Tuesday, July 05, 2011

whenever someone hears that I'm giving tuition the first thing they say is "oh how nice, an extra source of income!" and I will comment that it's tiring and distracting and they would just say," oh yea.. but it's an extra source of income!" and that's like all they ever think about, the extra source of income. they don't think of the student as a sort of tape worm sucking up your time and your mind and thinking that they actually control you so you have to adhere to their schedules and change your own organised plans for their sake because you have committed to being responsible for the using of their brains when it's simply rubbish, nonsense, shyt to the highest level. these kids think the world revolves around them and want you to cancel your own plans and fit them in whatever half an hour spares you have and you just want to slap them and wake them up and tell them to get back in line and stop being a squirming little shyt. and when you're tired and down and faced too many retards for the day and your quota is up and you get home and your mom tells you change of plans she's only coming at this time, when you felt the guilt leaving earlier from work, leaving the trail of work behind for the other worker, only to rush home to a fool that isn't even coming at the agreed time. it's tiring, ridiculous, stupid but inevitable because there will always be kids like that who dont use their brains, don't inform and don't bother cuz you will make space for them somehow because you have to, because you're responsible.

and I am lucky to have friends that can accommodate me and change our own meeting plans for the sake of this one insignificant and ignorant dumb being that I have the dam luck to have to cross paths with in this lifetime of mine.

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