Thursday, February 04, 2010

updates in the life of pie. i mean, donut.

YES!! FINALLY CAN SEVERE TIES WITH THE EVIL SALAD WOMAN!! GAHH after 2 weeks of no news from her, i called her up on monday to ask her and she TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT IT MAN. And she still had the cheek to ask me to come down and help her cuz one girl took sick leave! WAPIANG. if not for the pay she owed me i would have denied her straight. Pfft. Anway i accepted her plea for me to help 2 hours at the shop. She wanted me to cab down so i did. The cost was $10.40 [BUT the kiam woman only paid me $10. stupid shyt. i'm dam pissed cuz shes sucking my money even if its just 40cents and she REQUESTED for me to take a dam cab. why cant she just pay for it in full??? i may sound kiam but she is kiammer!! she's earning like shytloads from ripping people off.]

Anyway, i worked for 3.5 HOURS FOR HER, NOT 2 dam hours which she claimed. What a toot! I called her at 3 cuz she said she'll meet me at the place, and i was only supposed to be there 2 hours. PIANG EH she said she will only come at 430!!! She think everyone so free issit??? GAHHH i still had to go teach tuition in the night!! Thanks to her i didnt even get dinner. RAH.

So she came at 430. AND acted confused and innocent about my miscalculated pay, happily rounding up all the 1/2 hours extra i worked to shortchange me $1.40, which could have paid for my dam transport home since she asked me to go to that stupid place. She was only willing to pay 1/4 of what cheeseburger claimed she owes him, but i have no idea about his records cuz they were kinda confusing, so i didn't argue too much. Just so fed up with dealing with fake people like her.

I hate that place.

this is such an awful post, i shall post my nicer stuff in another more pleasant post. ergh.

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