Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i woke up LATE this morning. Mom suddenly came into the room at 7:05am gasping in shock. I opened my eyes, saw the colour of the light in the room [quite blue and bright, meaning not 6+ anymore, meaning must be 7+, meaning LATE.] and my first thought was SHYT. Hopped out of bed, brushed teeth, changed and bounced out of the house in a grand total of 3 minutes. I'm fast right!! Hailed a cab at 7:11am which cost me THIRTY-ONE BUCKS. Walao eh. I dunno if the uncle cheated me or what. The plain fare was $17, the surcharge was $14. Grah. I almost made it, might have if the uncle had the change for me!! anyway i was late for the first time in my NJ life. sigh.

This is what happens when usually I'm the only one who wakes up in the morning. Me dont wake up= mom dont wake up = sis+dad dont wake up. Ta da. It's a chain reaction. I don't seem to hear my clock recently though. I wonder if it's spoilt or i'm spoilt. Probably I am.

Anyway yesterday morning i went to see the Da Vinci Exhibition with my sis and bc. It was intriguing while i was there but it didn't leave an impact on me! My sis said if she wanted to see replicas of an artist's work she would just go search online. It was $15 to see the replicas. Anyway to feel better, we watched an omnimax movie, Sea Monsters! It was quite awesome but my legs felt weak sitting at the top of the theatre. When i went the first time in primary school, i was cringing in the chair. It's like a viking feeling, which i cannot stand. This time, the national geographic logo being flashed in a way that the yellow rectangle comes towards you like a tunnel, totally made me and my sis weak in the knees. I had to grab on to the armrests and shut my eyes for a moment. Man, when they show those dipping scenes, like, from flying over the horizon to being sucked into the sea, you totally feel like you're falling. Well, i totally feel like i'm falling and my heart falls with it. Yet i think it would have been nicer with more of that because that's like the whole point of the omnimax theatre! It can give you that feeling!

Anyway the show was just following the life of a cute flipper-ed dino which they referred to as the Daaaaa-ly. She got bitten by a shark and there was a shark tooth embedded in her skeleton when the paleontologists were sweeping up her bones. Yea there was some diversity and evolution involved. Hah.

Exiting the omnimax brought us to a space exhibit, which was really really nice, I love outer space apart from the aliens. We didn't stay too long cuz i was supposed to go home and study soon. We went to IMM to eat and DAISO where everything is 2 dollars, and i was SOO tempted to get this cute little box of pastels! My sis strongly supported me in buying a cute little box of markers instead so i got the cute little markers instead. But i still think those pastels were SO CUTE. Ahh.. i just wanted to own all the colour pencils, markers, crayons and little pastels on that shelf!

Okay, after that we went off home and i did work until 1+ resulting in my being late for school. YAY.

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