-ly head and uber long legs, like a giant daddy-long-legs that walked past them. It was like the thing in star wars but i dont know what its called. So anyway they drive till there's no more gas. Then they decide to shoot themselves. But there are only 4 bullets, for 5 people. Whoohoo. David shoots everyone but himself. He keeps screaming, and then he goes out the car and calls for the monsters to take him. Buuuuutt instead, a tank comes. The mist clears. Everything is fine now. POOR DAVID. He just killed his own son and stuff and the next second, everything clears up. A truck with people drive past and on it there's the woman who left the store earlier, the one who asked for a man to accompany a lady. So poor david has to live with the guilt forever now or kill himself.

And that's like, the end! Ok, in my summary it just sounds quite stupid but its quite nice still, the movie, its creepy and gory. Maybe you should just go watch it if you wanna know really, the whole thing, cuz i might have left out quite a bit. Another way is, go read the book. But the book ends differently so yea, this is how the movie is like.

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