Saturday, October 30, 2010

I had a series of dreams last night

1. I was brought to a haunted house where my sister was and she was normal at first but gradually became possessed. There was a part where the person who brought me here was trying to make me go into the kitchen but somehow I knew the kitchen had all the spirits so I acted normal trying to divert the course of action to another location. Then I looked into the bedroom and saw my sis sitting on the bed, her back facing me. She was holding an umbrella and her hair was tied in two long flowing ponytails and her hair was black and she was rocking back and forth. I was so upset I jumped onto her and yelled and screamed at the spirits to let her go but then I think I died cuz I woke up.

2. I had to submit something to the lab and there were two ways in but I didn't wanna take the lift for some reason I cannot fathom. So I entered by the door on the 4th story but the place for submission was on the 1st. I had to cross over a lot of things scattered on the floor and there were two lab ppl there telling me where to go. When I had to go downstairs they said there wasn't a stair, I had to go down through a hole in the ground. I didn't think it a problem until I was down the hole and there wasn't a ladder. There was a cloth that I had to pull ina certain way to support my going down. I suceeded initially but then I slipped and there was a long way to falling and I fell, and gasped as I woke up.

3. There was a civilization of strange creatures that were like gremlins but there were also normal animals like beavers and they were part of a game my brother played but I only found that out later in the dream. I was watching them live. They were having a power struggle, the evil guy seemed to be winning. A gremlin like creature was somehow bound to each leader and if the leader wouldn't let them
go they were bound forever. This particular gremlin was bound to an evil leader and he was trying to escape, but failed and was facin his doom. The other gremlins tried to help but they didn't succeed either because the evil was too much for them to bear. Then I saw a flashback scene where the gremlin was agreeing to be bound with the evil leader because he lost faith in the good one and thus this was all really his fault and no one could really save him. It ended with my brother seeing the creatures and exclaiming hey it's Torr! Which was apparently the name of the game. And I saw a poster of it and there was White powdery stuff which could be smudged about to change the setting of the picture which was the Torr characters at the bottom under a deep blue cloudless sky. I smudged the White powder into clouds that spelt 'hello' and hoped my brother would notice.

4. There was a house warming at a huge White house but i don't know who's house it was. I didn't stay there very long becuase I went for dinner with Lyrad n Js and his sister whom Ive never even met in real life and it was at a restaurant with orange lights and we sat at a round table in a corner and we ate too much and js's sister wanted to take a photo but only with me and not the guys and she was very happy with the photo, she gave me a high five. I woke up with a stomachache. From something I ate in a dream. How weird is that? And the stomachache faded away by itsel without me doing anything.

5. Somewhere in one of my dreams I ate a
lot of pizza but I don't rememer which dream
it was though I think it was the Torr one.

And that sums up my night of 29th October, or otherwise my morning of the 30th. The first dream woke me at 4+am. The first two dreams should be reversed for the order to be correct.

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