Saturday, October 02, 2010

Halloween at Night Safari (again!) 2010

Yes! Night safari halloween again! This year it was chinese horror theme or sth cuz there were chinese character-ed signs and more chinese ghosts than last last year. And there was a GUI HOUSE. what the lame name man! It was literally written as that on the signboard. but it looked quite funky. There wasnt a gui house the last time i went though and i expected it to be super scary so i was super frightened to go in! But i did anyway because honey bunches was there and we went in a group of 3 with an indian guy who was very enthu. First there was this creepy woman who FOLLOWED US and STEPPED ON MY SHOE! and freaked me out of course. Thank goodness i didnt see her face or i might have died right there and then. According to honey bunches the make up was really scary. The indian guy made sound effects everytime he whipped open the curtains to the next room! But it seemed like nothing jumped out at us. I think. Not sure cuz i wasnt really looking hah. There was a guy cleaning blood off the floor also but he didnt jump at us either. And in the room of mummies i raelly thought someone was gonna jump out! But no one did. So the whole time i was just scaring myself and squealing to feel better. It really does make you feel better! Oh! But a guy did pop out of the wall saying "want some companyyy?~?~?!~" in a creepy growl and shocked us

gui house concluded very fast and it was on to tram! Yay the tram was quite awesome. the aminals were really closeee. And the stag! Huge!~ and the hippos! gargantuan! and the buffalos! really dam big la. See on tv never look that big. The scary portion of the tram wasnt very scary! not as scary as the last time with the 'hell' theme where people were being tortured on stakes and stuff. The scaring people didnt touch us like 2 years ago and didnt climb onto the tram like they did last time! So it wasnt so hard on the heart.

And the forest giants trail was quite terrifying for me. -.- stupid little girl popped out from the bushes with a sad ghost wail and i almost died and collided with some zoo helper guy. And whats his name carrying 2 buckets of whatsit made me almost slip down a slippery bridge cuz he was approaching all of a sudden -.- and i saw corpse bride! that was cool. oh. but i don't remember seeing any animals cept for those in the glass enclosures.

after the trail we went to watch the creatures of the night show and that was pretty cool too. a wolf! and it howled! how awesome is that. the rest were quite typical look how smart this animal is performances but the cute pakistan american kid volunteer was quite unforgettable with his cool true blue american accent "i just knew it!" which 5-7 year old singaporean kid says that?

night safari has mee goreng for $15 man! entrance fee $40 not enough to make you cough blood arh! sugarcane $8. omg!

anyway after that was midnight macs and sweet sweet sleep~

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