Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yesterday was fun.

Went on Chinatown field trip with a bunch of little wobbly human beings and it was an entertaining experience. quite.

It was fun for the most part, kids scooting away and you, having been assigned 4 of them, had to run after them and drag them back by the threads of their thick orange collars. The weather was stuffy like being trapped in a huge cotton ball but the shops were selling stuffs which shimmered in the light of the sun, a pretty sight to behold one's vision, almost completely blurred from the shadows of sneaking children. Chattering, laughing, squeaking were most of the sound effects heard and nice uncles from candy stores donated candies to us poor starving kids.

The only sad sad sight was of the old lady, which we saw as we turned the corner to the Chinatown MRT lift. The lady had bumped her head, i presume [it is unlikely she fell, as the others said] because her head was leaking blood at the speed of when one fills a bathtub with warm water, but the rest of her was fine. The blood was so much it soaked up an entire hankerchief and a millions tissues and i kid you not, it was trickling down her face like the morning dew off a leaf too weak to hold anymore of that weight.

I was quite traumatised by that incident, close to tears [stopping myself because I was supposed to be a grown up and a 'teacher' and not to appear weak in front of little frightened children]. I just don't understand why the teachers let the children watch. They seemed quite afraid, making tiny comments[she fall down?] in apprehensive tones, like they were afraid the lady would hear them, I don't know why. We moved on soon, after an ambulance was called, and all was well again with the children, the incident seemed to have slipped through the tunnels in their minds and out of their ears in 3 seconds. Maybe it slipped out.. but maybe it was just tucked away into a hidden corner of their minds, ready to escape at any trigger?

oh well, i don't know. Maybe it's better not to ponder so much.

I couldn't sleep last night, as usual, my head was filled with sounds of children talking and teachers shouting. Sigh. I kept telling it to shutup and go away, but it wouldn't and so i didn't sleep. And so my eyeballs are gonna fall out of my sockets in a moment or too.

Wait. This was supposed to be a happy post!

Well, I had a lot of fun yesterday, despite the scary incidents along the way, but it all ended well *schmiles.*

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